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// Typed interfaces for OpenAPI 3.0.0-RC// see
import { ISpecificationExtension, SpecificationExtension } from './specification-extension.ts';
export function getExtension(obj: ISpecificationExtension, extensionName: string): any { if (SpecificationExtension.isValidExtension(extensionName)) { return obj[extensionName]; } return undefined;}export function addExtension(obj: ISpecificationExtension, extensionName: string, extension: any): void { if (SpecificationExtension.isValidExtension(extensionName)) { obj[extensionName] = extension; }}
export interface OpenAPIObject extends ISpecificationExtension { openapi: string; info: InfoObject; servers?: ServerObject[]; paths: PathsObject; components?: ComponentsObject; security?: SecurityRequirementObject[]; tags?: TagObject[]; externalDocs?: ExternalDocumentationObject;}export interface InfoObject extends ISpecificationExtension { title: string; description?: string; termsOfService?: string; contact?: ContactObject; license?: LicenseObject; version: string;}export interface ContactObject extends ISpecificationExtension { name?: string; url?: string; email?: string;}export interface LicenseObject extends ISpecificationExtension { name: string; url?: string;}export interface ServerObject extends ISpecificationExtension { url: string; description?: string; variables?: { [v: string]: ServerVariableObject };}export interface ServerVariableObject extends ISpecificationExtension { enum?: string[] | boolean[] | number[]; default: string | boolean | number; description?: string;}export interface ComponentsObject extends ISpecificationExtension { schemas?: { [schema: string]: SchemaObject | ReferenceObject }; responses?: { [response: string]: ResponseObject | ReferenceObject }; parameters?: { [parameter: string]: ParameterObject | ReferenceObject }; examples?: { [example: string]: ExampleObject | ReferenceObject }; requestBodies?: { [request: string]: RequestBodyObject | ReferenceObject }; headers?: { [header: string]: HeaderObject | ReferenceObject }; securitySchemes?: { [securityScheme: string]: SecuritySchemeObject | ReferenceObject }; links?: { [link: string]: LinkObject | ReferenceObject }; callbacks?: { [callback: string]: CallbackObject | ReferenceObject };}
/** * Rename it to Paths Object to be consistent with the spec * See */export interface PathsObject extends ISpecificationExtension { // [path: string]: PathItemObject; [path: string]: PathItemObject | any; // Hack for allowing ISpecificationExtension}
/** * @deprecated * Create a type alias for backward compatibility */export type PathObject = PathsObject;
export function getPath(pathsObject: PathsObject, path: string): PathItemObject | undefined { if (SpecificationExtension.isValidExtension(path)) { return undefined; } return pathsObject[path] as PathItemObject;}
export interface PathItemObject extends ISpecificationExtension { $ref?: string; summary?: string; description?: string; get?: OperationObject; put?: OperationObject; post?: OperationObject; delete?: OperationObject; options?: OperationObject; head?: OperationObject; patch?: OperationObject; trace?: OperationObject; servers?: ServerObject[]; parameters?: (ParameterObject | ReferenceObject)[];}export interface OperationObject extends ISpecificationExtension { tags?: string[]; summary?: string; description?: string; externalDocs?: ExternalDocumentationObject; operationId?: string; parameters?: (ParameterObject | ReferenceObject)[]; requestBody?: RequestBodyObject | ReferenceObject; responses: ResponsesObject; callbacks?: CallbacksObject; deprecated?: boolean; security?: SecurityRequirementObject[]; servers?: ServerObject[];}export interface ExternalDocumentationObject extends ISpecificationExtension { description?: string; url: string;}
/** * The location of a parameter. * Possible values are "query", "header", "path" or "cookie". * Specification: * */export type ParameterLocation = 'query' | 'header' | 'path' | 'cookie';
/** * The style of a parameter. * Describes how the parameter value will be serialized. * (serialization is not implemented yet) * Specification: * */export type ParameterStyle = 'matrix' | 'label' | 'form' | 'simple' | 'spaceDelimited' | 'pipeDelimited' | 'deepObject';
export interface BaseParameterObject extends ISpecificationExtension { description?: string; required?: boolean; deprecated?: boolean; allowEmptyValue?: boolean;
style?: ParameterStyle; // "matrix" | "label" | "form" | "simple" | "spaceDelimited" | "pipeDelimited" | "deepObject"; explode?: boolean; allowReserved?: boolean; schema?: SchemaObject | ReferenceObject; examples?: { [param: string]: ExampleObject | ReferenceObject }; example?: any; content?: ContentObject;}
export interface ParameterObject extends BaseParameterObject { name: string; in: ParameterLocation; // "query" | "header" | "path" | "cookie";}export interface RequestBodyObject extends ISpecificationExtension { description?: string; content: ContentObject; required?: boolean;}export interface ContentObject { [mediatype: string]: MediaTypeObject;}export interface MediaTypeObject extends ISpecificationExtension { schema?: SchemaObject | ReferenceObject; examples?: ExamplesObject; example?: any; encoding?: EncodingObject;}export interface EncodingObject extends ISpecificationExtension { // [property: string]: EncodingPropertyObject; [property: string]: EncodingPropertyObject | any; // Hack for allowing ISpecificationExtension}export interface EncodingPropertyObject { contentType?: string; headers?: { [key: string]: HeaderObject | ReferenceObject }; style?: string; explode?: boolean; allowReserved?: boolean; [key: string]: any; // (any) = Hack for allowing ISpecificationExtension}export interface ResponsesObject extends ISpecificationExtension { default?: ResponseObject | ReferenceObject;
