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Well-tested utility functions dealing with async iterables
function dropEnd
import { dropEnd } from "";

Drops a specified number of elements from the end of an async iterable, and yields the remaining elements.

import { dropEnd } from "./drop.ts";

async function* gen() { yield "foo"; yield "bar"; yield "baz"; yield "qux" }
const iterable = dropEnd(gen(), 2);
for await (const value of iterable) console.log(value);

The above example will print the following 2 lines:


If the iterable is shorter than or equal to the specified number, no elements are yielded.

import { dropEnd } from "./drop.ts";

async function* gen() { yield "foo"; yield "bar"; yield "baz"; yield "qux" }
const iterable = dropEnd(gen(), 4);
for await (const value of iterable) console.log(value);

The above example will print nothing.

Type Parameters


The type of the elements in the source and the returned async iterable.


source: Iterable<T> | AsyncIterable<T>

The async iterable to drop elements from. It can be either finite or infinite.

count: number

The number of elements to drop. Must be a finite integer.



An async iterable that yields the remaining elements after dropping the last count elements from the source iterable.