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A caching middeware library for Deno HTTP framework, Oak.
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class Zoic
import { Zoic } from "";

Class to initalize new instance of cache. Takes options to define if cache eviction policy, expiration time for cache itmes, and if response should be returned on cache hit.


import { Zoic } from ""

const cache = new Zoic({
  cache: 'LRU',
  expire: '2h, 5m, 3s',
  capacity: 200

router.get('/dbRead', cache.use, controller.dbRead, ctx => {
 ctx.response.body = ctx.state.somethingFromDb;});

Wtih Redis

Note: with Reids options "expire" and "capacity" do not apply.

const cache = new Zoic({ 
  port: 6379


Zoic(options?: options)


cache: Promise<LRU | Redis>
capacity: number
expire: number
metrics: InstanceType<PerfMetrics>
respondOnHit: boolean


clear(ctx: Context, next: () => Promise<unknown>)

Manually clears all current cache entries.

endPerformanceMark(queryRes: "hit" | "miss")

Marks end of latency test for cache hit or miss, and updates read or write processed

Retrives cache metrics. Designed for use with Chrome extension.

put(ctx: Context, next: () => Promise<unknown>)

Manually sets response to cache.

redisTypeCheck(cache: LRU | Redis): cache is Redis

typecheck for Redis cache

use(ctx: Context, next: () => Promise<unknown>)

Primary caching middleware method on user end. Resposible for querying cache and either returning results to client/attaching results to ctx.state.zoic (depending on user options) or, in the case of a miss, signalling to make response cachable.