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From-scratch Typescript client for accessing AWS APIs
Extremely Popular
import type { Credentials, CredentialsProvider } from "./common.ts";import { IMDSv2 } from "./instance-metadata.ts";import { BaseApiFactory } from './client.ts';
export type { Credentials, CredentialsProvider } from "./common.ts";
// If more than one credential source is available to the SDK, the default precedence of selection is as follows:// 1. Credentials that are explicitly set through the service-client constructor// 2. Environment variables// 3. The shared credentials file// 4. Credentials loaded from the ECS credentials provider// 5. Credentials that are obtained by using a credential process specified in the shared AWS config file or the shared credentials file// 6. Credentials loaded from AWS IAM using the credentials provider of the Amazon EC2 instance//
export class CredentialsProviderChain implements CredentialsProvider { #chain: (() => CredentialsProvider)[]; #supplier?: CredentialsProvider; constructor(chain: Array<() => CredentialsProvider>) { this.#chain = chain; } async getCredentials(): Promise<Credentials> { if (this.#supplier) return this.#supplier.getCredentials();
const errors: Array<string> = []; for (const providerFunc of this.#chain) { try { const provider = providerFunc(); const creds = await provider.getCredentials(); this.#supplier = provider; return creds; } catch (err) { const providerLabel = providerFunc.toString().replace(/^\(\)=>new /, ''); const srcName = ` - ${providerLabel} `; if (err instanceof Error) { // if (err.message !== 'No credentials found') { errors.push(srcName+(err.stack?.split('\n')[0] || err.message)); // } } else if (err) { errors.push(srcName+err.toString()); } } } return Promise.reject(new Error([ `Failed to load any possible AWS credentials:`, ...errors].join('\n'))); }}
export const DefaultCredentialsProvider = new CredentialsProviderChain([ () => new EnvironmentCredentials('AWS'), () => new EnvironmentCredentials('AMAZON'), () => new SharedIniFileCredentials(), () => new EcsTaskCredentials(), // () => new ProcessCredentials(), () => new TokenFileWebIdentityCredentials(), () => new EC2MetadataCredentials(), ]);
// full spec: * as ini from './ini.ts';export class SharedIniFileCredentials implements CredentialsProvider { #filename: string; #filedata?: string; #profile: string; #promise?: Promise<Credentials>; constructor({ profile, filename, filedata, }: { profile?: string, filename?: string, filedata?: string, }={}) {
if (filedata) { filename = filename || 'tmp://supplied-inline'; this.#filedata = filedata; } if (!filename) { filename = Deno.env.get('AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE'); } if (!filename) { const HOME = Deno.env.get('HOME') || Deno.env.get('USERPROFILE'); filename = HOME+'/.aws/credentials'; } this.#filename = filename;
if (!profile) { profile = Deno.env.get('AWS_PROFILE'); } this.#profile = profile || 'default'; }
getCredentials(): Promise<Credentials> { if (!this.#promise) this.#promise = this.load(); return this.#promise; }
async load(): Promise<Credentials> { const text = this.#filedata ?? await Deno.readTextFile(this.#filename); const data: {[name: string]: { aws_access_key_id?: string; aws_secret_access_key?: string; aws_session_token?: string; credential_process?: string; region?: string; // from saml2aws x_principal_arn?: string; x_security_token_expires?: string; } | undefined } = ini.decode(text); const config = data[`profile ${this.#profile}`] ?? data[this.#profile]; if (!config) throw new Error(`Profile ${this.#profile} not found in credentials file`); if (!config.aws_access_key_id || !config.aws_secret_access_key) { throw new Error(`Profile ${this.#profile} lacks static credentials`); } return { awsAccessKeyId: config.aws_access_key_id, awsSecretKey: config.aws_secret_access_key, sessionToken: config.aws_session_token, region: config.region, }; }}
export class EnvironmentCredentials implements CredentialsProvider { #prefix: string; #promise?: Promise<Credentials>; constructor(prefix = 'AWS') { this.#prefix = prefix; }
getCredentials(): Promise<Credentials> { if (!this.#promise) this.#promise = this.load(); return this.#promise; }
load(): Promise<Credentials> { const AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = Deno.env.get(this.#prefix+"_ACCESS_KEY_ID"); const AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = Deno.env.get(this.#prefix+"_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"); const AWS_SESSION_TOKEN = Deno.env.get(this.#prefix+"_SESSION_TOKEN");
