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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import type { ConnInfo, ServeInit } from "";import { serve as stdServe, serveTls } from "";import { readableStreamFromReader } from "";import { VERSION } from "";import FetchError from "../framework/core/fetch_error.ts";import log, { LevelName } from "../lib/log.ts";import { getContentType } from "../lib/mime.ts";import util from "../lib/util.ts";import { errorHtml } from "./error.ts";import { DependencyGraph } from "./graph.ts";import { getDeploymentId, initModuleLoaders, loadImportMap, loadJSXConfig } from "./helpers.ts";import { type HTMLRewriterHandlers, loadAndFixIndexHtml } from "./html.ts";import renderer, { type SSR } from "./renderer.ts";import { content, type CookieOptions, json, setCookieHeader } from "./response.ts";import { importRouteModule, initRoutes, revive } from "./routing.ts";import clientModuleTransformer from "./transformer.ts";import type { AlephConfig, FetchHandler, Middleware } from "./types.ts";
export type ServerOptions = Omit<ServeInit, "onError"> & { certFile?: string; keyFile?: string; logLevel?: LevelName; hmrWebSocketUrl?: string; config?: AlephConfig; middlewares?: Middleware[]; fetch?: FetchHandler; ssr?: SSR; onError?: ( error: unknown, cause: { by: "data-fetching" | "ssr" | "transplie" | "fs" | "middleware"; url: string; }, ) => Response | void;};
export const serve = (options: ServerOptions = {}) => { const { config, middlewares, fetch, ssr, logLevel, onError } = options; const isDev = Deno.env.get("ALEPH_ENV") === "development"; const importMapPromise = loadImportMap(); const jsxConfigPromise = importMapPromise.then(loadJSXConfig); const moduleLoadersPromise = importMapPromise.then(initModuleLoaders); const routesPromise = config?.routes ? initRoutes(config.routes) : Promise.resolve({ routes: [] }); const buildHashPromise = Promise.all([jsxConfigPromise, importMapPromise]).then(([jsxConfig, importMap]) => { const buildArgs = JSON.stringify({ ...(config ? util.pick(config, "build", "unocss") : undefined), comilper: VERSION, importMap, jsxConfig, isDev, }); return util.computeHash("sha-1", buildArgs); }); const handler = async (req: Request, connInfo: ConnInfo): Promise<Response> => { const url = new URL(req.url); const { host, pathname } = url;
if (pathname === "/-/hmr") { const { socket, response } = Deno.upgradeWebSocket(req, {}); socket.addEventListener("open", () => { socket.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "reload" })); }); return response; }
// transform client modules if (clientModuleTransformer.test(pathname)) { try { const [buildHash, jsxConfig, importMap] = await Promise.all([ buildHashPromise, jsxConfigPromise, importMapPromise, ]); return await clientModuleTransformer.fetch(req, { importMap, jsxConfig, buildHash, buildTarget: config?.build?.target, isDev, }); } catch (err) { if (!(err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound)) { log.error(err); return onError?.(err, { by: "transplie", url: req.url }) ?? new Response(errorHtml(err.stack ?? err.message), { status: 500, headers: [["Content-Type", "text/html"]], }); } } }
// use loader to load modules const moduleLoaders = await moduleLoadersPromise; const loader = moduleLoaders.find((loader) => loader.test(pathname)); if (loader) { try { const [buildHash, jsxConfig, importMap] = await Promise.all([ buildHashPromise, jsxConfigPromise, importMapPromise, ]); const loaded = await loader.load(pathname, { isDev, importMap }); return await clientModuleTransformer.fetch(req, { loaded, importMap, jsxConfig, buildHash, buildTarget: config?.build?.target, isDev, }); } catch (err) { if (!(err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound)) { log.error(err); return onError?.(err, { by: "transplie", url: req.url }) ?? new Response(errorHtml(err.stack ?? err.message), { status: 500, headers: [["Content-Type", "text/html"]], }); } } }
