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Abstract structure for JavaScript data validation
// Copyright 2023-latest Tomoki Miyauchi. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { and, between, count, empty, enumerator, eq, float, gt, gte, has, instance, int, lt, lte, maxCount, minCount, ne, negative, nonEmpty, nonNegative, nonPositive, not, nullish, or, pattern, positive, single, string, type, unique, validDate,} from "./bindings.ts";import { ValidationFailure } from "./types.ts";import { assertEquals, describe, it } from "./_dev_deps.ts";
describe("default error message", () => { it("should return validation failure with default message", () => { const table: [Iterable<ValidationFailure>, string][] = [ [type("string").validate(0), "should be string, but number"], [ instance(Array).validate(""), "should be instance of Array, but String", ], [ instance(Array).validate(undefined), "should be instance of Array, but undefined", ], [ eq(0).validate("abc"), `should be 0, but "abc"`, ], [ne(0).validate(0), "should be not 0, but 0"], [gt(0).validate(0), "should be greater than 0, but 0"], [ gte(1).validate(0), "should be greater than or equal to 1, but 0", ], [lt(0).validate(0), "should be less than 0, but 0"], [lte(1).validate(2), "should be less than or equal to 1, but 2"], [ not(eq(0)).validate(0), "should be not 0, but 0", ], [has("").validate({}), `should has ""`], [or(string, string).validate(0), "should be string or string"], [float.validate(1), "should be float, but 1"], [int.validate(1.1), "should be integer, but 1.1"], [positive.validate(0), "should be positive number, but 0"], [ nonNegative.validate(-1), "should be non-negative number, but -1", ], [negative.validate(1), "should be negative number, but 1"], [ nonPositive.validate(1), "should be non-positive number, but 1", ], [ validDate.validate(new Date("invalid")), "should be valid Date", ], [count(5).validate(""), "should be 5 items, but 0"], [ maxCount(5).validate("abcdef"), "item count should be less than or equal to 5, but 6", ], [ minCount(5).validate("a"), "item count should be greater than or equal to 5, but 1", ], [single.validate(""), "should be single"], [empty.validate("a"), "should be empty"], [nonEmpty.validate(""), "should be non-empty"], [enumerator(1, 2).validate(3), "should be 1 or 2, but 3"], [and(string, string).expect("override").validate(0), "override"], [nullish.validate(""), `should be nullish, but ""`], [ pattern(/^\d+$/).validate(""), `should be match pattern of \`/^\\d+$/\`, but ""`, ], [between(4, 8).validate(0), "should be between 4 and 8, but 0"], [unique.validate("aa"), "should be unique"], ];
table.forEach(([failures, message]) => { assertEquals([...failures].map(({ message }) => message), [message]); }); });});