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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { join } from ''import { serve as stdServe, serveTLS } from ''import { acceptWebSocket, isWebSocketCloseEvent } from ''import { trimModuleExt } from '../framework/core/module.ts'import { rewriteURL } from '../framework/core/routing.ts'import { existsFileSync } from '../shared/fs.ts'import log from '../shared/log.ts'import util from '../shared/util.ts'import type { ServerRequest } from '../types.ts'import { Request } from './api.ts'import { Application } from './app.ts'import { getContentType } from './mime.ts'
/** The Aleph server class. */export class Server { #app: Application #ready: boolean
constructor(app: Application) { this.#app = app this.#ready = false }
async handle(r: ServerRequest) { if (!this.#ready) { await this.#app.ready this.#ready = true }
const app = this.#app const { baseUrl, rewrites } = app.config const url = rewriteURL(r.url, baseUrl, rewrites) const pathname = decodeURI(url.pathname) const req = new Request(r, {}, url.searchParams)
// set custom headers for (const key in app.config.headers) { req.setHeader(key, app.config.headers[key]) } if (app.isDev) { req.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'max-age=0') }
try { // serve hmr ws if (pathname === '/_hmr') { const { conn, r: bufReader, w: bufWriter, headers } = r const socket = await acceptWebSocket({ conn, bufReader, bufWriter, headers }) const watcher = app.createFSWatcher() watcher.on('add', (mod: any) => socket.send(JSON.stringify({ ...mod, type: 'add' }))) watcher.on('remove', (url: string) => { watcher.removeAllListeners('modify-' + url) socket.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'remove', url })) }) for await (const e of socket) { if (util.isNEString(e)) { try { const data = JSON.parse(e) if (data.type === 'hotAccept' && util.isNEString(data.url)) { const mod = app.getModule(data.url) if (mod) { watcher.on('modify-' + mod.url, (hash: string) => { socket.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'update', url: mod.url, updateUrl: util.cleanPath(`${baseUrl}/_aleph/${trimModuleExt(mod.url)}.js`), hash, })) }) } } } catch (e) { } } else if (isWebSocketCloseEvent(e)) { break } } app.removeFSWatcher(watcher) return }
// serve dist files if (pathname.startsWith('/_aleph/')) { if (pathname.startsWith('/_aleph/data/') && pathname.endsWith('.json')) { let p = util.trimSuffix(util.trimPrefix(pathname, '/_aleph/data'), '.json') if (p === '/index') { p = '/' } const [status, data] = await app.getSSRData({ pathname: p }) if (status === 200) { req.send(JSON.stringify(data), 'application/json; charset=utf-8') } else { req.status(status).send('') } return }
if (pathname == '/_aleph/main.js') { req.send(app.getMainJS(false), 'application/javascript; charset=utf-8') return }
const filePath = join(app.buildDir, util.trimPrefix(pathname, '/_aleph/')) if (existsFileSync(filePath)) { const info = Deno.lstatSync(filePath) const lastModified = info.mtime?.toUTCString() ?? (new Date).toUTCString() if (lastModified === r.headers.get('If-Modified-Since')) { req.status(304).send('') return }
let content = await Deno.readTextFile(filePath) if (app.isDev && filePath.endsWith('.js')) { const metaFile = util.trimSuffix(filePath, '.js') + '.meta.json' if (existsFileSync(metaFile)) { try { const { url } = JSON.parse(await Deno.readTextFile(metaFile)) const mod = app.getModule(url) if (mod && app.isHMRable(mod.url)) { content = app.injectHMRCode(mod, content) } } catch (e) { } } }
req.setHeader('Last-Modified', lastModified) req.send(content, getContentType(filePath)) return }
req.status(404).send('not found') return }
// serve public files const filePath = join(app.workingDir, 'public', pathname) if (existsFileSync(filePath)) { const info = Deno.lstatSync(filePath) const lastModified = info.mtime?.toUTCString() ?? (new Date).toUTCString() if (lastModified === r.headers.get('If-Modified-Since')) { req.status(304).send('') return }
const body = Deno.readFileSync(filePath) req.setHeader('Last-Modified', lastModified) req.send(body, getContentType(filePath)) return }
// serve APIs if (pathname.startsWith('/api/')) { const route = app.getAPIRoute({ pathname, search: url.searchParams.toString() }) if (route !== null) { try { const [{ params, query }, { jsFile, hash }] = route const { default: handle } = await import(`file://${jsFile}#${hash.slice(0, 6)}`) if (util.isFunction(handle)) { await handle(new Request(req, params, query)) } else { req.status(500).json({ status: 500, message: 'bad api handler' }) } } catch (err) { req.status(500).json({ status: 500, message: err.message }) log.error('invoke API:', err) } } else { req.status(404).json({ status: 404, message: 'not found' }) } return }
// ssr const [status, html] = await app.getPageHTML({ pathname, search: url.searchParams.toString() }) req.status(status).send(html, 'text/html; charset=utf-8') } catch (err) { req.status(500).send( `<!DOCTYPE html><title>500 - internal server error</title><p><strong><code>500</code></strong><small> - </small><span>${err.message}</span></p>`, 'text/html; charset=utf-8' ) } }}
/** Options for creating a standard Aleph server. */export type ServeOptions = { /** The Aleph Server Application to serve. */ app: Application /** The port to listen on. */ port: number /** A literal IP address or host name that can be resolved to an IP address. * If not specified, defaults to ``. */ hostname?: string /** Server certificate file. */ certFile?: string /** Server public key file. */ keyFile?: string}
/** Create a standard Aleph server. */export async function serve({ app, port, hostname, certFile, keyFile }: ServeOptions) { const server = new Server(app) await app.ready
while (true) { try { let s: AsyncIterable<ServerRequest> if (certFile && keyFile) { s = serveTLS({ port, hostname, certFile, keyFile }) } else { s = stdServe({ port, hostname }) }`Server ready on http://${hostname || 'localhost'}:${port}${app.config.baseUrl}`) for await (const r of s) { server.handle(r) } } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.AddrInUse && app.isDev) { log.warn(`port ${port} already in use, try ${port + 1}...`) port++ } else { log.fatal(err.message) } } }}