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Convert between different cue sheet / chapter / tracklist formats.

Each supported input format is parsed into an internal representation which can be serialized into a supported output format.


Install the command line app (once Deno is set up on your computer):

deno install --allow-read --allow-write

Display the integrated help to learn how to use the CLI:

cueshit --help

The basic command to convert from one format to another looks as follows:

cueshit [input-path] [--from <format>] [--to <format>] [--output <path>]

See the sections below for examples and an overview of the supported formats.


Input format (--from or -f) and output format (--to or -t) options are optional for conversion (since v0.3). If these are not specified, the CLI automatically tries to detect them based on file extensions (and content).


Convert chapters from a YouTube description into a MusicBrainz track parser listing. Input is read from standard input (via cat), output is written to standard output (by default):

$ cat << --- | cueshit --from youtube --to musicbrainz
Lines which do not start with a timestamp will be skipped.
0:00 Test Title
2:56 Another Title
4:17 Final Title
1. Test Title (2:56)
2. Another Title (1:21)
3. Final Title (?:??)

Extract chapters from a FLAC audio file using ffprobe and store them as a cue sheet (test.cue):

ffprobe -v error -of json -show_format -show_streams -show_chapters test.flac | cueshit -o test.cue

Create a cue sheet from an Audacity label track (labels.txt) which belongs to the audio from test.wav. Since the input format only contains chapters and does not know about the audio file, it has to be specified manually:

cueshit -f audacity labels.txt -o test.cue test.wav

Additional cue sheet properties can be specified via the --sheet.title and --sheet.performer options.

Supported Formats

Not all formats are supported as both input and output format (currently). You can read the documentation for all formats inside their modules.

ID           Input  Output  Name
-----------  -----  ------  -----------------------------------------------
audacity       X      X     Audacity Label Track (TSV)
cue                   X     Cue Sheet
ffprobe        X            ffprobe Metadata with Chapters (JSON)
internal              X     Internal Representation (JSON)
llc                   X     LosslessCut Project (LLC)
losslesscut    X      X     LosslessCut Segments (CSV)
musicbrainz    X      X     MusicBrainz Track Parser Listing
ogm                   X     OGM Tools Chapters / MKVToolNix Simple Chapters
youtube        X      X     Youtube Description with Chapters

List all formats which are currently available for the CLI:

cueshit formats