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TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
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// @ts-ignore TS6133import { expect } from "";const test = Deno.test;
import { util } from "../helpers/util.ts";import * as z from "../index.ts";
test("branded types", () => { const mySchema = z .object({ name: z.string(), }) .brand<"superschema">();
// simple branding type MySchema = z.infer<typeof mySchema>; util.assertEqual< MySchema, { name: string } & { [z.BRAND]: { superschema: true } } >(true);
const doStuff = (arg: MySchema) => arg; doStuff(mySchema.parse({ name: "hello there" }));
// inheritance const extendedSchema = mySchema.brand<"subschema">(); type ExtendedSchema = z.infer<typeof extendedSchema>; util.assertEqual< ExtendedSchema, { name: string } & z.BRAND<"superschema"> & z.BRAND<"subschema"> >(true);
doStuff(extendedSchema.parse({ name: "hello again" }));
// number branding const numberSchema = z.number().brand<42>(); type NumberSchema = z.infer<typeof numberSchema>; util.assertEqual<NumberSchema, number & { [z.BRAND]: { 42: true } }>(true);
// symbol branding const MyBrand: unique symbol = Symbol("hello"); type MyBrand = typeof MyBrand; const symbolBrand = z.number().brand<"sup">().brand<typeof MyBrand>(); type SymbolBrand = z.infer<typeof symbolBrand>; // number & { [z.BRAND]: { sup: true, [MyBrand]: true } } util.assertEqual<SymbolBrand, number & z.BRAND<"sup"> & z.BRAND<MyBrand>>( true );
// keeping brands out of input types const age = z.number().brand<"age">();
type Age = z.infer<typeof age>; type AgeInput = z.input<typeof age>;
util.assertEqual<AgeInput, Age>(false); util.assertEqual<number, AgeInput>(true); util.assertEqual<number & z.BRAND<"age">, Age>(true);
// @ts-expect-error doStuff({ name: "hello there!" });});