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🥌 Deno cache library
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import { createHash, dirname, ensureDir, exists, join, resolve,} from "./deps.ts";import { ff } from "./file_fetcher.ts";import { protocol } from "./helpers.ts";import { Cache } from "./mod.ts";
export interface Policy { maxAge: number; strict?: boolean;}
export const RELOAD_POLICY: Policy = { maxAge: -1,};
function checkPolicy(file: File, policy: Policy): boolean { // birthtime is not available on all platforms. if (!file.lstat.birthtime && !policy.strict) return true; if (!file.lstat.birthtime) return false; if (policy.maxAge < 0) return false;
const now = new Date(); const then = file.lstat.birthtime; const delta = (now.getTime() - then.getTime()) / 1000; const stale = delta > policy.maxAge; return stale;}
export enum Origin { CACHE = "cache", FETCH = "fetch",}
interface IFile { url: URL; hash: string; path: string; metapath: string; meta: Metadata; lstat: Deno.FileInfo; origin: Origin;
policy?: Policy; ns?: string;}
export type File = Readonly<IFile>;
export interface Metadata { headers?: { [key: string]: string }; url: string;}
export class FileWrapper { hash: string; path: string; metapath: string;
constructor(public url: URL, public policy?: Policy, public ns?: string) { this.hash = hash(url); this.path = path(url, ns); this.metapath = metapath(url, ns); }
async exists(): Promise<boolean> { return await exists(this.path); }
async remove(): Promise<void> { await Deno.remove(this.path); await Deno.remove(this.metapath); }
async ensure(): Promise<void> { return await ensureDir(dirname(this.path)); }
async read(): Promise<File> { const meta = await metaread(this.url, this.ns); return { ...this, lstat: await Deno.lstat(this.path), meta, origin: Origin.CACHE, }; }
async fetch(): Promise<File> { const meta = await ff(this.url, this.path); await metasave(meta, this.url, this.ns); return { ...this, lstat: await Deno.lstat(this.path), meta, origin: Origin.FETCH, }; }
async get(): Promise<File> { await this.ensure(); if (await this.exists()) { const file = await; if (!this.policy) return file; if (checkPolicy(file, this.policy)) return file; return await this.fetch(); } else { return await this.fetch(); } }}
function hash(url: URL) { const formatted = `${url.pathname}${ ? "?" + : ""}`; return createHash("sha256").update(formatted).toString();}
function path(url: URL, ns?: string) { let path = []; if (ns) path.push(ns); path = path.concat([ protocol(url.protocol), url.hostname, hash(url), ]); return resolve(join(...path));}
function metapath(url: URL, ns?: string) { return resolve(`${path(url, ns)}.metadata.json`);}
async function metasave(meta: Metadata, url: URL, ns?: string): Promise<void> { await Deno.writeTextFile(metapath(url, ns), JSON.stringify(meta));}
async function metaread(url: URL, ns?: string): Promise<Metadata> { const metadata = await Deno.readTextFile(metapath(url, ns)); return JSON.parse(metadata) as Metadata;}