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A server framework for Deno
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function client
import { client } from "";

Constructs a new Client tied to a given base URL. The provided set of packers will be used everywhere that data is packed/unpacked when using this client, including web sockets.

If the type parameter provided is a Stack or an Rpc, the returned client function's type will be tailored to match the inputs and outputs expected on the Stack/Rpc. In the case of Stacks, the returned client function is wrapped in a Proxy that will translate property accesses into path segments to append to the internal URL of the request. Once the client function is called (as opposed to keyed into), the fetch process uses that internal URL. The generic types are imaginary; they're used only to keep the server setup and the client-side api accesses in sync with each other. When they get out of sync, there will be a typescript error in the IDE but the bundleScript() process will ignore the error.

For example:

// On the server... (server.ts)
import { cav as c, zod as z } from "./deps.ts";

export type MyRpc = typeof myRpc;

const myRpc = c.rpc({
  query: z.object({
    hi: z.string(),
  resolve: x => {
    return `Hello, ${x.query.hi}!`;

export type MyStack = typeof myStack;

export const myStack = c.stack({
  // There's multiple ways to divide up stack routes. Here's two of those
  // ways:
  path: {
    "to/rpc": myRpc,

// On the client... (browser/app.tsx)
import type { MyStack, MyRpc } from "../server.ts"; // Discarded upon build

// Each of these equates to the same request. The a/b/c variables below are
// all of type `Promise<string>`, which is automatically determined by the
// passed in type parameter. The final request will be: `GET
// /path/to/rpc?hi=world`. When the promises resolve, the strings will be
// "Hello, world!"
const a = client<MyStack>("/"){ query: { hi: "world" } });
const b = client<MyStack>("/")["path/to/rpc"]({ query: { hi: "world" } });
const c = client<MyRpc>("/path/to/rpc")({ query: { hi: "world" } });


packers: Packers