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Well-tested utility functions dealing with async iterables
function map
import { map } from "";

Transforms every element of the iterable source into a new iterable.

import { map } from "./map.ts";
import { count } from "./infinite.ts";

const iterable = map((v: number) => v * 2, count());
for await (const value of iterable) console.log(value);

The above example will print the following and keep going forever:


The fn function can take an additional argument, which is the index of the element in the iterable.

import { map } from "./map.ts";

const iterable = map(
  (v: string, i: number) => `${i}. ${v.toUpperCase()}`,
  ["foo", "bar", "baz", "qux"]
for await (const value of iterable) console.log(value);

The above example will print the following 4 lines:

0. FOO
1. BAR
2. BAZ
3. QUX

Type Parameters


The type of the elements in the iterable source.


The type of the elements in the returned async iterable.


fn: ((value: I) => Promise<O> | O) | ((value: I, index: number) => Promise<O> | O)

A function that takes an element to transform and returns a transformed element. It can be either async or sync.

source: Iterable<I> | AsyncIterable<I>

An iterable or async iterable to transform with fn.



An async iterable that consist of the results of fn applied to each element of source.

Transforms every element of the iterables into a new single iterable. If iterable sources are of different lengths, the resulting iterable will be of the same length as the shortest iterable.

import { map } from "./map.ts";
import { count } from "./infinite.ts";

const iterable = map(
  (s: string, n: number) => `${s} ${n}`,
  ["foo", "bar", "baz", "qux"],
for await (const value of iterable) console.log(value);

The above example will print the following 4 lines:

foo 0
bar 1
baz 2
qux 3

The fn function can take an additional argument, which is the index of the element in the iterable.

import { map } from "./map.ts";
import { count } from "./infinite.ts";

const iterable = map(
  (s: string, n: number, i: number) => `${i}. ${s} ${n}`,
  ["foo", "bar", "baz", "qux"],
  count(0, 5)
for await (const value of iterable) console.log(value);

The above example will print the following 4 lines:

0. foo 0
1. bar 5
2. baz 10
3. qux 15

Type Parameters


The type of the elements in the iterable source1.


The type of the elements in the iterable source2.


The type of the elements in the returned async iterable.


fn: ((value1: I1, value2: I2) => Promise<O> | O) | ((
value1: I1,
value2: I2,
index: number,
) => Promise<O> | O)

A function that takes elements of the same position in the sources and returns a single transformed element. It can be either async or sync.

source1: Iterable<I1> | AsyncIterable<I1>

The first iterable to transform with fn. Its each element will be passed as the first argument to fn.

source2: Iterable<I2> | AsyncIterable<I2>

The second iterable iterable to transform with fn. Its each element will be passed as the second argument to fn.



An async iterable that consist of the results of fn applied to each element of source1 and source2.

Transforms every element of the iterables into a new single iterable. If iterable sources are of different lengths, the resulting iterable will be of the same length as the shortest iterable.

Type Parameters


The type of the elements in the iterable source1.


The type of the elements in the iterable source2.


The type of the elements in the iterable source3.


The type of the elements in the returned async iterable.


fn: ((
value1: I1,
value2: I2,
value3: I3,
index: number,
) => Promise<O> | O) | ((
value1: I1,
value2: I2,
value3: I3,
index: number,
) => Promise<O> | O)

A function that takes elements of the same position in the sources and returns a single transformed element. It can be either async or sync.

source1: Iterable<I1> | AsyncIterable<I1>

The first iterable to transform with fn. Its each element will be passed as the first argument to fn.

source2: Iterable<I2> | AsyncIterable<I2>

The second iterable iterable to transform with fn. Its each element will be passed as the second argument to fn.

source3: Iterable<I3> | AsyncIterable<I3>

The third iterable iterable to transform with fn. Its each element will be passed as the third argument to fn.



An async iterable that consist of the results of fn applied to each element of source1, source2, and source3.

Transforms every element of the iterables into a new single iterable. If iterable sources are of different lengths, the resulting iterable will be of the same length as the shortest iterable.

Type Parameters


The type of the elements in the iterable source1.


The type of the elements in the iterable source2.


The type of the elements in the iterable source3.


The type of the elements in the iterable source4.


The type of the elements in the returned async iterable.


fn: ((
v1: I1,
v2: I2,
v3: I3,
v4: I4,
index: number,
) => Promise<O> | O) | ((
v1: I1,
v2: I2,
v3: I3,
v4: I4,
index: number,
) => Promise<O> | O)

A function that takes elements of the same position in the sources and returns a single transformed element. It can be either async or sync.

source1: Iterable<I1> | AsyncIterable<I1>

The first iterable to transform with fn. Its each element will be passed as the first argument to fn.

source2: Iterable<I2> | AsyncIterable<I2>

The second iterable iterable to transform with fn. Its each element will be passed as the second argument to fn.

source3: Iterable<I3> | AsyncIterable<I3>

The third iterable iterable to transform with fn. Its each element will be passed as the third argument to fn.

source4: Iterable<I4> | AsyncIterable<I4>

The fourth iterable iterable to transform with fn. Its each element will be passed as the fourth argument to fn.



An async iterable that consist of the results of fn applied to each element of source1, source2, sourc3, and source4.

Transforms every element of the iterables into a new single iterable. If iterable sources are of different lengths, the resulting iterable will be of the same length as the shortest iterable.

Type Parameters


The type of the elements in the iterable source1.


The type of the elements in the iterable source2.


The type of the elements in the iterable source3.


The type of the elements in the iterable source4.


The type of the elements in the iterable source5.


The type of the elements in the returned async iterable.


fn: ((
v1: I1,
v2: I2,
v3: I3,
v4: I4,
v5: I5,
index: number,
) => Promise<O> | O) | ((
v1: I1,
v2: I2,
v3: I3,
v4: I4,
v5: I5,
index: number,
) => Promise<O> | O)

A function that takes elements of the same position in the sources and returns a single transformed element. It can be either async or sync.

source1: Iterable<I1> | AsyncIterable<I1>

The first iterable to transform with fn. Its each element will be passed as the first argument to fn.

source2: Iterable<I2> | AsyncIterable<I2>

The second iterable iterable to transform with fn. Its each element will be passed as the second argument to fn.

source3: Iterable<I3> | AsyncIterable<I3>

The third iterable iterable to transform with fn. Its each element will be passed as the third argument to fn.

source4: Iterable<I4> | AsyncIterable<I4>

The fourth iterable iterable to transform with fn. Its each element will be passed as the fourth argument to fn.

source5: Iterable<I5> | AsyncIterable<I5>

The fifth iterable iterable to transform with fn. Its each element will be passed as the fifth argument to fn.



An async iterable that consist of the results of fn applied to each element of source1, source2, sourc3, source4, and source5.