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Apex CLI

Apex is an interface definition language (IDL) for modeling software. Generate source code, documentation, integration, everything automatically.


  • Approachable - Apex was designed from the ground up to be succinct. Interfaces and data types are described using familiar syntax that won’t slow you down.
  • Protocol agnostic - Regardless of the architecture, your data and interfaces are fundamentally the same. Use Apex to generate code for any serialization format or protocol.
  • Extensible - Generators are written in TypeScript. Easily add custom generators that satisfy your unique needs and publish them for everyone to use.

For more information, visit


First, install Deno.

Then run the command below from a terminal.

deno install -A --unstable -f -n apex
apex --help


  Usage:   apex
  Version: 0.0.2


    A code generation tool using Apex, an interface definition language (IDL) for modeling software.


    -h, --help  - Show this help.


    new          <template> <dir>    - Create a new project directory using a template.
    init         <template>          - Initialize a project using a template.
    generate     [configuration...]  - Run apex generators from a given configuration.
    list                             - List available resources.
    watch        [configuration...]  - Watch apex configuration for changes and trigger code generation.
    upgrade                          - Upgrade apex executable to latest or given version.
    help         [command]           - Show this help or the help of a sub-command.
    completions                      - Generate shell completions.


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details