if (!AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID || !AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) { return Promise.reject(new Error(`${this.#prefix} environment variables not set`)); }
return Promise.resolve({ awsAccessKeyId: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, awsSecretKey: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, sessionToken: AWS_SESSION_TOKEN, region: Deno.env.get(this.#prefix+"_REGION"), }); }}
//** * Implements the "IAM roles for tasks" feature of Amazon ECS. * Dynamically fetches credentials from the ECS runtime via HTTP. */export class EcsTaskCredentials implements CredentialsProvider { #credUrl?: string; #headers: Headers; #promise: Promise<Credentials> | null = null; #expireAfter: Date | null = null;
constructor(opts: { relativeUri?: string; fullUri?: string; serviceEndpoint?: string; authHeader?: string; }={}) { const relativeUri = opts.relativeUri || Deno.env.get('AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI'); const fullUri = opts.fullUri || Deno.env.get('AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_FULL_URI'); const serviceEndpoint = opts.serviceEndpoint || Deno.env.get('AWS_CONTAINER_SERVICE_ENDPOINT') || ''; const authHeader = opts.authHeader || Deno.env.get('AWS_CONTAINER_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN');
this.#credUrl = relativeUri ? new URL(relativeUri, serviceEndpoint).toString() : fullUri; this.#headers = new Headers({ 'accept': 'application/json', }); if (authHeader) { this.#headers.set('authorization', authHeader); } }
getCredentials(): Promise<Credentials> { if (this.#expireAfter && this.#expireAfter < new Date()) { this.#expireAfter = null; this.#promise = null; }
if (!this.#promise) { const promise = this.load(); this.#promise = promise.then(x => { if (x.expiresAt && x.expiresAt > new Date()) { this.#expireAfter = new Date(x.expiresAt.valueOf() - 60*1000); } return x; }, err => { this.#expireAfter = new Date( + 30*1000); return Promise.reject(err); }); }
return this.#promise; }
async load(): Promise<Credentials> { if (!this.#credUrl) throw new Error( `AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI not set`);
const resp = await fetch(this.#credUrl, { headers: this.#headers, signal: (AbortSignal as any).timeout?.(5000), // starting Deno 1.20 }); if (resp.status >= 300) throw new Error( `ECS service endpoint returned HTTP ${resp.status}`);
const data: { AccessKeyId: string; SecretAccessKey: string; Token: string; Expiration: string; // RFC 3339 RoleArn: string; } = await resp.json();
const expiration = new Date(data.Expiration); if (expiration.toString() === 'Invalid Date') throw new Error( `Failed to parse ECS expiration date: ${JSON.stringify(data.Expiration)}`);
return Promise.resolve({ awsAccessKeyId: data.AccessKeyId, awsSecretKey: data.SecretAccessKey, sessionToken: data.Token, expiresAt: new Date(data.Expiration), }); }}
export class TokenFileWebIdentityCredentials implements CredentialsProvider { #roleArn?: string; #tokenPath?: string; #sessionName: string; #promise: Promise<Credentials> | null = null; #expireAfter: Date | null = null;
constructor(opts: { roleArn?: string; tokenPath?: string; sessionName?: string; }={}) { this.#roleArn = opts.roleArn || Deno.env.get('AWS_ROLE_ARN'); this.#tokenPath = opts.tokenPath || Deno.env.get('AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE'); this.#sessionName = opts.sessionName || Deno.env.get('AWS_ROLE_SESSION_NAME') || 'token-file-web-identity'; }
// We can't expire using setTimeout because that hangs Deno // getCredentials(): Promise<Credentials> { if (this.#expireAfter && this.#expireAfter < new Date()) { this.#expireAfter = null; this.#promise = null; }
if (!this.#promise) { const promise = this.load(); this.#promise = promise.then(x => { if (x.expiresAt && x.expiresAt > new Date()) { this.#expireAfter = new Date(x.expiresAt.valueOf() - 60*1000); } return x; }, err => { this.#expireAfter = new Date( + 30*1000); return Promise.reject(err); }); }
return this.#promise; }
async load(): Promise<Credentials> { if (!this.#tokenPath) throw new Error(`No WebIdentityToken file path is set`); if (!this.#roleArn) throw new Error(`No Role ARN is set`);
const client = new BaseApiFactory({ // TODO: give a region here when AWS_STS_REGIONAL_ENDPOINTS=regional // region: 'us-east-1', endpointResolver: new AwsEndpointResolver({ forceRegional: false, // TODO as above }), credentialProvider: { getCredentials: () => Promise.reject(new Error( `No credentials necesary to AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity`)) }, }).buildServiceClient(StsApiMetadata);
