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A simple, extendable markdown renderer for your terminal.
import { colors } from "./deps.ts";import type { Options } from "./renderer.ts";import type { Node } from "./nodeTypes.ts";import { generateTable, getHeaderFormatter } from "./utils.ts";
/** The generator function is used to recuresively visit each node and generate the string representation of the node and its children */export function generator(node: Node, parent: Node, options: Options): string | undefined { if (options?.extensions) { for (const ext of options?.extensions) { const hasResult = ext.generateNode?.(generator, node, parent, options); if (hasResult) { return hasResult; } } }
switch (node.type) { case "root": return node.children?.map((child: Node) => generator(child, node, options)).join("\n");
case "definition": { const def = `${colors.cyan(`[${node.label}]`)}: [${node.title ?? ""}](${node.url})`; return colors.gray(colors.italic(`${def}\n`)); } case "image": { const imageLink = `![${node.alt}](${node.url})`; return colors.gray(colors.italic(`Image: ${imageLink}`)); } case "imageReference": { const ref = `![${node.alt}]${colors.cyan(`[${node.label}]`)}`; return colors.gray(colors.italic(`Image reference: ${ref}`)); } case "link": { const linkText = node.children?.map((ch) => generator(ch, node, options)).join(""); const link = `[${linkText}](${node.url})`; return colors.cyan(link); } case "strong": { const strongContent = node.children?.map((child: Node) => generator(child, node, options)).join(""); return colors.bold(strongContent || ""); } case "emphasis": { const emphasisContent = node.children?.map((child: Node) => generator(child, node, options)).join(""); return colors.italic(emphasisContent || ""); } case "delete": { const strikeTroughContent = node.children?.map((child: Node) => generator(child, node, options)).join(""); return colors.strikethrough(strikeTroughContent || ""); } case "heading": return getHeaderFormatter(node.depth || 0)( "#".repeat(node.depth!) + " " + node.children?.map((ch: Node) => generator(ch, node, options)).join(""), ) + "\n";
case "linkReference": return ( colors.cyan(colors.italic( "[" + (node.children?.map((child: Node) => generator(child, node, options)).join("") ?? "") + "]", )) );
case "paragraph": return ( node.children?.map((child: Node) => generator(child, node, options)).join("") + "\n" );
case "blockquote": // gen childs return node.children?.map((child: Node) => generator(child, node, options)?.split("\n") .map((l: string, i, a) => (i != a.length - 1) ? colors.gray(colors.italic(l)) : l) // then add horizontal line to the start of all generated chidren lines, except last \n .map((l, i, a) => (i != a.length - 1 && l.trim() ? "┃ " : "") + l).join("\n") ).join("");
case "list": { const generateList = (icon: (i: number) => string) => { const tabForList = " "; return node.children?.map((child, i: number) => { const tabForMultiline = " ".repeat(colors.stripColor(icon(i)).length || 2); return (icon(i) + generator(child, node, options)) ?.replace(/\n$/, "").split("\n").map((l, i) => tabForList + (i ? tabForMultiline + l : l)).join("\n") + "\n"; // indent section of list }).join("").split("\n").map((l: string) => l.replace(tabForList, "")).join("\n"); // remove outermost indent from each line -> level 0 has 0 indent };
if (node.ordered) { return generateList((i) => colors.gray(`${node.start ? node.start + i : i + 1}. `)); } else { const icons = options.listIcons || ["-", "◦", "▪", "▸"]; // Get icon or the last available one. const icon = icons[Math.min(node.listLevel, icons.length - 1)]; return generateList((_i) => colors.gray(`${icon} `)); } }
case "listItem": return node.children?.map((ch: Node) => generator(ch, parent, options)).join(node.spread ? "\n" : "");
case "code": { let codeBlock = ""; const xPadding = 2; const padString = (length: number) => colors.bgBrightBlack(colors.gray(" ".repeat(length)));
const title = ` codeblock ${node.lang ? `[${node.lang}]` : ""}`; const lines: string[] = node.value.replaceAll("\r", "").replaceAll("\t", " ").split("\n"); const max = Math.max( => l.length), title.length);
codeBlock += colors.bgWhite( + colors.white(" ".repeat((max - title.length) + xPadding * 2)), ) + "\n";
// codeBlock += padString(max + 2*xPadding) + "\n"; // VSCode terminal leaves these empty on first render codeBlock += colors.bgBrightBlack(" ") + padString(max + 2 * xPadding - 1) + "\n";
lines.forEach((l) => { if (l.trim().length === 0) { l = " "; } const paddingStart = padString(xPadding); const code = colors.bgBrightBlack(; const paddingEnd = padString(max - l.length + xPadding);
codeBlock += paddingStart + code + paddingEnd + /* `(${l.length},${max})` + */ "\n"; }); codeBlock += colors.bgBrightBlack(" ") + padString(max + 2 * xPadding - 1) + "\n";
return codeBlock; }
case "inlineCode": // return colors.inverse(colors.bgBrightWhite(` ${node.value} `))); // return colors.white(colors.inverse(colors.bgBrightBlack(` ${node.value} `))); works // return colors.white(colors.inverse(colors.bgBlack(` ${node.value} `))); // best return colors.inverse(` ${node.value} `);
case "table": { const t = node.children?.map((child: Node) => generator(child, node, options)).join("") || ""; return generateTable(t, options.tableBorder ?? true) + "\n"; }
case "thematicBreak": return node.value; case "text": return node.value; case "html": return colors.gray(node.value);
default: // console.log({...node}); // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any return (node as any).value; }}