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Experimental server framework for Deno
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// Copyright 2022 Connor Logan. All rights reserved. MIT License.
import { fileServer, path } from "./deps.ts";import { HttpError } from "./serial.ts";import { noMatch } from "./router.ts";import { context } from "./context.ts";
function parseCwd(cwd: string): string { if (cwd.startsWith("https://") || cwd.startsWith("http://")) { cwd = path.join(cwd, ".."); } else if (cwd.startsWith("file://")) { cwd = path.join(path.fromFileUrl(cwd), ".."); } return cwd;}
/** Object denoting the location of an assets directory. */export interface AssetsLocation { /** * Sets the current working directory when looking for the assets folder. If a * file://, http://, or https:// path is provided, the parent folder of the * path is used. This is useful if you want to serve assets relative to the * current file using `import.meta.url`. Default: `"."` */ cwd?: string; /** * The path of the assets directory relative to the cwd. This pattern * encourages keeping public asset files separated from application source * code, so that code isn't processed by mistake. Default: `"assets"` */ dir?: string;}
/** Options controlling how assets are found and served. */export interface ServeAssetOptions extends AssetsLocation { /** * The path of the file to serve inside the assets directory. If this isn't * provided, the routed path from the Context associated with the request will * be used. */ path?: string;}
// When a requested path without a trailing slash resolves to a directory and// that directory has an index file in it, relative links in the html need to be// rewritten to account for the lack of trailing slash. This regex is used to// rewrite them.const htmlRelativeLinks = /<[a-z\-]+(?:\s+[a-z\-]+(?:(?:=".*")|(?:='.*'))?\s*)*\s+((?:href|src)=(?:"\.\.?\/.*?"|'\.\.?\/.*?'))(?:\s+[a-z\-]+(?:(?:=".*")|(?:='.*'))?\s*)*\/?>/g;
/** * Response factory for serving static assets. Asset resolution uses the * provided ServeAssetOptions, the Request is only used for caching headers like * ETag etc. */export async function serveAsset( req: Request, opt?: ServeAssetOptions,): Promise<Response> { const ctx = context(req); const url = ctx.url; let pathname = opt?.path || ctx.path;
// Special rules for serving files. To opt out, specify the path directly on // the options if (!opt?.path) { const parts = pathname.split("/"); for (const p of parts) { if (p.startsWith(".")) { return noMatch(new Response("404 not found", { status: 404 })); } } }
const cwd = parseCwd(opt?.cwd || "."); const dir = opt?.dir || "assets";
try { let filePath = path.join( cwd, dir, path.join("/", pathname), );
let fileInfo: Deno.FileInfo | null = null; try { fileInfo = await Deno.stat(filePath); } catch { try { const p = `${filePath}.html`; const info = await Deno.stat(p); if (info.isFile) { filePath = p; fileInfo = info; } } catch { // continue } }
let wasAutoIndexed = false; if (fileInfo && fileInfo.isDirectory) { fileInfo = null; try { const p = path.join(filePath, "index.html"); const info = await Deno.stat(p); if (info.isFile) { filePath = p; fileInfo = info; wasAutoIndexed = true; } } catch { // continue } }
if (fileInfo === null) { throw new HttpError("404 not found", { status: 404 }); }
const res = await fileServer.serveFile(req, filePath);
// FIXME: The media_types module the file_server uses is behind a little, it // uses application/javascript but that's no longer the standard: // Deno relies on a vendored copy // of to determine the correct type, and // Doug Wilson hasn't been able to update it because nginx and apache are // being slow to update. There's an issue open about this, when it closes // and Deno pulls the updates it should be safe to remove this next // conditional (not that it's really needed in the first place): // if (res.headers.get("content-type")?.startsWith("application/javascript")) { res.headers.set("content-type", "text/javascript; charset=UTF-8"); }
if ( !wasAutoIndexed || // It wasn't an index file from a nested directory !res.body // It was a 304 response ) { return res; }
// Index relative link rebasing for index.html files inside nested folders
const basename = path.basename(url.pathname); let content = await res.text();
content = content.replaceAll(htmlRelativeLinks, (match, group) => { const newGroup = group.replace( /^(?:src|href)=(?:"|')(\..*)(?:"|')$/g, (m: string, g: string) => m.replace( g, ( // TODO: This isn't complete. Make a note in the docs about // trailing slashes g.startsWith("./") ? `./${basename}/${g.slice(2)}` : g.startsWith("../") ? `./${g.slice(3)}` : g ), ), ); return match.replace(group, newGroup); });
res.headers.delete("content-length"); return new Response(content, { headers: res.headers }); } catch (e1) { if (e1 instanceof HttpError && e1.status === 404) { return noMatch(new Response("404 not found", { status: 404 })); } throw e1; }}
// // async function findModules(dir: string) {// // const modules: string[] = [];// // for await (const entry of Deno.readDir(dir)) {// // if (entry.isFile && (// //".ts") ||// //".tsx")// // )) {// // modules.push(path.join(dir,;// // } else if (entry.isDirectory) {// // modules.push(...(await findModules(path.join(dir,;// // }// // }// // return modules;// // }
// /** Writes the output to `${input}.js`. */// async function bundle(input: string) {// const output = input + ".js";
// const js = (await emit.bundle(input, {// allowRemote: true,// type: "module",// compilerOptions: {// inlineSources: false,// inlineSourceMap: false,// sourceMap: false,// },// })).code;