// [statuscode: string]: ResponseObject | ReferenceObject; [statuscode: string]: ResponseObject | ReferenceObject | any; // (any) = Hack for allowing ISpecificationExtension}export interface ResponseObject extends ISpecificationExtension { description: string; headers?: HeadersObject; content?: ContentObject; links?: LinksObject;}export interface CallbacksObject extends ISpecificationExtension { // [name: string]: CallbackObject | ReferenceObject; [name: string]: CallbackObject | ReferenceObject | any; // Hack for allowing ISpecificationExtension}export interface CallbackObject extends ISpecificationExtension { // [name: string]: PathItemObject; [name: string]: PathItemObject | any; // Hack for allowing ISpecificationExtension}export interface HeadersObject { [name: string]: HeaderObject | ReferenceObject;}export interface ExampleObject { summary?: string; description?: string; value?: any; externalValue?: string; [property: string]: any; // Hack for allowing ISpecificationExtension}export interface LinksObject { [name: string]: LinkObject | ReferenceObject;}export interface LinkObject extends ISpecificationExtension { operationRef?: string; operationId?: string; parameters?: LinkParametersObject; requestBody?: any | string; description?: string; server?: ServerObject; [property: string]: any; // Hack for allowing ISpecificationExtension}export interface LinkParametersObject { [name: string]: any | string;}export interface HeaderObject extends BaseParameterObject {}export interface TagObject extends ISpecificationExtension { name: string; description?: string; externalDocs?: ExternalDocumentationObject; [extension: string]: any; // Hack for allowing ISpecificationExtension}export interface ExamplesObject { [name: string]: ExampleObject | ReferenceObject;}
export interface ReferenceObject { $ref: string;}
/** * A type guard to check if the given value is a `ReferenceObject`. * See * * @param obj The value to check. */export function isReferenceObject(obj: object): obj is ReferenceObject { return obj.hasOwnProperty('$ref');}
export interface SchemaObject extends ISpecificationExtension { nullable?: boolean; discriminator?: DiscriminatorObject; readOnly?: boolean; writeOnly?: boolean; xml?: XmlObject; externalDocs?: ExternalDocumentationObject; example?: any; examples?: any[]; deprecated?: boolean;
type?: string; allOf?: (SchemaObject | ReferenceObject)[]; oneOf?: (SchemaObject | ReferenceObject)[]; anyOf?: (SchemaObject | ReferenceObject)[]; not?: SchemaObject | ReferenceObject; items?: SchemaObject | ReferenceObject; properties?: { [propertyName: string]: SchemaObject | ReferenceObject }; additionalProperties?: SchemaObject | ReferenceObject | boolean; description?: string; format?: string; default?: any;
title?: string; multipleOf?: number; maximum?: number; exclusiveMaximum?: boolean; minimum?: number; exclusiveMinimum?: boolean; maxLength?: number; minLength?: number; pattern?: string; maxItems?: number; minItems?: number; uniqueItems?: boolean; maxProperties?: number; minProperties?: number; required?: string[]; enum?: any[];}
/** * A type guard to check if the given object is a `SchemaObject`. * Useful to distinguish from `ReferenceObject` values that can be used * in most places where `SchemaObject` is allowed. * * See * * @param schema The value to check. */export function isSchemaObject(schema: SchemaObject | ReferenceObject): schema is SchemaObject { return !schema.hasOwnProperty('$ref');}
export interface SchemasObject { [schema: string]: SchemaObject;}
export interface DiscriminatorObject { propertyName: string; mapping?: { [key: string]: string };}
export interface XmlObject extends ISpecificationExtension { name?: string; namespace?: string; prefix?: string; attribute?: boolean; wrapped?: boolean;}export type SecuritySchemeType = 'apiKey' | 'http' | 'oauth2' | 'openIdConnect';
export interface SecuritySchemeObject extends ISpecificationExtension { type: SecuritySchemeType; description?: string; name?: string; // required only for apiKey in?: string; // required only for apiKey scheme?: string; // required only for http bearerFormat?: string; flows?: OAuthFlowsObject; // required only for oauth2 openIdConnectUrl?: string; // required only for openIdConnect}export interface OAuthFlowsObject extends ISpecificationExtension { implicit?: OAuthFlowObject; password?: OAuthFlowObject; clientCredentials?: OAuthFlowObject; authorizationCode?: OAuthFlowObject;}export interface OAuthFlowObject extends ISpecificationExtension { authorizationUrl?: string; tokenUrl?: string; refreshUrl?: string; scopes: ScopesObject;}export interface ScopesObject extends ISpecificationExtension { [scope: string]: any; // Hack for allowing ISpecificationExtension}export interface SecurityRequirementObject { [name: string]: string[];}