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Light, Embeddable, NoSQL database for Deno 🦕
import { assertEquals, assertThrows } from '';import { yellow } from '';
import { searchDocuments, updateDocument, matchValues, parseDatabaseStorage} from '../lib/core.ts';
Deno.test(`${yellow('[core.ts]')} searchDocuments (Single document)`, () => { const documents: any = [{ object: { foo: 'bar' } }, { array: [1, 2, 3] }, { nothing: null }, { boolean: true }, { number: 42 }, { text: 'foo' }];
const search1 = searchDocuments({ text: 'foo' }, documents); const search2 = searchDocuments({ number: 42 }, documents); const search3 = searchDocuments({ boolean: true }, documents); const search4 = searchDocuments({ nothing: null }, documents); const search5 = searchDocuments({ array: [1, 2, 3] }, documents); const search6 = searchDocuments({ object: { foo: 'bar' } }, documents); const search7 = searchDocuments({ text: /foo/ }, documents); const search8 = searchDocuments({ number: (value: any) => value === 42 }, documents);
assertEquals(search1, [5]); assertEquals(search2, [4]); assertEquals(search3, [3]); assertEquals(search4, [2]); assertEquals(search5, [1]); assertEquals(search6, [0]); assertEquals(search7, [5]); assertEquals(search8, [4]);});
Deno.test(`${yellow('[core.ts]')} searchDocuments (Multiple documents)`, () => { const documents: any = [ { text: 'foo', number: 42, boolean: true, nothing: null, array: [1, 2, 3], object: { foo: 'bar' } }, { text: 'foo', number: 42, boolean: true, nothing: null, array: [1, 2, 3] }, { text: 'foo', number: 42, boolean: true, nothing: null }, { text: 'foo', number: 42, boolean: true }, { text: 'foo', number: 42 }, { text: 'foo' }, ];
const search1 = searchDocuments({ text: 'foo' }, documents); const search2 = searchDocuments({ text: 'foo', number: 42 }, documents); const search3 = searchDocuments({ text: 'foo', number: 42, boolean: true }, documents); const search4 = searchDocuments({ text: 'foo', number: 42, boolean: true, nothing: null }, documents); const search5 = searchDocuments({ text: 'foo', number: 42, boolean: true, nothing: null, array: [1, 2, 3] }, documents); const search6 = searchDocuments({ text: 'foo', number: 42, boolean: true, nothing: null, array: [1, 2, 3], object: { foo: 'bar' } }, documents); const search7 = searchDocuments({ text: /foo/, array: (value: any) => value?.[0] === 1 }, documents); const search8 = searchDocuments({ text: /foo/, object: (value: any) => value?.foo === 'bar' }, documents);
assertEquals(search1, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); assertEquals(search2, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]); assertEquals(search3, [0, 1, 2, 3]); assertEquals(search4, [0, 1, 2]); assertEquals(search5, [0, 1]); assertEquals(search6, [0]); assertEquals(search7, [0, 1]); assertEquals(search8, [0]);});
Deno.test(`${yellow('[core.ts]')} searchDocuments (No criteria)`, () => { const documents: any = [ { text: 'foo' }, { text: 'bar' }, { text: 'baz' }, ]; const search = searchDocuments({}, documents); assertEquals(search, [0, 1, 2]);
Deno.test(`${yellow('[core.ts]')} searchDocuments (Search function)`, () => { const documents: any = [ { text: 'foo', number: 42, boolean: true, nothing: null, array: [1, 2, 3], object: { foo: 'bar' } }, { text: 'foo', number: 42, boolean: true, nothing: null, array: [1, 2, 3] }, { text: 'foo', number: 42, boolean: true, nothing: null }, { text: 'foo', number: 42, boolean: true }, { text: 'foo', number: 42 }, { text: 'foo' }, ];
const search1 = searchDocuments(() => true, documents); const search2 = searchDocuments(() => false, documents); const search3 = searchDocuments((value: any) => value?.nothing === null, documents);
assertEquals(search1, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); assertEquals(search2, []); assertEquals(search3, [0, 1, 2]);});
Deno.test(`${yellow('[core.ts]')} updateDocument (Basic)`, () => { const updated = updateDocument({ test: 1, test2: 'foo', test3: true, test4: null, test6: 123 }, { test: 42, test2: 'bar', test3: false, test4: 'notNull', test5: 'NewField', test6: undefined }); assertEquals(updated, { test: 42, test2: 'bar', test3: false, test4: 'notNull', test5: 'NewField' });});