// serve static files const contentType = getContentType(pathname); if (!pathname.startsWith("/.") && contentType !== "application/octet-stream") { try { let filePath = `.${pathname}`; let stat = await Deno.lstat(filePath); if (stat.isDirectory && pathname !== "/") { filePath = `${util.trimSuffix(filePath, "/")}/index.html`; stat = await Deno.lstat(filePath); } if (stat.isFile) { const headers = new Headers({ "Content-Type": contentType }); const deployId = getDeploymentId(); let etag: string | null = null; if (deployId) { etag = `${btoa(pathname).replace(/[^a-z0-9]/g, "")}-${deployId}`; } else { const { mtime, size } = stat; if (mtime) { etag = mtime.getTime().toString(16) + "-" + size.toString(16); headers.append("Last-Modified", new Date(mtime).toUTCString()); } } if (etag) { if (req.headers.get("If-None-Match") === etag) { return new Response(null, { status: 304 }); } headers.append("ETag", etag); } const file = await, { read: true }); return new Response(readableStreamFromReader(file), { headers }); } } catch (err) { if (!(err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound)) { log.error(err); return onError?.(err, { by: "fs", url: req.url }) ?? new Response(errorHtml(err.stack ?? err.message), { status: 500, headers: [["Content-Type", "text/html"]], }); } } }
// use fetch handler if available if (typeof fetch === "function") { let res = fetch(req); if (res instanceof Promise) { res = await res; } if (res instanceof Response) { return res; } }
const customHTMLRewriter = new Map<string, HTMLRewriterHandlers>(); const ctx = { connInfo, params: {}, headers: new Headers(), cookies: { _cookies: null as Map<string, string> | null, get(name: string) { if (this._cookies === null) { this._cookies = new Map<string, string>(); const cookieHeader = req.headers.get("Cookie"); if (cookieHeader) { for (const cookie of cookieHeader.split(";")) { const [key, value] = util.splitBy(cookie, "="); this._cookies.set(key.trim(), value); } } } return this._cookies.get(name); }, set(name: string, value: string, options?: CookieOptions) { this._cookies?.set(name, value); ctx.headers.set("Set-Cookie", setCookieHeader(name, value, options)); }, delete(name: string, options?: CookieOptions) { this._cookies?.delete(name); ctx.headers.set("Set-Cookie", setCookieHeader(name, "", { ...options, expires: new Date(0) })); }, }, htmlRewriter: { on: (selector: string, handlers: HTMLRewriterHandlers) => { customHTMLRewriter.set(selector, handlers); }, }, redirect(url: string | URL, code?: number) { const headers = new Headers(ctx.headers); headers.set("Location", url.toString()); return new Response(null, { status: code || 302, headers }); }, json: (data: unknown, init?: ResponseInit): Response => { let hasCustomHeaders = false; const headers = new Headers(init?.headers); ctx.headers.forEach((value, name) => { headers.set(name, value); hasCustomHeaders = true; }); if (!hasCustomHeaders) { return json(data, init); } return json(data, { ...init, headers }); }, content: (body: BodyInit, init?: ResponseInit): Response => { let hasCustomHeaders = false; const headers = new Headers(init?.headers); ctx.headers.forEach((value, name) => { headers.set(name, value); hasCustomHeaders = true; }); if (!hasCustomHeaders) { return content(body, init); } return content(body, { ...init, headers }); }, };
// use middlewares if (Array.isArray(middlewares) && middlewares.length > 0) { for (const mw of middlewares) { try { const handler = mw.fetch; if (typeof handler === "function") { let res = handler(req, ctx); if (res instanceof Promise) { res = await res; } if (res instanceof Response) { return res; } if (typeof res === "function") { setTimeout(res, 0); } } } catch (err) { return onError?.(err, { by: "middleware", url: req.url }) ?? new Response(errorHtml(err.stack ?? err.message), { status: 500, headers: [["Content-Type", "text/html"]], }); } } }
