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Write CI/CD pipelines using TypeScript
interface CommonImageOptions
import { type CommonImageOptions } from "";


The base image to use for this job.

If no domain is specified, the image will be pulled from Docker Hub.

If no tag is specified, the image will be pulled from the latest tag.

steps: Step[]

A list of steps to run in the job. Each step can be a deno/typescript script or a shell script.

name: string

The name of the job. This will be displayed in the logs and can be referenced in another job's "dependsOn" property

env: Record<string, string>

Environment variables to set for this job. These will be available for every step.

cacheDirectories: CacheDirectories

Cache the contents of directories created inside of a directories are mounted as docker volumes. They are mounted for all steps in a job. You may use absolute or relative paths.

workingDirectory: FilePath

The directory where the job should run