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TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
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// @ts-ignore TS6133import { expect } from "";const test = Deno.test;
import { util } from "../helpers/util.ts";import * as z from "../index.ts";import { ZodIssueCode } from "../ZodError.ts";
test("refinement", () => { const obj1 = z.object({ first: z.string(), second: z.string(), }); const obj2 = obj1.partial().strict();
const obj3 = obj2.refine( (data) => data.first || data.second, "Either first or second should be filled in." );
expect(obj1 === (obj2 as any)).toEqual(false); expect(obj2 === (obj3 as any)).toEqual(false);
expect(() => obj1.parse({})).toThrow(); expect(() => obj2.parse({ third: "adsf" })).toThrow(); expect(() => obj3.parse({})).toThrow(); obj3.parse({ first: "a" }); obj3.parse({ second: "a" }); obj3.parse({ first: "a", second: "a" });});
test("refinement 2", () => { const validationSchema = z .object({ email: z.string().email(), password: z.string(), confirmPassword: z.string(), }) .refine( (data) => data.password === data.confirmPassword, "Both password and confirmation must match" );
expect(() => validationSchema.parse({ email: "", password: "aaaaaaaa", confirmPassword: "bbbbbbbb", }) ).toThrow();});
test("refinement type guard", () => { const validationSchema = z.object({ a: z.string().refine((s): s is "a" => s === "a"), }); type Input = z.input<typeof validationSchema>; type Schema = z.infer<typeof validationSchema>;
util.assertEqual<"a", Input["a"]>(false); util.assertEqual<string, Input["a"]>(true);
util.assertEqual<"a", Schema["a"]>(true); util.assertEqual<string, Schema["a"]>(false);});
test("refinement Promise", async () => { const validationSchema = z .object({ email: z.string().email(), password: z.string(), confirmPassword: z.string(), }) .refine( (data) => Promise.resolve().then(() => data.password === data.confirmPassword), "Both password and confirmation must match" );
await validationSchema.parseAsync({ email: "", password: "password", confirmPassword: "password", });});
test("custom path", async () => { const result = await z .object({ password: z.string(), confirm: z.string(), }) .refine((data) => data.confirm === data.password, { path: ["confirm"] }) .spa({ password: "asdf", confirm: "qewr" }); expect(result.success).toEqual(false); if (!result.success) { expect(result.error.issues[0].path).toEqual(["confirm"]); }});
test("use path in refinement context", async () => { const noNested = z.string()._refinement((_val, ctx) => { if (ctx.path.length > 0) { ctx.addIssue({ code: ZodIssueCode.custom, message: `schema cannot be nested. path: ${ctx.path.join(".")}`, }); return false; } else { return true; } });
const data = z.object({ foo: noNested, });
const t1 = await"asdf"); const t2 = await{ foo: "asdf" });
expect(t1.success).toBe(true); expect(t2.success).toBe(false); if (t2.success === false) { expect(t2.error.issues[0].message).toEqual( "schema cannot be nested. path: foo" ); }});
test("superRefine", () => { const Strings = z.array(z.string()).superRefine((val, ctx) => { if (val.length > 3) { ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.too_big, maximum: 3, type: "array", inclusive: true, exact: true, message: "Too many items 😡", }); }
if (val.length !== new Set(val).size) { ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom, message: `No duplicates allowed.`, }); } });
const result = Strings.safeParse(["asfd", "asfd", "asfd", "asfd"]);
expect(result.success).toEqual(false); if (!result.success) expect(result.error.issues.length).toEqual(2);
Strings.parse(["asfd", "qwer"]);});
test("superRefine async", async () => { const Strings = z.array(z.string()).superRefine(async (val, ctx) => { if (val.length > 3) { ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.too_big, maximum: 3, type: "array", inclusive: true, exact: true, message: "Too many items 😡", }); }
if (val.length !== new Set(val).size) { ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom, message: `No duplicates allowed.`, }); } });
const result = await Strings.safeParseAsync(["asfd", "asfd", "asfd", "asfd"]);
expect(result.success).toEqual(false); if (!result.success) expect(result.error.issues.length).toEqual(2);
Strings.parseAsync(["asfd", "qwer"]);});
test("superRefine - type narrowing", () => { type NarrowType = { type: string; age: number }; const schema = z .object({ type: z.string(), age: z.number(), }) .nullable() .superRefine((arg, ctx): arg is NarrowType => { if (!arg) { // still need to make a call to ctx.addIssue ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom, message: "cannot be null", fatal: true, }); return false; } return true; });
util.assertEqual<z.infer<typeof schema>, NarrowType>(true);
expect(schema.safeParse({ type: "test", age: 0 }).success).toEqual(true); expect(schema.safeParse(null).success).toEqual(false);});
test("chained mixed refining types", () => { type firstRefinement = { first: string; second: number; third: true }; type secondRefinement = { first: "bob"; second: number; third: true }; type thirdRefinement = { first: "bob"; second: 33; third: true }; const schema = z .object({ first: z.string(), second: z.number(), third: z.boolean(), }) .nullable() .refine((arg): arg is firstRefinement => !!arg?.third) .superRefine((arg, ctx): arg is secondRefinement => { util.assertEqual<typeof arg, firstRefinement>(true); if (arg.first !== "bob") { ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom, message: "`first` property must be `bob`", }); return false; } return true; }) .refine((arg): arg is thirdRefinement => { util.assertEqual<typeof arg, secondRefinement>(true); return arg.second === 33; });
util.assertEqual<z.infer<typeof schema>, thirdRefinement>(true);});
test("get inner type", () => { z.string() .refine(() => true) .innerType() .parse("asdf");});
test("chained refinements", () => { const objectSchema = z .object({ length: z.number(), size: z.number(), }) .refine(({ length }) => length > 5, { path: ["length"], message: "length greater than 5", }) .refine(({ size }) => size > 7, { path: ["size"], message: "size greater than 7", }); const r1 = objectSchema.safeParse({ length: 4, size: 9, }); expect(r1.success).toEqual(false); if (!r1.success) expect(r1.error.issues.length).toEqual(1);
const r2 = objectSchema.safeParse({ length: 4, size: 3, }); expect(r2.success).toEqual(false); if (!r2.success) expect(r2.error.issues.length).toEqual(2);});
test("fatal superRefine", () => { const Strings = z .string() .superRefine((val, ctx) => { if (val === "") { ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom, message: "foo", fatal: true, }); } }) .superRefine((val, ctx) => { if (val !== " ") { ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom, message: "bar", }); } });
const result = Strings.safeParse("");
expect(result.success).toEqual(false); if (!result.success) expect(result.error.issues.length).toEqual(1);});