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TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
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// @ts-ignore TS6133import { expect } from "";const test = Deno.test;
import { util } from "../helpers/util.ts";import * as z from "../index.ts";import { ZodNullable, ZodOptional } from "../index.ts";
const nested = z.object({ name: z.string(), age: z.number(), outer: z.object({ inner: z.string(), }), array: z.array(z.object({ asdf: z.string() })),});
test("shallow inference", () => { const shallow = nested.partial(); type shallow = z.infer<typeof shallow>; type correct = { name?: string | undefined; age?: number | undefined; outer?: { inner: string } | undefined; array?: { asdf: string }[]; }; util.assertEqual<shallow, correct>(true);});
test("shallow partial parse", () => { const shallow = nested.partial(); shallow.parse({}); shallow.parse({ name: "asdf", age: 23143, });});
test("deep partial inference", () => { const deep = nested.deepPartial(); const asdf = deep.shape.array.unwrap().element.shape.asdf.unwrap(); asdf.parse("asdf"); type deep = z.infer<typeof deep>; type correct = { array?: { asdf?: string }[]; name?: string | undefined; age?: number | undefined; outer?: { inner?: string | undefined } | undefined; };
util.assertEqual<deep, correct>(true);});
test("deep partial parse", () => { const deep = nested.deepPartial();
expect( instanceof z.ZodOptional).toBe(true); expect(deep.shape.outer instanceof z.ZodOptional).toBe(true); expect(deep.shape.outer._def.innerType instanceof z.ZodObject).toBe(true); expect( deep.shape.outer._def.innerType.shape.inner instanceof z.ZodOptional ).toBe(true); expect( deep.shape.outer._def.innerType.shape.inner._def.innerType instanceof z.ZodString ).toBe(true);});
test("deep partial runtime tests", () => { const deep = nested.deepPartial(); deep.parse({}); deep.parse({ outer: {}, }); deep.parse({ name: "asdf", age: 23143, outer: { inner: "adsf", }, });});
test("deep partial optional/nullable", () => { const schema = z .object({ name: z.string().optional(), age: z.number().nullable(), }) .deepPartial();
expect(; expect(schema.shape.age.unwrap()).toBeInstanceOf(ZodNullable);});
test("deep partial tuple", () => { const schema = z .object({ tuple: z.tuple([ z.object({ name: z.string().optional(), age: z.number().nullable(), }), ]), }) .deepPartial();
expect(schema.shape.tuple.unwrap().items[0] ZodOptional );});
test("deep partial inference", () => { const mySchema = z.object({ name: z.string(), array: z.array(z.object({ asdf: z.string() })), tuple: z.tuple([z.object({ value: z.string() })]), });
const partialed = mySchema.deepPartial(); type partialed = z.infer<typeof partialed>; type expected = { name?: string | undefined; array?: | { asdf?: string | undefined; }[] | undefined; tuple?: [{ value?: string }] | undefined; }; util.assertEqual<expected, partialed>(true);});
test("required", () => { const object = z.object({ name: z.string(), age: z.number().optional(), field: z.string().optional().default("asdf"), });
const requiredObject = object.required(); expect(; expect(requiredObject.shape.age).toBeInstanceOf(z.ZodNumber); expect(requiredObject.shape.field).toBeInstanceOf(z.ZodDefault);});
test("with mask", async () => { const object = z.object({ name: z.string(), age: z.number().optional(), field: z.string().optional().default("asdf"), });
const masked = object .partial({ name: true, age: true, field: true, }) .strict();
masked.parse({}); await masked.parseAsync({});});