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Convert between different cue sheet / chapter / tracklist formats.


Install the command line app (once Deno is set up on your computer):

deno install --allow-read --allow-write

Display the integrated help to learn how to use the CLI:

cueshit --help


Convert chapters from a YouTube description into a MusicBrainz track parser listing:

$ cat << --- | cueshit --from youtube --to musicbrainz
Lines which do not start with a timestamp will be skipped.
0:00 Test Title
2:56 Another Title
4:17 Final Title
1. Test Title (2:56)
2. Another Title (1:21)
3. Final Title (?:??)

Supported Formats

Not all formats are supported as both input and output format (currently).

ID           Name                                             Input  Output
-----------  -----------------------------------------------  -----  ------
audacity     Audacity Label Track (TSV)                         X      X   
cue          Cue Sheet                                                 X   
losslesscut  LosslessCut Segments (CSV)                         X      X
musicbrainz  MusicBrainz Track Parser Listing                   X      X
ogm          OGM Tools Chapters / MKVToolNix Simple Chapters           X
youtube      Youtube Description with Chapters                  X      X

List all formats which are currently available for the CLI:

cueshit formats