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import { assertEquals, assertStrictEquals } from "./deps_test.ts";import { pack, unpack, usePackers, packer, Packers } from "./pack.ts";
// The following tests are modeled after superjson's tests as of March 28, 2022://
Deno.test("[pack/superjson_20220328]: pack() and unpack()", async (t) => { const data: Record<string, { input: unknown; output: unknown; custom?: (x: { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any input: any; output: any; packed: any; unpacked: any; }) => void; localPackers?: Packers; globalPackers?: Packers; }> = { "works for objects": { input: { a: { 1: 5, 2: { 3: 'c' } }, b: null, }, output: { a: { 1: 5, 2: { 3: 'c' } }, b: null, }, }, "special case: objects with array-like keys": { input: { a: { 0: 3, 1: 5, 2: { 3: "c" } }, b: null, }, output: { a: { 0: 3, 1: 5, 2: { 3: "c" } }, b: null, }, }, "works for arrays": { input: { a: [1, undefined, 2], }, output: { a: [1, { $undefined: null }, 2], }, }, "works for Sets": { input: { a: new Set([1, undefined, 2]), }, output: { a: { $set: [1, { $undefined: null }, 2] }, }, }, "works for top-level Sets": { input: new Set([1, undefined, 2]), output: { $set: [1, { $undefined: null }, 2] }, }, "works for Maps": { input: { a: new Map([[1, "a"], [NaN, "b"]]), b: new Map([["2", "b"]]), d: new Map([[true, "true key"]]), }, output: { a: { $map: [[1, "a"], [{ $number: "nan" }, "b"]] }, b: { $map: [["2", "b"]] }, d: { $map: [[true, "true key"]] }, }, }, "preserves object identity": { input: () => { const a = { id: "a" }; const b = { id: "b" }; return { options: [a, b], selected: a, }; }, output: { options: [{ id: "a" }, { id: "b" }], selected: { $ref: ".options.0" }, }, custom: (x) => { assertEquals(x.packed, x.output); assertEquals(x.unpacked, x.input); assertStrictEquals(x.unpacked.options[0], x.unpacked.selected); }, }, "works for paths containing dots": { input: { "a.1": { b: new Set([1, 2]), }, }, output: { "a.1": { b: { $set: [1, 2] }, }, }, }, "works for paths containing backslashes": { input: () => { const set = new Set([1, 2]); return { "a\\.1": set, ref: set, }; }, output: { "a\\.1": { $set: [1, 2] }, ref: { $ref: ".a\\\\.1" }, }, custom: (x) => { assertEquals(x.packed, x.output); assertEquals(x.unpacked, x.input); assertStrictEquals(x.unpacked["a\\.1"], x.unpacked.ref); }, }, "works for dates": { input: { meeting: { date: new Date(2022, 2, 28), }, }, output: { meeting: { date: { $date: new Date(2022, 2, 28).toISOString() }, }, }, }, "works for errors": { input: { e: new Error("epic fail"), }, output: { e: { $error: "epic fail" }, }, }, "works for regex": { input: { a: /hello/g, }, output: { a: { $regexp: "/hello/g" }, }, }, "works for Infinity": { input: { a: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, }, output: { a: { $number: "+infinity" }, }, }, "works for -Infinity": { input: { a: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, }, output: { a: { $number: "-infinity" }, }, }, "works for NaN": { input: { a: NaN, }, output: { a: { $number: "nan" }, }, }, "works for bigint": { input: { a: BigInt("4206942069420694206942069"), }, output: { a: { $bigint: "4206942069420694206942069" }, }, }, "works for unknown": { input: () => { type WarCriminal = { name: string; age: unknown; }; const person: WarCriminal = { name: "Vladimir Putin", age: "hell is forever", }; return person; }, output: { name: "Vladimir Putin", age: "hell is forever", }, }, "works for self-referencing objects": { input: () => { const a = { role: "parent", children: [] as unknown[] }; const b = { role: "child", parents: [a] }; a.children.push(b); return a; }, output: { role: "parent", children: [{ role: "child", parents: [{ $ref: "" }], }], }, custom: (x) => { assertEquals(x.packed, x.output); assertEquals({ role: x.unpacked.role, children: [{ role: x.unpacked.children[0].role, }], }, { role: "parent", children: [{ role: "child", }], }); assertStrictEquals(x.unpacked, x.unpacked.children[0].parents[0]); }, }, "works for Maps with two keys that serialize to the same string but have a different reference": { input: new Map([ [/a/g, "cav"], [/a/g, "bar"], ]), output: { $map: [ [{ $regexp: "/a/g" }, "cav"], [{ $regexp: "/a/g" }, "bar"], ], }, }, "works for Maps with a key that's referentially equal to another field": { input: () => { const robbyBubble = { id: 5 }; const highscores = new Map([ [robbyBubble, 5000], ]); return { highscores, topScorer: robbyBubble, }; }, output: { highscores: { $map: [[{ id: 5 }, 5000]], }, topScorer: { $ref: ".highscores.