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A static site generator for the dynamic web - develop with TSX and build with Deno
import "";// importing domain to get JSX.IntrinsicElements in scopeimport "../domain.ts";
export interface EdgeComponent<P extends Props = Record<string, never>> { (props: P, req: Request): EdgeElement | Promise<EdgeElement>; preBody? (req: Request, res: Response): void | Response | Promise<void | Response>;}
type Props = Record<string, unknown>;type EdgeRenderer = ( element: Children | Promise<Children>,) => Promise<Html>;type Html = string;type EdgeElement<P extends Props = Props> = { type: ElementType; props?: P; children?: Children[];};type ElementType = EdgeComponent<Props> | string;type Child = EdgeElement | string;type Children = Child | Child[];type ElementCreator = ( type: ElementType, props?: Props, ...children: Children[]) => EdgeElement;
const renderProps = (props?: Props): string => { if (!props) return ""; return Object.entries(props).reduce( (all, [attr, value]) => `${all} ${attr}="${value}"`, "", );};
export const h: ElementCreator = (type, props, ...children) => ({ type, props, children,});
const createRenderer = (req: Request): EdgeRenderer => { const render: EdgeRenderer = async (element) => { let html = "";
element = await element;
if (!element) return "";
if (typeof element === "string") { return element; }
if ("length" in element) { for (const el of element) { html += await render(el); } return html; }
if (typeof element.type !== "string") { const props = element.props || {}; props.children = element.children; element = await element.type(props, req); return render(element); }
const { type, props, children } = element;
html += `<${type}${renderProps(props)}>`;
if (children) { for (const child of children) { html += await render(child); } }
html += `</${type}>`;
return html; }; return render;};
const createRewriter = (components: Record<string, EdgeComponent>) => (req: Request): ElementHandler => ({ element: async (el) => { try { const src = el.getAttribute("src"); if (!src) { throw new Error("Edge component `src` attribute not set"); } const props = new Proxy({}, { get: (_target, prop) => el.getAttribute(prop as string), }); const component = components[src]; const element = await component(props, req); element.props = props; const render = createRenderer(req); const html = await render(element); html && el.replace(html, { html: true }); } catch (ex) { console.log("Could not render edge component", ex.toString()); } }, });
export const edgeRequestHandler = ( components: Record<string, EdgeComponent>, originHost?: string,) => async (request: Request): Promise<Response> => { if (originHost) { const url = new URL(request.url); = originHost; request = new Request(url.toString(), request); } let res = await fetch(request); Object.values(components).forEach(c => { if (c.preBody) { res = new Response(res.body, res); c.preBody(request, res); } }); return new HTMLRewriter().on( "edge-component", createRewriter(components)(request), ).transform( res, ); };