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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { basename, dirname, globToRegExp, join } from "";import { JSONC } from "";import { createGenerator, type UnoGenerator } from "";import { findFile } from "../lib/fs.ts";import log from "../lib/log.ts";import util from "../lib/util.ts";import { isCanary, VERSION } from "../version.ts";import type { AlephConfig, ImportMap, JSXConfig, ModuleLoader } from "./types.ts";
export const regFullVersion = /@\d+\.\d+\.\d+/;export const builtinModuleExts = ["tsx", "ts", "mts", "jsx", "js", "mjs"];
export async function globalIt<T>(name: string, fn: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T> { const cache: T | undefined = Reflect.get(globalThis, name); if (cache !== undefined) { return cache; } const ret = await fn(); if (ret !== undefined) { Reflect.set(globalThis, name, ret); } return ret;}
export function globalItSync<T>(name: string, fn: () => T): T { const cache: T | undefined = Reflect.get(globalThis, name); if (cache !== undefined) { return cache; } const ret = fn(); if (ret !== undefined) { Reflect.set(globalThis, name, ret); } return ret;}
export function getAlephPkgUri(): string { return globalItSync("__ALEPH_PKG_URI", () => { const uriFromEnv = Deno.env.get("ALEPH_PKG_URI"); if (uriFromEnv) { return uriFromEnv; } const DEV_PORT = Deno.env.get("ALEPH_DEV_PORT"); if (DEV_PORT) { return `http://localhost:${DEV_PORT}`; } const version = Deno.env.get("ALEPH_VERSION") || VERSION; return `${isCanary ? "aleph_canary" : "aleph"}@${version}`; });}
export function getUnoGenerator(): UnoGenerator | null { return globalItSync("__UNO_GENERATOR", () => { const config: AlephConfig | undefined = Reflect.get(globalThis, "__ALEPH_CONFIG"); if (config?.unocss?.presets) { return createGenerator(config.unocss); } return null; });}
export function getDeploymentId(): string | null { return Deno.env.get("DENO_DEPLOYMENT_ID") ?? null;}
/** * fix remote url to local path. * e.g. `` -> `/-/` */export function toLocalPath(url: string): string { if (util.isLikelyHttpURL(url)) { let { hostname, pathname, port, protocol, search } = new URL(url); const isHttp = protocol === "http:"; if ((isHttp && port === "80") || (protocol === "https:" && port === "443")) { port = ""; } return [ "/-/", isHttp && "http_", hostname, port && "_" + port, util.trimSuffix(pathname, "/"), search, ].filter(Boolean).join(""); } return url;}
/** * restore the remote url from local path. * e.g. `/-/` -> `` */export function restoreUrl(pathname: string): string { let [h,] = pathname.substring(3).split("/"); let protocol = "https"; if (h.startsWith("http_")) { h = h.substring(5); protocol = "http"; } const [host, port] = h.split("_"); return `${protocol}://${host}${port ? ":" + port : ""}/${rest.join("/")}`;}
export async function loadJSXConfig(importMap: ImportMap): Promise<JSXConfig> { const jsxConfig: JSXConfig = {}; const denoConfigFile = await findFile(["deno.jsonc", "deno.json", "tsconfig.json"]);
if (denoConfigFile) { try { const { compilerOptions } = await parseJSONFile(denoConfigFile); const { jsx, jsxImportSource, jsxFactory } = (compilerOptions || {}) as Record<string, unknown>; if ( (jsx === undefined || jsx === "react-jsx" || jsx === "react-jsxdev") && util.isFilledString(jsxImportSource) ) { jsxConfig.jsxImportSource = jsxImportSource; jsxConfig.jsxRuntime = jsxImportSource.includes("preact") ? "preact" : "react"; } else if (jsx === undefined || jsx === "react") { jsxConfig.jsxRuntime = jsxFactory === "h" ? "preact" : "react"; } } catch (error) { log.error(`Failed to parse ${basename(denoConfigFile)}: ${error.message}`); } } else if (Deno.env.get("ALEPH_DEV")) { const jsonFile = join(Deno.env.get("ALEPH_DEV_ROOT")!, "deno.json"); const { compilerOptions } = await parseJSONFile(jsonFile); const { jsx, jsxImportSource, jsxFactory } = (compilerOptions || {}) as Record<string, unknown>; if ( (jsx === undefined || jsx === "react-jsx" || jsx === "react-jsxdev") && util.isFilledString(jsxImportSource) ) { jsxConfig.jsxImportSource = jsxImportSource; jsxConfig.jsxRuntime = jsxImportSource.includes("preact") ? "preact" : "react"; } else if (jsx === undefined || jsx === "react") { jsxConfig.jsxRuntime = jsxFactory === "h" ? "preact" : "react"; } }
let fuzzRuntimeUrl: string | null = null;
for (const url of Object.values(importMap.imports)) { let m = url.match(/^https?:\/\/esm\.sh\/(p?react)@(\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-[a-z\d.]+)*)(\?|$)/); if (!m) { m = url.match(/^https?:\/\/esm\.sh\/(p?react)@.+/); } if (m) { const { searchParams } = new URL(url); if (searchParams.has("pin")) { jsxConfig.jsxRuntimeCdnVersion = util.trimPrefix(searchParams.get("pin")!, "v"); } if (!jsxConfig.jsxRuntime) { jsxConfig.jsxRuntime = m[1] as "react" | "preact"; } if (m[2]) { jsxConfig.jsxRuntimeVersion = m[2]; if (jsxConfig.jsxImportSource) { jsxConfig.jsxImportSource = `${jsxConfig.jsxRuntime}@${m[2]}`; } } else { fuzzRuntimeUrl = url; } break; } }
