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TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
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// @ts-ignore TS6133import { expect } from "";const test = Deno.test;
import { util } from "../helpers/util.ts";import * as z from "../index.ts";
const stringToNumber = z.string().transform((arg) => parseFloat(arg));// const numberToString = z// .transformer(z.number())// .transform((n) => String(n));const asyncNumberToString = z.number().transform(async (n) => String(n));
test("transform ctx.addIssue with parse", () => { const strs = ["foo", "bar"];
expect(() => { z.string() .transform((data, ctx) => { const i = strs.indexOf(data); if (i === -1) { ctx.addIssue({ code: "custom", message: `${data} is not one of our allowed strings`, }); } return data.length; }) .parse("asdf"); }).toThrow( JSON.stringify( [ { code: "custom", message: "asdf is not one of our allowed strings", path: [], }, ], null, 2 ) );});
test("transform ctx.addIssue with parseAsync", async () => { const strs = ["foo", "bar"];
const result = await z .string() .transform(async (data, ctx) => { const i = strs.indexOf(data); if (i === -1) { ctx.addIssue({ code: "custom", message: `${data} is not one of our allowed strings`, }); } return data.length; }) .safeParseAsync("asdf");
expect(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result))).toEqual({ success: false, error: { issues: [ { code: "custom", message: "asdf is not one of our allowed strings", path: [], }, ], name: "ZodError", }, });});
test("z.NEVER in transform", () => { const foo = z .number() .optional() .transform((val, ctx) => { if (!val) { ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom, message: "bad" }); return z.NEVER; } return val; }); type foo = z.infer<typeof foo>; util.assertEqual<foo, number>(true); const arg = foo.safeParse(undefined); if (!arg.success) { expect(arg.error.issues[0].message).toEqual("bad"); }});
test("basic transformations", () => { const r1 = z .string() .transform((data) => data.length) .parse("asdf"); expect(r1).toEqual(4);});
test("coercion", () => { const numToString = z.number().transform((n) => String(n)); const data = z .object({ id: numToString, }) .parse({ id: 5 });
expect(data).toEqual({ id: "5" });});
test("async coercion", async () => { const numToString = z.number().transform(async (n) => String(n)); const data = await z .object({ id: numToString, }) .parseAsync({ id: 5 });
expect(data).toEqual({ id: "5" });});
test("sync coercion async error", async () => { expect(() => z .object({ id: asyncNumberToString, }) .parse({ id: 5 }) ).toThrow(); // expect(data).toEqual({ id: '5' });});
test("default", () => { const data = z.string().default("asdf").parse(undefined); // => "asdf" expect(data).toEqual("asdf");});
test("dynamic default", () => { const data = z .string() .default(() => "string") .parse(undefined); // => "asdf" expect(data).toEqual("string");});
test("default when property is null or undefined", () => { const data = z .object({ foo: z.boolean().nullable().default(true), bar: z.boolean().default(true), }) .parse({ foo: null });
expect(data).toEqual({ foo: null, bar: true });});
test("default with falsy values", () => { const schema = z.object({ emptyStr: z.string().default("def"), zero: z.number().default(5), falseBoolean: z.boolean().default(true), }); const input = { emptyStr: "", zero: 0, falseBoolean: true }; const output = schema.parse(input); // defaults are not supposed to be used expect(output).toEqual(input);});
test("object typing", () => { const t1 = z.object({ stringToNumber, });
type t1 = z.input<typeof t1>; type t2 = z.output<typeof t1>;
util.assertEqual<t1, { stringToNumber: string }>(true); util.assertEqual<t2, { stringToNumber: number }>(true);});
test("transform method overloads", () => { const t1 = z.string().transform((val) => val.toUpperCase()); expect(t1.parse("asdf")).toEqual("ASDF");
const t2 = z.string().transform((val) => val.length); expect(t2.parse("asdf")).toEqual(4);});
test("multiple transformers", () => { const doubler = stringToNumber.transform((val) => { return val * 2; }); expect(doubler.parse("5")).toEqual(10);});
test("short circuit on dirty", () => { const schema = z .string() .refine(() => false) .transform((val) => val.toUpperCase()); const result = schema.safeParse("asdf"); expect(result.success).toEqual(false); if (!result.success) { expect(result.error.issues[0].code).toEqual(z.ZodIssueCode.custom); }
const result2 = schema.safeParse(1234); expect(result2.success).toEqual(false); if (!result2.success) { expect(result2.error.issues[0].code).toEqual(z.ZodIssueCode.invalid_type); }});
test("async short circuit on dirty", async () => { const schema = z .string() .refine(() => false) .transform((val) => val.toUpperCase()); const result = await"asdf"); expect(result.success).toEqual(false); if (!result.success) { expect(result.error.issues[0].code).toEqual(z.ZodIssueCode.custom); }
const result2 = await; expect(result2.success).toEqual(false); if (!result2.success) { expect(result2.error.issues[0].code).toEqual(z.ZodIssueCode.invalid_type); }});