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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { discoverExportsByPackage, discoverPackages } from "./packages.ts";import { walk } from "../fs/walk.ts";import { dirname, fromFileUrl, join, relative, toFileUrl,} from "../path/mod.ts";import { VERSION } from "../version.ts";
const cwd = await Deno.realPath(".");
await Deno.remove("./version.ts");
const toRemove = `1. Do not import symbols with an underscore in the name.
Bad: \`\`\`ts import { _format } from "$STD_VERSION/path/_common/format.ts"; \`\`\`
1. Do not import modules with an underscore in the path.
Bad: \`\`\`ts import { filterInPlace } from "$STD_VERSION/collections/_utils.ts"; \`\`\`
1. Do not import test modules or test data.
Bad: \`\`\`ts import { test } from "$STD_VERSION/front_matter/test.ts"; \`\`\``;let readme = await Deno.readTextFile("");readme = readme.replace(toRemove, "");await Deno.writeTextFile("", readme);
let fileServer = await Deno.readTextFile("http/file_server.ts");fileServer = fileServer.replace( `import { VERSION } from "../version.ts";`, `import denoConfig from "./deno.json" with { type: "json" };`,);fileServer = fileServer.replaceAll("${VERSION}", "${denoConfig.version}");fileServer = fileServer.replace( "", "jsr:@std/http@${denoConfig.version}/file_server",);await Deno.writeTextFile("http/file_server.ts", fileServer);
let fileServerTest = await Deno.readTextFile("http/file_server_test.ts");fileServerTest = fileServerTest.replace( `import { VERSION } from "../version.ts";`, `import denoConfig from "./deno.json" with { type: "json" };`,);fileServerTest = fileServerTest.replaceAll( "${VERSION}", "${denoConfig.version}",);await Deno.writeTextFile("http/file_server_test.ts", fileServerTest);
const packages = await discoverPackages();const exportsByPackage = await discoverExportsByPackage(packages);
const allExports: string[] = [];for (const [pkg, exports] of exportsByPackage.entries()) { for (const [_, path] of exports) { allExports.push(join(pkg, path)); }}
// can't use a data url here because it's too long and won't work on windowsconst tempFileText = => `import "${toFileUrl(Deno.realPathSync(path))}";`) .join("");const tempFilePath = "temp_graph.ts";Deno.writeTextFileSync(tempFilePath, tempFileText);const out = await new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { args: ["info", "--json", "--config", "deno.json", tempFilePath],}).output();Deno.removeSync(tempFilePath);const graph = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(out.stdout));
const pkgDeps = new Map<string, Set<string>>( => [pkg, new Set()]),);for (const { specifier, dependencies } of graph.modules) { if (!specifier.startsWith("file://") || specifier.endsWith("temp_graph.ts")) { continue; } const from = relative(cwd, fromFileUrl(specifier)).replaceAll("\\", "/"); const fromPkg = from.split("/")[0]; for (const dep of dependencies ?? []) { if (dep.code) { const to = relative(cwd, fromFileUrl(dep.code.specifier)).replaceAll( "\\", "/", ); const toPkg = to.split("/")[0]; if (fromPkg !== toPkg) { pkgDeps.get(fromPkg)!.add(toPkg); } } if (dep.types) { const to = relative(cwd, fromFileUrl(dep.types.specifier)).replaceAll( "\\", "/", ); const toPkg = to.split("/")[0]; if (fromPkg !== toPkg) { pkgDeps.get(fromPkg)!.add(toPkg); } } }}
const orderedPackages: string[] = [];const seen = new Set<string>();function visit(pkg: string) { if (seen.has(pkg)) return; seen.add(pkg); for (const dep of pkgDeps.get(pkg)!) { visit(dep); } orderedPackages.push(pkg);}for (const pkg of packages) { visit(pkg);}