const resp = await assumeRoleWithWebIdentity(client, { RoleArn: this.#roleArn, RoleSessionName: this.#sessionName, WebIdentityToken: await Deno.readTextFile(this.#tokenPath), });
return Promise.resolve({ awsAccessKeyId: resp.AccessKeyId, awsSecretKey: resp.SecretAccessKey, sessionToken: resp.SessionToken, expiresAt: resp.Expiration, }); }}
export class EC2MetadataCredentials implements CredentialsProvider { #service: IMDSv2; #promise: Promise<Credentials> | null = null; #expireAfter: Date | null = null;
constructor(opts: { client?: IMDSv2; }={}) { this.#service = opts.client ?? new IMDSv2; }
// We can't expire using setTimeout because that hangs Deno // getCredentials(): Promise<Credentials> { if (this.#expireAfter && this.#expireAfter < new Date()) { this.#expireAfter = null; this.#promise = null; }
if (!this.#promise) { const promise = this.load(); this.#promise = promise.then(x => { if (x.expiresAt && x.expiresAt > new Date()) { this.#expireAfter = new Date(x.expiresAt.valueOf() - 60*1000); } return x; }, err => { this.#expireAfter = new Date( + 30*1000); return Promise.reject(err); }); }
return this.#promise; }
async load(): Promise<Credentials> {
const roleListReq = this.#service .performRequest('GET', 'meta-data/iam/security-credentials/') .then(x => x ? x.split('\n') : []) .catch(err => { if ('status' in err && err.status === 404) throw new Error( `This EC2 Instance doesn't have an IAM instance role attached`); throw err; });
const roleList = await roleListReq; if (roleList.length !== 1 || !roleList[0]) throw new Error( `Unexpected EC2 instance role list: ${JSON.stringify(roleList)}`);
const credential: { Code: "Success" | string; LastUpdated: string; Type: "AWS-HMAC" | string; AccessKeyId: string; SecretAccessKey: string; Token: string; Expiration: string; } = JSON.parse(await this.#service .performRequest('GET', 'meta-data/iam/security-credentials/'+roleList[0])); if (credential.Code !== 'Success') throw new Error( `Unexpected EC2 instance credential code: ${credential.Code}`); if (credential.Type !== 'AWS-HMAC') throw new Error( `Unexpected EC2 instance credential type: ${credential.Type}`);
return Promise.resolve({ awsAccessKeyId: credential.AccessKeyId, awsSecretKey: credential.SecretAccessKey, sessionToken: credential.Token, expiresAt: new Date(credential.Expiration), region: await this.#service.performRequest('GET', 'meta-data/placement/region'), }); }}

export function getDefaultCredentials(): Promise<Credentials> { return DefaultCredentialsProvider.getCredentials();}
export function getDefaultRegion(): string { const AWS_REGION = Deno.env.get("AWS_REGION"); if (!AWS_REGION) { throw new Error("Set AWS_REGION environment variable"); } return AWS_REGION;};

//--------------------------------------------// Embedded subset of STS for assuming roles// Is it even worth saving the one STS file? idk
import type { ServiceClient, ApiMetadata } from "./common.ts";import { readXmlResult, XmlNode } from "../encoding/xml.ts";import { AwsEndpointResolver } from "./endpoints.ts";
const StsApiMetadata: ApiMetadata = { apiVersion: "2011-06-15", endpointPrefix: "sts", globalEndpoint: "", protocol: "query", serviceAbbreviation: "AWS STS", serviceFullName: "AWS Security Token Service", serviceId: "STS", signatureVersion: "v4", uid: "sts-2011-06-15", xmlNamespace: ""};
async function assumeRoleWithWebIdentity(sts: ServiceClient, params: { RoleArn: string; RoleSessionName: string; WebIdentityToken: string;}): Promise<AssumedCredentials> { const body = new URLSearchParams([ ["RoleArn", params["RoleArn"] ?? ''], ["RoleSessionName", params["RoleSessionName"] ?? ''], ["WebIdentityToken", params["WebIdentityToken"] ?? ''], ]); const resp = await sts.performRequest({ action: "AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity", authType: "anonymous", body, }); const xml = readXmlResult(await resp.text(), "AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityResult"); return xml.first("Credentials", true, parseAssumedCredentials);}
interface AssumedCredentials { AccessKeyId: string; SecretAccessKey: string; SessionToken: string; Expiration: Date;}function parseAssumedCredentials(node: XmlNode): AssumedCredentials { return { ...node.strings({ required: {"AccessKeyId":true,"SecretAccessKey":true,"SessionToken":true}, }), Expiration: node.first("Expiration", true, x => parseXmlTimestamp(x.content)), };}function parseXmlTimestamp(str: string | undefined): Date { if (str?.includes('T')) return new Date(str); if (str?.length === 10) return new Date(parseInt(str) * 1000) throw new Error(`Timestamp from STS is unparsable: '${str}'`);}