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interface Packer
import { type Packer } from "";

A group of functions used to recognize, pack, and unpack objects and special values that are not strings, basic numbers, booleans, or nulls into objects that are JSON compatible.

Type Parameters

I = unknown
O = unknown


check(value: unknown): boolean

Function for checking if the packer applies to a given value. JSON primitives like basic numbers, strings, booleans, and nulls skip all packers and are returned as-is. i.e. check: (v) => typeof v === "string" would always return false.

pack(value: I): O

Transforms the value into its output on the resulting json-compatible object. The value returned by this function will be re-packed; the output does not need to be JSON-compatible.

unpack(raw: unknown, whenDone: WhenDone<O>): I

Unpacks packed values into their original shape and structure. Initially, the value is only constructed from the raw packed JSON. Values that are more complex and need things like referential equality or non-POJO/Array objects will need to use the whenDone registration function to access the equivalent of the value returned from pack() when the value was serialized. (See the docs for the WhenDone type for more details.)