// Now walk through all files, and replace relative imports between packages// with absolute jsr imports like so:// ```// // cli/parse_args.ts// import { assert } from "../assert/assert.ts";// import * as path from "../path/mod.ts";// ```// becomes// ```// // cli/parse_args.ts// import { assert } from "@std/assert/assert";// import * as path from "@std/path";// ```// Also replace all absolute$STD_VERSION/ imports with absolute jsr// imports.for await (const entry of walk(cwd)) { if (!entry.isFile) continue; if (entry.path.includes("/_tools")) continue; // ignore tools if (entry.path.includes("/testdata/")) continue; // ignore testdata
if (!entry.path.endsWith(".md") && !entry.path.endsWith(".ts")) continue; const text = await Deno.readTextFile(entry.path); const currentUrl = toFileUrl(entry.path); const currentPkg = relative(cwd, entry.path).replaceAll("\\", "/").split("/")[0];
// Find all relative imports. const relativeImportRegex = /from\s+["']\.?\.\/([^"']+)["']/g; const relativeImports = []; for (const match of text.matchAll(relativeImportRegex)) { relativeImports.push("../" + match[1]); }
// Find all absolute imports. const absoluteImportRegex = /https:\/\/deno\.land\/std@\$STD_VERSION\/([^"'\s]+)/g; const absoluteImports = []; for (const match of text.matchAll(absoluteImportRegex)) { absoluteImports.push("$STD_VERSION/" + match[1]); }
const replacedImports: [string, string][] = [];
for (const specifier of relativeImports) { const targetUrl = new URL(specifier, currentUrl); const path = fromFileUrl(targetUrl); const target = relative(cwd, path).replaceAll("\\", "/"); const pkg = target.split("/")[0]; if (pkg === currentPkg) { let newSpecifier = relative(dirname(entry.path), target).replaceAll( "\\", "/", ); if (!newSpecifier.startsWith(".")) { newSpecifier = "./" + newSpecifier; } replacedImports.push([specifier, newSpecifier]); } else { const newSpecifier = "@std/" + fixPackagePath(target).replace(/(\.d)?\.ts$/, "").replace(/\/mod$/, ""); replacedImports.push([specifier, newSpecifier]); } }
for (const specifier of absoluteImports) { const target = specifier.replace( /^https:\/\/deno\.land\/std@\$STD_VERSION\//, "", ); const newSpecifier = "@std/" + fixPackagePath(target).replace(/(\.d)?\.ts$/, "").replace(/\/mod$/, ""); replacedImports.push([specifier, newSpecifier]); }
// Replace all imports. let newText = text; for (const [oldSpecifier, newSpecifier] of replacedImports) { newText = newText.replace(oldSpecifier, newSpecifier); }
// Write the file back. await Deno.writeTextFile(entry.path, newText);}
// Generate `$package/deno.json` files.for (const pkg of packages) { const exportsList = exportsByPackage.get(pkg)!; let exports; if (exportsList.length === 1 && exportsList[0][0] === ".") { exports = "./mod.ts"; } else { exports = Object.fromEntries(exportsList); } const denoJson = { name: `@std/${fixPackageName(pkg)}`, version: VERSION, exports, }; /** @see {@link} */ if (pkg === "crypto") { // @ts-ignore Trust me denoJson.exclude = ["_wasm/target"]; } await Deno.writeTextFile( join(pkg, "deno.json"), JSON.stringify(denoJson, null, 2) + "\n", );}
function fixPackageName(pkg: string) { return pkg.replaceAll("_", "-");}
function fixPackagePath(path: string) { const packageName = /^[^/]+/.exec(path); if (packageName) { return path.replace(packageName[0], fixPackageName(packageName[0])); } return path;}
// Generate `deno.json` file.const denoJson = JSON.parse(await Deno.readTextFile("deno.json"));denoJson.workspaces = => `./${pkg}`);for (const pkg of packages) { const fixedPkg = fixPackageName(pkg); denoJson.imports[`@std/${fixedPkg}`] = `jsr:@std/${fixedPkg}@^${VERSION}`;}await Deno.writeTextFile( "deno.json", JSON.stringify(denoJson, null, 2) + "\n",);