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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { join } from "";import { parseExportNames } from "";import type { RouteConfig } from "../framework/core/route.ts";import log, { blue } from "../lib/log.ts";import util from "../lib/util.ts";import { initRoutes, toRouteRegExp } from "./routing.ts";import { createFsEmitter, removeFsEmitter, watchFs } from "./watch_fs.ts";import type { AlephConfig } from "./types.ts";
export function handleHMRSocket(req: Request): Response { const { socket, response } = Deno.upgradeWebSocket(req, {}); const emitter = createFsEmitter(); const send = (message: Record<string, unknown>) => { try { socket.send(JSON.stringify(message)); } catch (err) { log.warn("socket.send:", err.message); } }; socket.addEventListener("open", () => { emitter.on("create", ({ specifier }) => { const config: AlephConfig | undefined = Reflect.get(globalThis, "__ALEPH_CONFIG"); if (config && config.routes) { const reg = toRouteRegExp(config.routes); const routePattern = reg.exec(specifier); if (routePattern) { send({ type: "create", specifier, routePattern }); return; } } send({ type: "create", specifier }); }); emitter.on("remove", ({ specifier }) => {`hotUpdate:${specifier}`); send({ type: "remove", specifier }); }); }); socket.addEventListener("message", (e) => { if (util.isFilledString( { try { const { type, specifier } = JSON.parse(; if (type === "hotAccept" && util.isFilledString(specifier)) { emitter.on( `hotUpdate:${specifier}`, () => send({ type: "modify", specifier }), ); } } catch (_e) { log.error("invlid socket message:",; } } }); socket.addEventListener("close", () => { removeFsEmitter(emitter); }); return response;}
export function watchFS(appDir?: string) { const config: AlephConfig | undefined = Reflect.get(globalThis, "__ALEPH_CONFIG"); const emitter = createFsEmitter();
// update global route config when fs changess const updateRoutes = async ({ specifier }: { specifier: string }) => { if (config?.routes) { const reg = toRouteRegExp(config.routes); if (reg.test(specifier)) { const routeConfig = await initRoutes(reg, appDir); Reflect.set(globalThis, "__ALEPH_ROUTE_CONFIG", routeConfig); if (!Deno.env.get("ALEPH_CLI")) { generateRoutesModule(routeConfig, appDir).catch((error) => log.error(error)); } } } else { Reflect.set(globalThis, "__ALEPH_ROUTE_CONFIG", null); } }; emitter.on("create", updateRoutes); emitter.on("remove", updateRoutes);
if (config?.routes) { initRoutes(config.routes, appDir).then((routeConfig) => { Reflect.set(globalThis, "__ALEPH_ROUTE_CONFIG", routeConfig); if (!Deno.env.get("ALEPH_CLI")) { generateRoutesModule(routeConfig, appDir).catch((error) => log.error(error)); } }); }
// apply user `watchFS` handler if (typeof config?.devServer?.watchFS === "function") { const { watchFS } = config.devServer; emitter.on("*", (kind, { specifier }) => { if (kind.startsWith("modify:")) { watchFS("modify", specifier); } else if (kind === "create" || kind === "remove") { watchFS(kind, specifier); } }); }`Watching files for changes...`); watchFs(appDir);}
/** generate the `_export.ts` module follows the routes config */export async function generateRoutesModule(routeConfig: RouteConfig, appDir?: string, cwd = Deno.cwd()) { const genFile = join(cwd, routeConfig.prefix, "_export.ts");
const routeFiles: [filename: string, pattern: string, exportNames: string[]][] = await Promise.all( ([_, { filename, pattern }]) => { const code = await Deno.readTextFile(join(cwd, filename)); const exportNames = await parseExportNames(filename, code); return [filename, pattern.pathname, exportNames]; }), );
const imports: string[] = []; const revives: string[] = [];
routeFiles.forEach(([filename, pattern, exportNames], idx) => { if (exportNames.length > 0) { const importUrl = JSON.stringify("." + util.trimPrefix(filename, routeConfig.prefix)); imports.push(`import * as $${idx} from ${importUrl};`); revives.push(` ${JSON.stringify(pattern)}: $${idx},`); } });
if (revives.length > 0) { await Deno.writeTextFile( genFile, [ "// Exports route modules for serverless env that doesn't support the dynamic imports.", "// This module will be updated automaticlly in develoment mode, do NOT edit it manually.", "", ...imports, "", "export default {", ...revives, "}", ].join("\n"), ); log.debug(`${blue("routes.gen.ts")} generated`); } else { try { await Deno.remove(genFile); } catch (error) { if (!(error instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound)) { throw error; } } }}