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Promise based HTTP client for Deno
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import { urlJoin } from "";
import type { IRequest, IConfig, Data, IAxiodResponse,} from "./interfaces.ts";import { methods } from "./helpers.ts";
function axiod(config: IRequest): Promise<IAxiodResponse> { return axiod.request(config);}
axiod.defaults = { url: "/", method: "get", timeout: 0, withCredentials: false,};
axiod.create = (config: IRequest) => { const instance = axiod.bind(config); instance.defaults = Object.assign({}, axiod.defaults, config); return instance;};
axiod.request = ({ url = "/", baseURL, method = "get", headers, params, data, timeout = 0, withCredentials = false, auth, paramsSerializer,}: IRequest) => { // Url and Base url if (baseURL) { url = urlJoin(baseURL, url); }
// Method if (methods.indexOf(method.toLowerCase().trim()) === -1) { throw new Error(`Method ${method} is not supported`); } else { method = method.toLowerCase().trim(); }
// Params let _params = ""; if (params) { if (paramsSerializer) { _params = paramsSerializer(params); } else { _params = Object.keys(params) .map((key) => { return ( encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(params[key]) ); }) .join("&"); } }
// Add credentials to header if (withCredentials) { if (auth?.username && auth?.password) { if (!headers) { headers = {}; }
headers["Authorization"] = "Basic " + btoa( unescape(encodeURIComponent(`${auth.username}:${auth.password}`)), ); } }
// Create fetch Request Config const fetchRequestObject: RequestInit = {};
// Add method to Request Config if (method !== "get") { fetchRequestObject.method = method.toUpperCase(); }
// Add params to Request Config Url if (_params) { url = urlJoin(url, `?${params}`); }
// Add body to Request Config if (data && method !== "get") { if (typeof data === "string" || data instanceof FormData) { fetchRequestObject.body = data; } else { try { fetchRequestObject.body = JSON.stringify(data); if (!headers) { headers = {}; }
headers["Accept"] = "application/json"; headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"; } catch (ex) {} } }
// Add headers to Request Config if (headers) { const _headers: Headers = new Headers(); Object.keys(headers).forEach((header) => { if (headers && headers[header]) { _headers.set(header, headers[header]); } }); fetchRequestObject.headers = _headers; }
return fetch(url, fetchRequestObject).then(async (x) => { const _status: number = x.status; const _statusText: string = x.statusText; let _data: any = null; const contentType = x.headers.get("content-type") || ""; if (contentType.toLowerCase().indexOf("json") === -1) { // Try to convert to json try { _data = await x.json(); } catch (ex) { _data = await x.text(); } } else { _data = await x.json(); } const _headers: Headers = x.headers; const _config: IRequest = { url, baseURL, method, headers, params, data, timeout, withCredentials, auth, paramsSerializer, };
if (_status >= 200 && _status < 300) { return Promise.resolve({ status: _status, statusText: _statusText, data: _data, headers: _headers, config: _config, }); } else { const error = { response: { status: _status, statusText: _statusText, data: _data, headers: _headers, }, config: _config, };
return Promise.reject(error); } });};
axiod.get = (url: string, config?: IConfig) => { return axiod.request(Object.assign({}, { url }, config, { method: "get" }));}; = (url: string, data?: Data, config?: IConfig) => { return axiod.request( Object.assign({}, { url }, config, { method: "post", data }), );};axiod.put = (url: string, data?: Data, config?: IConfig) => { return axiod.request( Object.assign({}, { url }, config, { method: "put", data }), );};axiod.delete = (url: string, data?: Data, config?: IConfig) => { return axiod.request( Object.assign({}, { url }, config, { method: "delete", data }), );};axiod.options = (url: string, data?: Data, config?: IConfig) => { return axiod.request( Object.assign({}, { url }, config, { method: "options", data }), );};axiod.head = (url: string, data?: Data, config?: IConfig) => { return axiod.request( Object.assign({}, { url }, config, { method: "head", data }), );};axiod.connect = (url: string, data?: Data, config?: IConfig) => { return axiod.request( Object.assign({}, { url }, config, { method: "connect", data }), );};axiod.trace = (url: string, data?: Data, config?: IConfig) => { return axiod.request( Object.assign({}, { url }, config, { method: "trace", data }), );};axiod.patch = (url: string, data?: Data, config?: IConfig) => { return axiod.request( Object.assign({}, { url }, config, { method: "patch", data }), );};
export default axiod;