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Command line framework for deno 🦕 Including Commandline-Interfaces, Prompts, CLI-Table, Arguments Parser and more...
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import { getDefaultValue, getOption, matchWildCardOptions, paramCaseToCamelCase,} from "./_utils.ts";import { ArgumentFollowsVariadicArgument, DuplicateOption, InvalidOption, InvalidOptionValue, MissingOptionValue, RequiredArgumentFollowsOptionalArgument, UnexpectedOptionValue, UnknownConflictingOption, UnknownOption, UnknownRequiredOption, UnknownType,} from "./_errors.ts";import type { IFlagArgument, IFlagOptions, IFlagsResult, IParseOptions, ITypeHandler,} from "./types.ts";import { OptionType } from "./types.ts";import { boolean } from "./types/boolean.ts";import { number } from "./types/number.ts";import { string } from "./types/string.ts";import { validateFlags } from "./validate_flags.ts";import { integer } from "./types/integer.ts";
const Types: Record<string, ITypeHandler> = { [OptionType.STRING]: string, [OptionType.NUMBER]: number, [OptionType.INTEGER]: integer, [OptionType.BOOLEAN]: boolean,};
/** * Parse command line arguments. * @param argsOrCtx Command line arguments e.g: `Deno.args` or parse context. * @param opts Parse options. * * ``` * // example.ts -x 3 -y.z -n5 -abc --beep=boop foo bar baz -- --cliffy * parseFlags(Deno.args); * ``` * ``` * { * flags: { * x: "3", * y: { z: true }, * n: "5", * a: true, * b: true, * c: true, * beep: "boop", * deno: { land: true } * }, * unknown: [ "foo", "bar", "baz" ], * literal: [ "--cliffy" ] * } * ``` */export function parseFlags< TFlags extends Record<string, unknown>, TFlagOptions extends IFlagOptions, TFlagsResult extends IFlagsResult,>( argsOrCtx: string[] | TFlagsResult, opts: IParseOptions<TFlagOptions> = {},): TFlagsResult & IFlagsResult<TFlags, TFlagOptions> { let args: Array<string>; let ctx: IFlagsResult<Record<string, unknown>>;
if (Array.isArray(argsOrCtx)) { ctx = {} as IFlagsResult<Record<string, unknown>>; args = argsOrCtx; } else { ctx = argsOrCtx; args = argsOrCtx.unknown; argsOrCtx.unknown = []; } args = args.slice();
ctx.flags ??= {}; ctx.literal ??= []; ctx.unknown ??= []; ctx.stopEarly = false; ctx.stopOnUnknown = false;
opts.dotted ??= true;
validateOptions(opts); const options = parseArgs(ctx, args, opts); validateFlags(ctx, opts, options);
if (opts.dotted) { parseDottedOptions(ctx); }
return ctx as TFlagsResult & IFlagsResult<TFlags, TFlagOptions>;}
function validateOptions<TFlagOptions extends IFlagOptions>( opts: IParseOptions<TFlagOptions>,) { opts.flags?.forEach((opt) => { opt.depends?.forEach((flag) => { if (!opts.flags || !getOption(opts.flags, flag)) { throw new UnknownRequiredOption(flag, opts.flags ?? []); } }); opt.conflicts?.forEach((flag) => { if (!opts.flags || !getOption(opts.flags, flag)) { throw new UnknownConflictingOption(flag, opts.flags ?? []); } }); });}
function parseArgs<TFlagOptions extends IFlagOptions>( ctx: IFlagsResult<Record<string, unknown>>, args: Array<string>, opts: IParseOptions<TFlagOptions>,): Map<string, IFlagOptions> { /** Option name mapping: propertyName -> */ const optionsMap: Map<string, IFlagOptions> = new Map(); let inLiteral = false;
for ( let argsIndex = 0; argsIndex < args.length; argsIndex++ ) { let option: IFlagOptions | undefined; let optionArgs: IFlagArgument[] | undefined; let current: string = args[argsIndex]; let currentValue: string | undefined; let negate = false;
// literal args after -- if (inLiteral) { ctx.literal.push(current); continue; } else if (current === "--") { inLiteral = true; continue; } else if (ctx.stopEarly || ctx.stopOnUnknown) { ctx.unknown.push(current); continue; }