Deno.test(`${yellow('[core.ts]')} updateDocument (Partly)`, () => { const updated = updateDocument( { test: 42, test2: { value: 42 }, test3: ['foo', true, { value: 'bar' }] }, { test2: [1, 2, 3], test3: { foo: 'bar' } } ); assertEquals(updated, { test: 42, test2: [1, 2, 3], test3: { foo: 'bar' } });});
Deno.test(`${yellow('[core.ts]')} updateDocument (No changes)`, () => { const updated = updateDocument( { test: 42, test2: { value: 42 }, test3: ['foo', true, { value: 'bar' }] }, {} ); assertEquals(updated, { test: 42, test2: { value: 42 }, test3: ['foo', true, { value: 'bar' }] });});
Deno.test(`${yellow('[core.ts]')} updateDocument (Update function)`, () => { const updated = updateDocument( { test: 'foo', test2: { value: 42 }, test3: [1, 2, 3] }, (document: any) => { document.test += 'bar'; document.test2!.value = 0; document.test3!.push(4); return document; } );
assertEquals(updated, { test: 'foobar', test2: { value: 0 }, test3: [1, 2, 3, 4] });});
Deno.test(`${yellow('[core.ts]')} updateDocument (Update field function)`, () => { const updated = updateDocument( { test: 'foo', test2: { value: 42 }, test3: [1, 2, 3] }, { test: (value: any) => value + 'bar', test2: (value: any) => { value.value = 0; return value; }, test3: (value: any) => { value.push(4); return value; }, } );
assertEquals(updated, { test: 'foobar', test2: { value: 0 }, test3: [1, 2, 3, 4] });});
Deno.test(`${yellow('[core.ts]')} updateDocument (Empty object)`, () => { const updated = updateDocument( { test: true }, { test: undefined } ); assertEquals(updated, null);});
Deno.test(`${yellow('[core.ts]')} updateDocument (Deletion)`, () => { const updated = updateDocument( { test: true }, () => null ); assertEquals(updated, null);});
Deno.test(`${yellow('[core.ts]')} updateDocument (Immutability)`, () => { const array: any = [1, 2, 3, { field: 'value' }]; const document = { test: [0], foo: 'bar' };
const updated = updateDocument( document, { test: array } );
array[0] = 999; array[3].field = 'changed'; document.test[0] = 999; = 'baz';
assertEquals(updated, { test: [1, 2, 3, { field: 'value' }], foo: 'bar' });});
Deno.test(`${yellow('[core.ts]')} matchValues (Primitives)`, () => { assertEquals(matchValues('foo', 'foo'), true); assertEquals(matchValues(42, 42), true); assertEquals(matchValues(true, true), true); assertEquals(matchValues(null, null), true); assertEquals(matchValues(undefined, undefined as any), true);});
Deno.test(`${yellow('[core.ts]')} matchValues (Advanced Valid)`, () => { assertEquals( matchValues((value: any) => value === 'foo', 'foo'), true ); assertEquals(matchValues(/foo/, 'fooBar'), true); assertEquals(matchValues([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]), true); assertEquals(matchValues({ boolean: true }, { boolean: true }), true);});
Deno.test(`${yellow('[core.ts]')} matchValues (Advanced Invalid)`, () => { assertEquals(matchValues('foo', 10), false); assertEquals(matchValues(/bar/, true), false); assertEquals( matchValues((value: any) => false, true), false ); assertEquals(matchValues({ array: [1, 2, 3] }, { array: [1, 2, 3, 4] }), false); assertEquals(matchValues({ invalid: new Map() as any }, { invalid: {} }), false); assertEquals(matchValues({ array: [] }, { object: {} }), false); assertEquals(matchValues(new Map() as any, new Map() as any), false);});

Deno.test(`${yellow('[core.ts]')} parseDatabaseStorage`, () => { const result = parseDatabaseStorage('[{"foo":"bar"}, {}]'); assertEquals(result, [{foo: 'bar'}]);});
Deno.test(`${yellow('[core.ts]')} parseDatabaseStorage (Empty file)`, () => { const result = parseDatabaseStorage(''); assertEquals(result, []);});
Deno.test(`${yellow('[core.ts]')} parseDatabaseStorage (Not an Array)`, () => { assertThrows(() => parseDatabaseStorage('true'), undefined, 'should be an array of objects')});
Deno.test(`${yellow('[core.ts]')} parseDatabaseStorage (Invalid Array)`, () => { assertThrows(() => parseDatabaseStorage('[true]'), undefined, 'should contain only objects')});