// await Deno.writeTextFile(output, js);// }
// /**// * Bundles every bundle.ts(x) or *_bundle.ts(x) file in the folder into an// * adjacent file with the same name plus a .js suffix, recursively.// *// * The path to the assets directory is specified with the optional `cwd` and// * `dir` options. The default is `{ cwd: ".", dir: "assets" }`. (Tip:// * `import.meta.url` can be specified as a `cwd`.)// *// * If the --unstable or --allow-write permissions are not available, an error// * will be thrown. If the `ignoreErrors` option is true, the error will be// * suppressed.// */// export async function prepareAssets(loc?: AssetsLocation) {// const cwd = parseCwd(loc?.cwd || ".");// const dir = loc?.dir || "assets";// const assets = path.join(cwd, dir);
// const check = await Deno.stat(assets);// if (!check.isDirectory) {// throw new Error(`path given is not a directory: ${assets}`);// }
// const modules = await findModules(assets);// for (const m of modules) {// await bundle(m);// }// }
// interface CloseableFsWatcher extends AsyncIterable<Deno.FsEvent | "close"> {// close: () => void;// }
// function closableFsWatcher(paths: string | string[]) {// const fsWatcher = Deno.watchFs(paths);// const fsIter = fsWatcher[Symbol.asyncIterator]();// let closeWatcher = () => {};// const closeWatcherPromise = new Promise<{ value: "close" }>(res => {// closeWatcher = () => res({ value: "close" });// }); // return {// [Symbol.asyncIterator]: () => ({// next: () => Promise.race([, closeWatcherPromise]),// }),// close: () => {// fsWatcher.close();// closeWatcher();// },// };// }
// interface Watcher {// root: CloseableFsWatcher;// files: Map<string, CloseableFsWatcher>;// }
// const watching = new Map<string, Watcher>();
// /** Options for the `watchAssets()` function. */// export interface WatchAssetsOptions extends AssetsLocation {// /**// * If this is true and an error occurs during the initial asset preparation// * loop (due to insufficient permissions, for example), the error will be// * suppressed and asset watching will fail silently.// */// failSilently?: boolean;// }
// /**// * Prepares the assets directory and watches it for changes to the ts(x) bundles// * or their dependencies. When a change occurs, the bundles will be rebuilt. // *// * The path to the assets directory is specified with the optional `cwd` and// * `dir` options. The default is `{ cwd: ".", dir: "assets" }`. (Tip:// * `import.meta.url` can be specified as a `cwd`.)// *// * If the --unstable or --allow-write permissions are not available, an error// * will be thrown. If the `ignoreErrors` option is true, the error will be// * suppressed.// */// export async function watchAssets(opt?: WatchAssetsOptions) {// const cwd = parseCwd(opt?.cwd || ".");// const dir = opt?.dir || "assets";// const assets = path.join(cwd, dir);// if (watching.has(assets)) {// return;// }
// const watcher: Watcher = {// root: closableFsWatcher(assets),// files: new Map<string, CloseableFsWatcher>(),// };// watching.set(assets, watcher);
// const watch = async (input: string, skipBundle?: boolean) => {// input = path.resolve(input);// if (watcher.files.has(input)) {// return;// }
// if (!skipBundle) {// try {// await bundle(input);// } catch (e) {// console.warn("Failed to bundle", input, "-", e.message);// return;// }// }
// let inputGraph: graph.ModuleGraph;// try {// inputGraph = await graph.createGraph(// path.toFileUrl(input).href,// );// } catch (e) {// console.warn("Failed to graph", input, "-", e);// return;// }
// const deps = inputGraph.modules// .filter((m) => m.specifier.startsWith("file://"))// .map((m) => path.fromFileUrl(m.specifier));
// const fsw = closableFsWatcher(deps);// watcher.files.set(input, fsw);
// let closed = false;// for await (const evt of fsw) {// if (evt === "close") {// closed = true;// }// break;// }// watcher.files.delete(input);// if (!closed) {// watch(input); // Don't await// }// };
// try {// await prepareAssets({ ...opt });// const modules = await findModules(assets);// for (const m of modules) {// // The true skips the initial bundling since prepareAssets just did it// watch(m, true); // Don't await// }// } catch (err) {// watcher.root.close();// watching.delete(assets);// if (opt?.failSilently) {// return;// } else {// throw err;// }// }
// // Disjoint fs event loop. When the watchAssets function is awaited, the// // promise it returns will be resolved after the initial preparation is// // complete// (async () => {// for await (const event of watcher.root) {// if (event === "close") {// break;// }// if (event.kind === "create" || event.kind === "modify") {// for (const p of event.paths) {// if (p.endsWith(".ts") || p.endsWith(".tsx")) {// watch(p); // Don't await// }// }// }// }// })();// }
// /**// * Stops watching an assets directory that was prepared with `watchAssets()`. If// * the directory wasn't being watched, this is a no-op. If no location object is// * provided, all watched directories will be unwatched. If an empty object is// * provided, "./assets" will be unwatched.// */// export function unwatchAssets(loc?: AssetsLocation) {// if (!loc) {// for (const [k, v] of watching.entries()) {// v.root.close();// for (const [k2, v2] of v.files.entries()) {// v2.close();// v.files.delete(k2);// }// watching.delete(k);// }// return;// }
// const cwd = parseCwd(loc.cwd || ".");// const dir = loc.dir || "assets";// const assets = path.join(cwd, dir);// const watcher = watching.get(assets);// if (watcher) {// watcher.root.close();// for (const [k, v] of watcher.files.entries()) {// v.close();// watcher.files.delete(k);// }// watching.delete(assets);// }// }