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// Copyright Isaac Z. Schlueter and Contributors. All rights reserved. ISC license.// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { assertEquals } from "../assert/mod.ts";import { parse } from "./parse.ts";import { parseRange } from "./parse_range.ts";import { maxSatisfying } from "./max_satisfying.ts";import { MAX, MIN } from "./constants.ts";
Deno.test({ name: "maxSatisfying()", fn: async (t) => { const versions: [string[], string, string][] = [ [["1.2.3", "1.2.4"], "1.2", "1.2.4"], [["1.2.4", "1.2.3"], "1.2", "1.2.4"], [["1.2.3", "1.2.4", "1.2.5", "1.2.6"], "~1.2.3", "1.2.6"], ];
for (const [v, r, e] of versions) { await t.step(r, () => { const versions = => parse(v)); const range = parseRange(r); const expect = parse(e); const actual = maxSatisfying(versions, range); assertEquals(actual, expect); }); } },});
Deno.test("minSatisfying() handles bad ranges", function () { const r = parseRange("some frogs and sneks-v2.5.6"); assertEquals(maxSatisfying([MIN, MAX], r), undefined);});