const isFlag = current.length > 1 && current[0] === "-"; const next = () => currentValue ?? args[argsIndex + 1];
if (isFlag) { const isShort = current[1] !== "-"; const isLong = isShort ? false : current.length > 3 && current[2] !== "-";
if (!isShort && !isLong) { throw new InvalidOption(current, opts.flags ?? []); }
// split value: --foo="bar=baz" => --foo bar=baz const equalSignIndex = current.indexOf("="); if (equalSignIndex > -1) { currentValue = current.slice(equalSignIndex + 1) || undefined; current = current.slice(0, equalSignIndex); }
// normalize short flags: -abc => -a -b -c if (isShort && current.length > 2 && current[2] !== ".") { args.splice(argsIndex, 1, ...splitFlags(current)); current = args[argsIndex]; } else if (isLong && current.startsWith("--no-")) { negate = true; } option = opts.flags && getOption(opts.flags, current);
if (!option) { if (opts.flags?.length) { const name = current.replace(/^-+/, ""); option = matchWildCardOptions(name, opts.flags); if (!option) { if (opts.stopOnUnknown) { ctx.stopOnUnknown = true; ctx.unknown.push(args[argsIndex]); continue; } throw new UnknownOption(current, opts.flags); } } if (!option) { option = { name: current.replace(/^-+/, ""), optionalValue: true, type: OptionType.STRING, }; } }
if (option.standalone) { ctx.standalone = option; }
if ( opts.flags?.length && !option.args?.length && typeof currentValue !== "undefined" ) { throw new UnexpectedOptionValue(, currentValue); }
const positiveName: string = negate ?^no-?/, "") :; const propName: string = paramCaseToCamelCase(positiveName);
if (typeof ctx.flags[propName] !== "undefined") { if (!opts.flags?.length) { option.collect = true; } else if (!option.collect) { throw new DuplicateOption(current); } }
optionArgs = option.args?.length ? option.args : [{ type: option.type, requiredValue: option.requiredValue, optionalValue: option.optionalValue, variadic: option.variadic, list: option.list, separator: option.separator, }];
let optionArgsIndex = 0; let inOptionalArg = false; const previous = ctx.flags[propName];
parseNext(option, optionArgs);
if (typeof ctx.flags[propName] === "undefined") { if (optionArgs[optionArgsIndex].requiredValue) { throw new MissingOptionValue(; } else if (typeof option.default !== "undefined") { ctx.flags[propName] = getDefaultValue(option); } else { ctx.flags[propName] = true; } }
if (option.value) { ctx.flags[propName] = option.value(ctx.flags[propName], previous); } else if (option.collect) { const value: unknown[] = typeof previous !== "undefined" ? (Array.isArray(previous) ? previous : [previous]) : [];
value.push(ctx.flags[propName]); ctx.flags[propName] = value; }
optionsMap.set(propName, option);
opts.option?.(option as TFlagOptions, ctx.flags[propName]);
/** Parse next argument for current option. */ // deno-lint-ignore no-inner-declarations function parseNext( option: IFlagOptions, optionArgs: IFlagArgument[], ): void { const arg: IFlagArgument | undefined = optionArgs[optionArgsIndex];
if (!arg) { const flag = next(); throw new UnknownOption(flag, opts.flags ?? []); }
if (!arg.type) { arg.type = OptionType.BOOLEAN; }
if (option.args?.length) { // make all values required by default if ( (typeof arg.optionalValue === "undefined" || arg.optionalValue === false) && typeof arg.requiredValue === "undefined" ) { arg.requiredValue = true; } } else { // make non boolean value required by default if ( arg.type !== OptionType.BOOLEAN && (typeof arg.optionalValue === "undefined" || arg.optionalValue === false) && typeof arg.requiredValue === "undefined" ) { arg.requiredValue = true; } }
