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TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
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type alias partialUtil.DeepPartial
import { type partialUtil } from "";
const { DeepPartial } = partialUtil;
definition: T extends ZodObject<ZodRawShape> ? ZodObject<[k in keyof T["shape"]]: ZodOptional<DeepPartial<T["shape"][k]>>, T["_def"]["unknownKeys"], T["_def"]["catchall"]> : T extends ZodArray<infer Type, infer Card> ? ZodArray<DeepPartial<Type>, Card> : T extends ZodOptional<infer Type> ? ZodOptional<DeepPartial<Type>> : T extends ZodNullable<infer Type> ? ZodNullable<DeepPartial<Type>> : T extends ZodTuple<infer Items> ? [k in keyof Items]: Items[k] extends ZodTypeAny ? DeepPartial<Items[k]> : never extends infer PI ? PI extends ZodTupleItems ? ZodTuple<PI> : never : never : T