// request data const routes = await routesPromise; if (routes.routes.length > 0) { for (const [pattern, { filename }] of routes.routes) { const ret = pattern.exec({ host, pathname }); const accept = req.headers.get("Accept"); const fromFetchApi = accept === "application/json" || !accept?.includes("html"); if (ret) { try { const mod = await importRouteModule(filename); const dataConfig: Record<string, unknown> = util.isPlainObject( ? : {}; if (req.method !== "GET" || mod.default === undefined || fromFetchApi) { Object.assign(ctx.params, ret.pathname.groups); const anyFetcher = dataConfig.any; if (typeof anyFetcher === "function") { const res = await anyFetcher(req, ctx); if (res instanceof Response) { return res; } } const fetcher = dataConfig[req.method.toLowerCase()]; if (typeof fetcher === "function") { const res = await fetcher(req, ctx); if (res instanceof Response) { if (res.status >= 300 && fromFetchApi) { const err = await FetchError.fromResponse(res); return ctx.json({ ...err }, { status: err.status >= 400 ? err.status : 501 }); } return res; } if ( typeof res === "string" || res instanceof ArrayBuffer || res instanceof ReadableStream ) { return new Response(res); } if (res instanceof Blob || res instanceof File) { return new Response(res, { headers: { "Content-Type": res.type } }); } if (util.isPlainObject(res) || Array.isArray(res) || res === null) { return json(res); } return new Response(null); } return new Response("Method not allowed", { status: 405 }); } } catch (err) { const res = onError?.(err, { by: "data-fetching", url: req.url }); if (res instanceof Response) { return res; } if (err instanceof Response) { return err; } if (err instanceof Error || typeof err === "string") { log.error(err); } const status: number = util.isUint(err.status || err.code) ? err.status || err.code : 500; return ctx.json({ ...err, message: err.message || String(err), status, }, { status: status >= 400 ? status : 501, }); } } } }
// don't render those special asset files switch (pathname) { case "/favicon.ico": case "/robots.txt": return new Response("Not found", { status: 404 }); }
// load the `index.html` let indexHtml: Uint8Array | null | undefined = Reflect.get(globalThis, "__ALEPH_INDEX_HTML"); if (indexHtml === undefined) { try { indexHtml = await loadAndFixIndexHtml({ isDev, importMap: await importMapPromise, ssr: typeof ssr === "function" ? {} : ssr, hmrWebSocketUrl: options.hmrWebSocketUrl, }); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { indexHtml = null; } else { log.error("read index.html:", err); return onError?.(err, { by: "fs", url: req.url }) ?? new Response(errorHtml(err.stack ?? err.message), { status: 500, headers: [["Content-Type", "text/html"]], }); } } } // cache `index.html` to memory Reflect.set(globalThis, "__ALEPH_INDEX_HTML", indexHtml);
// no root `index.html` found if (indexHtml === null) { return new Response("Not Found", { status: 404 }); }
// render html return renderer.fetch(req, ctx, { indexHtml, routes, customHTMLRewriter, isDev, ssr, onError, }); };
// inject navigator browser polyfill to fix some ssr errors Object.assign(globalThis.navigator, { connection: { downlink: 10, effectiveType: "4g", onchange: null, rtt: 50, saveData: false, }, cookieEnabled: false, language: "en", languages: ["en"], onLine: true, userAgent: `Deno/${Deno.version?.deno || "deploy"}`, vendor: "Deno Land Inc.", });
// set log level if specified if (logLevel) { log.setLevel(logLevel); }
// inject global objects Reflect.set(globalThis, "__ALEPH_CONFIG", Object.assign({}, config)); Reflect.set(globalThis, "clientDependencyGraph", new DependencyGraph());
const { hostname, port = 8080, certFile, keyFile, signal } = options; if (Deno.env.get("ALEPH_CLI")) { Reflect.set(globalThis, "__ALEPH_SERVER", { hostname, port, certFile, keyFile, handler, signal }); } else { if (certFile && keyFile) { serveTls(handler, { hostname, port, certFile, keyFile, signal }); } else { stdServe(handler, { hostname, port, signal }); }`Server ready on http://localhost:${port}`); }};
export { content, json, revive, setCookieHeader };