$map.0.0" }, }, }, "works for referentially equal maps": { input: () => { const map = new Map([[1, 1]]); return { a: map, b: map }; }, output: { a: { $map: [[1, 1]] }, b: { $ref: ".a" }, }, custom: (x) => { assertEquals(x.packed, x.output); assertEquals(x.unpacked, x.input); assertStrictEquals(x.unpacked.a, x.unpacked.b); }, }, "works for maps with non-uniform keys": { input: { map: new Map<string | number, number>([[1, 1], ["1", 1]]), }, output: { map: { $map: [[1, 1], ["1", 1]] }, }, }, "works for referentially equal values inside a set": { input: () => { const user = { id: 2 }; return { users: new Set([user]), userOfTheMonth: user, }; }, output: { users: { $set: [{ id: 2 }] }, userOfTheMonth: { $ref: ".users.$set.0" }, }, custom: (x) => { assertEquals(x.packed, x.output); assertEquals(x.unpacked, x.input); const vals = Array.from(x.unpacked.users); assertStrictEquals(x.unpacked.userOfTheMonth, vals[0]); }, }, "works for symbols": { // I'm testing something different this time. Symbols don't have a lot of // use in pack.ts when compared with superjson. I might adopt their symbol // registry idea in the future but I don't have a use-case in mind right // now so I'm just going to leave it on the table and do referential // equality only input: () => { const sym = Symbol("description"); return { a: sym, b: sym }; }, output: { a: { $symbol: "description" }, b: { $ref: ".a" }, }, custom: (x) => { assertEquals(x.packed, x.output); assertEquals(Object.keys(x.unpacked), ["a", "b"]); assertEquals(typeof x.unpacked.a, "symbol"); assertEquals(x.unpacked.a.description, "description"); assertStrictEquals(x.unpacked.a, x.unpacked.b); }, }, "works for custom transformers": { input: { testLocal: { testLocal: true }, testGlobal: { testGlobal: true }, }, output: { testLocal: { $testLocal: null }, testGlobal: { $testGlobal: null }, }, localPackers: { testLocal: packer({ check: (v: { testLocal?: boolean }) => v.testLocal === true, pack: () => null, unpack: () => ({ testLocal: true }), }), }, globalPackers: { testGlobal: packer({ check: (v: { testGlobal?: boolean }) => v.testGlobal === true, pack: () => null, unpack: () => ({ testGlobal: true }), }), }, }, // Skipping "works for Decimal.js" (N/A) "issue #58": { input: () => { const cool = Symbol("cool"); return { q: [ 9, { henlo: undefined, yee: new Date(2022, 2, 28), yee2: new Date(2022, 2, 28), foo1: new Date(2022, 2, 28), z: cool, }, ], }; }, output: { q: [9, { henlo: { $undefined: null }, yee: { $date: new Date(2022, 2, 28).toISOString() }, yee2: { $date: new Date(2022, 2, 28).toISOString() }, foo1: { $date: new Date(2022, 2, 28).toISOString() }, z: { $symbol: "cool" }, }], }, custom: (x) => { assertEquals(x.packed, x.output); assertEquals(Object.keys(x.unpacked), ["q"]); assertEquals(x.unpacked.q.length, 2); assertEquals(x.unpacked.q[0], 9); assertEquals(Object.keys(x.unpacked.q[1]), [ "henlo", "yee", "yee2", "foo1", "z", ])
const io = x.input.q[1]; const uo = x.unpacked.q[1]; assertEquals({, z: null }, { ...uo, z: null }); assertEquals(typeof uo.z, "symbol"); assertEquals(io.z.description, uo.z.description); }, }, // Skipping "works with custom allowedProps" (N/A) // TODO: "works with typed arrays": { "works for undefined, issue #48": { input: undefined, output: { $undefined: null }, }, // Skipping "regression #109: nested classes" (I'm lazy) };
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(data)) { await t.step(k, async (t) => { const i = typeof v.input === "function" ? v.input() : v.input; if (v.globalPackers) { usePackers(v.globalPackers); }
let packed: unknown; let unpacked: unknown; await t.step(`pack()`, () => { packed = pack(i, v.localPackers); }); await t.step(`unpack()`, () => { unpacked = unpack(v.output, v.localPackers); });
if (v.custom) { await t.step(`custom asserts`, () => v.custom!({ input: i, output: v.output, packed, unpacked, })); } else { await t.step(`standard asserts`, () => { assertEquals(packed, v.output); assertEquals(unpacked, i); }); } }); }});
// test("[pack/superjson_20220328]: when serializing custom class instances", () => { // TODO// });