// get acctual react version from if (fuzzRuntimeUrl) {`Checking ${jsxConfig.jsxRuntime} version...`); const text = await fetch(fuzzRuntimeUrl).then((resp) => resp.text()); const m = text.match(/https?:\/\/cdn\.esm\.sh\/(v\d+)\/p?react@(\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-[a-z\d.]+)*)\//); if (m) { jsxConfig.jsxRuntimeCdnVersion = m[1].slice(1); jsxConfig.jsxRuntimeVersion = m[2]; if (jsxConfig.jsxImportSource) { jsxConfig.jsxImportSource = `${jsxConfig.jsxRuntime}@${m[2]}`; }`${jsxConfig.jsxRuntime}@${jsxConfig.jsxRuntimeVersion} is used`); } }
return jsxConfig;}
export async function loadImportMap(): Promise<ImportMap> { const importMap: ImportMap = { __filename: "", imports: {}, scopes: {} };
if (Deno.env.get("ALEPH_DEV")) { const alephPkgUri = Deno.env.get("ALEPH_PKG_URI") || `http://localhost:${Deno.env.get("ALEPH_DEV_PORT")}`; const importMapFile = join(Deno.env.get("ALEPH_DEV_ROOT")!, "import_map.json"); const { __filename, imports, scopes } = await parseImportMap(importMapFile); Object.assign(importMap, { __filename, imports: { ...imports, "@unocss/": `${alephPkgUri}/lib/@unocss/`, "aleph/": `${alephPkgUri}/`, "aleph/server": `${alephPkgUri}/server/mod.ts`, "aleph/react": `${alephPkgUri}/framework/react/mod.ts`, "aleph/vue": `${alephPkgUri}/framework/vue/mod.ts`, }, scopes, }); }
const importMapFile = await findFile( ["import_map", "import-map", "importmap", "importMap"].map((v) => `${v}.json`), ); if (importMapFile) { try { const { __filename, imports, scopes } = await parseImportMap(importMapFile); Object.assign(importMap, { __filename }); Object.assign(importMap.imports, imports); Object.assign(importMap.scopes, scopes); } catch (e) { log.error("loadImportMap:", e.message); } }
return importMap;}
export async function initModuleLoaders(importMap: ImportMap): Promise<ModuleLoader[]> { const loaders: ModuleLoader[] = Reflect.get(globalThis, "__ALEPH_MODULE_LOADERS") || []; if (loaders.length > 0) { return loaders; } // only init loaders in `CLI` mode if (Deno.env.get("ALEPH_CLI")) { for (const key in importMap.imports) { if (/^\*\.[a-z0-9]+$/i.test(key)) { let src = importMap.imports[key]; if (src.endsWith("!loader")) { src = util.trimSuffix(src, "!loader"); if (src.startsWith("./") || src.startsWith("../")) { src = "file://" + join(dirname(importMap.__filename), src); } let { default: loader } = await import(src); if (typeof loader === "function") { loader = new loader(); } if ( typeof loader === "object" && loader !== null && typeof loader.test === "function" && typeof loader.load === "function" ) { const glob = "/**/" + key; const reg = globToRegExp(glob); const Loader = { meta: { src, glob }, test: (pathname: string) => { return reg.test(pathname) && loader.test(pathname); }, load: (pathname: string, env: Record<string, unknown>) => loader.load(pathname, env), }; loaders.push(Loader); } } } } } Reflect.set(globalThis, "__ALEPH_MODULE_LOADERS", loaders); return loaders;}
export async function parseJSONFile(jsonFile: string): Promise<Record<string, unknown>> { const raw = await Deno.readTextFile(jsonFile); if (jsonFile.endsWith(".jsonc")) { return JSONC.parse(raw); } return JSON.parse(raw);}
export async function parseImportMap(importMapFile: string): Promise<ImportMap> { const importMap: ImportMap = { __filename: importMapFile, imports: {}, scopes: {} }; const data = await parseJSONFile(importMapFile); const imports: Record<string, string> = toStringMap(data.imports); const scopes: Record<string, Record<string, string>> = {}; if (util.isPlainObject(data.scopes)) { Object.entries(data.scopes).forEach(([scope, imports]) => { scopes[scope] = toStringMap(imports); }); } Object.assign(importMap, { imports, scopes }); return importMap;}
export function applyImportMap(specifier: string, importMap: ImportMap): string { if (specifier in importMap.imports) { return importMap.imports[specifier]; } for (const key in importMap.imports) { if (key.endsWith("/") && specifier.startsWith(key)) { return importMap.imports[key] + specifier.slice(key.length); } } // todo: support scopes return specifier;}
function toStringMap(v: unknown): Record<string, string> { const m: Record<string, string> = {}; if (util.isPlainObject(v)) { Object.entries(v).forEach(([key, value]) => { if (key === "") { return; } if (util.isFilledString(value)) { m[key] = value; return; } if (util.isFilledArray(value)) { for (const v of value) { if (util.isFilledString(v)) { m[key] = v; return; } } } }); } return m;}