if (arg.requiredValue) { if (inOptionalArg) { throw new RequiredArgumentFollowsOptionalArgument(; } } else { inOptionalArg = true; }
if (negate) { ctx.flags[propName] = false; return; }
let result: unknown; let increase = false;
if (arg.list && hasNext(arg)) { const parsed: unknown[] = next() .split(arg.separator || ",") .map((nextValue: string) => { const value = parseValue(option, arg, nextValue); if (typeof value === "undefined") { throw new InvalidOptionValue(, arg.type ?? "?", nextValue, ); } return value; });
if (parsed?.length) { result = parsed; } } else { if (hasNext(arg)) { result = parseValue(option, arg, next()); } else if (arg.optionalValue && arg.type === OptionType.BOOLEAN) { result = true; } }
if (increase && typeof currentValue === "undefined") { argsIndex++; if (!arg.variadic) { optionArgsIndex++; } else if (optionArgs[optionArgsIndex + 1]) { throw new ArgumentFollowsVariadicArgument(next()); } }
if ( typeof result !== "undefined" && (optionArgs.length > 1 || arg.variadic) ) { if (!ctx.flags[propName]) { ctx.flags[propName] = []; }
(ctx.flags[propName] as Array<unknown>).push(result);
if (hasNext(arg)) { parseNext(option, optionArgs); } } else { ctx.flags[propName] = result; }
/** Check if current option should have an argument. */ function hasNext(arg: IFlagArgument): boolean { const nextValue = currentValue ?? args[argsIndex + 1]; if (!nextValue) { return false; } if (optionArgs.length > 1 && optionArgsIndex >= optionArgs.length) { return false; } if (arg.requiredValue) { return true; } // require optional values to be called with an equal sign: foo=bar if ( option.equalsSign && arg.optionalValue && !arg.variadic && typeof currentValue === "undefined" ) { return false; } if (arg.optionalValue || arg.variadic) { return nextValue[0] !== "-" || (arg.type === OptionType.NUMBER && !isNaN(Number(nextValue))); }
return false; }
/** Parse argument value. */ function parseValue( option: IFlagOptions, arg: IFlagArgument, value: string, ): unknown { const type: string = arg.type || OptionType.STRING; const result: unknown = opts.parse ? opts.parse({ label: "Option", type, name: `--${}`, value, }) : parseFlagValue(option, arg, value);
if ( typeof result !== "undefined" ) { increase = true; }
return result; } } } else { if (opts.stopEarly) { ctx.stopEarly = true; } ctx.unknown.push(current); } }
return optionsMap;}
function parseDottedOptions(ctx: IFlagsResult): void { // convert dotted option keys into nested objects ctx.flags = Object.keys(ctx.flags).reduce( (result: Record<string, unknown>, key: string) => { if (~key.indexOf(".")) { key.split(".").reduce( ( // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any result: Record<string, any>, subKey: string, index: number, parts: string[], ) => { if (index === parts.length - 1) { result[subKey] = ctx.flags[key]; } else { result[subKey] = result[subKey] ?? {}; } return result[subKey]; }, result, ); } else { result[key] = ctx.flags[key]; } return result; }, {}, );}
function splitFlags(flag: string): Array<string> { const normalized: Array<string> = []; const flags = flag.slice(1).split("");
if (isNaN(Number(flag[flag.length - 1]))) { flags.forEach((val) => normalized.push(`-${val}`)); } else { normalized.push(`-${flags.shift()}`); if (flags.length) { normalized.push(flags.join("")); } }
return normalized;}
function parseFlagValue( option: IFlagOptions, arg: IFlagArgument, value: string,): unknown { const type: string = arg.type || OptionType.STRING; const parseType = Types[type];
if (!parseType) { throw new UnknownType(type, Object.keys(Types)); }
return parseType({ label: "Option", type, name: `--${}`, value, });}