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Cross platform shell tools for Deno inspired by zx.
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import { Delay, delayToMs, filterEmptyRecordValues, getFileNameFromUrl } from "./common.ts";import { ProgressBar } from "./console/mod.ts";import { PathRef } from "./path.ts";
interface RequestBuilderState { noThrow: boolean | number[]; url: string | URL | undefined; body: BodyInit | undefined; cache: RequestCache | undefined; headers: Record<string, string | undefined>; integrity: string | undefined; keepalive: boolean | undefined; method: string | undefined; mode: RequestMode | undefined; progressBarFactory: ((message: string) => ProgressBar) | undefined; redirect: RequestRedirect | undefined; referrer: string | undefined; referrerPolicy: ReferrerPolicy | undefined; progressOptions: { noClear: boolean } | undefined; timeout: number | undefined;}
/** @internal */export const withProgressBarFactorySymbol = Symbol();
/** * Builder API for downloading files. */export class RequestBuilder implements PromiseLike<RequestResult> { #state: Readonly<RequestBuilderState> | undefined = undefined;
#getClonedState(): RequestBuilderState { const state = this.#state; if (state == null) { return this.#getDefaultState(); } return { // be explicit here in order to force evaluation // of each property on a case by case basis noThrow: typeof state.noThrow === "boolean" ? state.noThrow : [...state.noThrow], url: state.url, body: state.body, cache: state.cache, headers: state.headers, integrity: state.integrity, keepalive: state.keepalive, method: state.method, mode: state.mode, redirect: state.redirect, referrer: state.referrer, referrerPolicy: state.referrerPolicy, progressBarFactory: state.progressBarFactory, progressOptions: state.progressOptions == null ? undefined : { ...state.progressOptions, }, timeout: state.timeout, }; }
#getDefaultState(): RequestBuilderState { return { noThrow: false, url: undefined, body: undefined, cache: undefined, headers: {}, integrity: undefined, keepalive: undefined, method: undefined, mode: undefined, redirect: undefined, referrer: undefined, referrerPolicy: undefined, progressBarFactory: undefined, progressOptions: undefined, timeout: undefined, }; }
#newWithState(action: (state: RequestBuilderState) => void): RequestBuilder { const builder = new RequestBuilder(); const state = this.#getClonedState(); action(state); builder.#state = state; return builder; }
then<TResult1 = RequestResult, TResult2 = never>( onfulfilled?: ((value: RequestResult) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | null | undefined, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | null | undefined, ): PromiseLike<TResult1 | TResult2> { return this.fetch().then(onfulfilled).catch(onrejected); }
/** Fetches and gets the response. */ fetch(): Promise<RequestResult> { return makeRequest(this.#getClonedState()); }
/** Specifies the URL to send the request to. */ url(value: string | URL | undefined): RequestBuilder { return this.#newWithState((state) => { state.url = value; }); }
/** Sets multiple headers at the same time via an object literal. */ header(items: Record<string, string | undefined>): RequestBuilder; /** Sets a header to send with the request. */ header(name: string, value: string | undefined): RequestBuilder; header(nameOrItems: string | Record<string, string | undefined>, value?: string) { return this.#newWithState((state) => { if (typeof nameOrItems === "string") { setHeader(state, nameOrItems, value); } else { for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(nameOrItems)) { setHeader(state, name, value); } } });
function setHeader(state: RequestBuilderState, name: string, value: string | undefined) { name = name.toUpperCase(); // case insensitive state.headers[name] = value; } }
/** * Do not throw if a non-2xx status code is received. * * By default the request builder will throw when * receiving a non-2xx status code. Specify this * to have it not throw. */ noThrow(value?: boolean): RequestBuilder; /** * Do not throw if a non-2xx status code is received * except for these excluded provided status codes. * * This overload may be especially useful when wanting to ignore * 404 status codes and have it return undefined instead. For example: * * ```ts * const data = await $.request(`${crateName}`) * .noThrow(404) * .json<CratesIoMetadata | undefined>(); * ``` * * Note, use multiple arguments to ignore multiple status codes (ex. `.noThrow(400, 404)`) as * multiple calls to `.noThrow()` will overwrite the previous. */ noThrow(exclusionStatusCode: number, ...additional: number[]): RequestBuilder; noThrow(value?: boolean | number, ...additional: number[]) { return this.#newWithState((state) => { if (typeof value === "boolean" || value == null) { state.noThrow = value ?? true; } else { state.noThrow = [value, ...additional]; } }); }
body(value: BodyInit | undefined): RequestBuilder { return this.#newWithState((state) => { state.body = value; }); }
cache(value: RequestCache | undefined): RequestBuilder { return this.#newWithState((state) => { state.cache = value; }); }
integrity(value: string | undefined): RequestBuilder { return this.#newWithState((state) => { state.integrity = value; }); }
keepalive(value: boolean): RequestBuilder { return this.#newWithState((state) => { state.keepalive = value; }); }
method(value: string): RequestBuilder { return this.#newWithState((state) => { state.method = value; }); }
mode(value: RequestMode): RequestBuilder { return this.#newWithState((state) => { state.mode = value; }); }
/** @internal */ [withProgressBarFactorySymbol](factory: (message: string) => ProgressBar) { return this.#newWithState((state) => { state.progressBarFactory = factory; }); }
redirect(value: RequestRedirect): RequestBuilder { return this.#newWithState((state) => { state.redirect = value; }); }
referrer(value: string | undefined): RequestBuilder { return this.#newWithState((state) => { state.referrer = value; }); }
referrerPolicy(value: ReferrerPolicy | undefined): RequestBuilder { return this.#newWithState((state) => { state.referrerPolicy = value; }); }
/** Shows a progress bar while downloading with the provided options. */ showProgress(opts: { noClear?: boolean }): RequestBuilder; /** Shows a progress bar while downloading. */ showProgress(show?: boolean): RequestBuilder; showProgress(value?: { noClear?: boolean } | boolean) { return this.#newWithState((state) => { if (value === true || value == null) { state.progressOptions = { noClear: false }; } else if (value === false) { state.progressOptions = undefined; } else { state.progressOptions = { noClear: value.noClear ?? false, }; } }); }
/** Timeout the request after the specified delay. */ timeout(delay: Delay | undefined): RequestBuilder { return this.#newWithState((state) => { state.timeout = delay == null ? undefined : delayToMs(delay); }); }
/** Fetches and gets the response as an array buffer. */ async arrayBuffer(): Promise<ArrayBuffer> { const response = await this.fetch(); return response.arrayBuffer(); }
/** Fetches and gets the response as a blob. */ async blob(): Promise<Blob> { const response = await this.fetch(); return response.blob(); }
/** Fetches and gets the response as form data. */ async formData(): Promise<FormData> { const response = await this.fetch(); return response.formData(); }
/** Fetches and gets the response as JSON additionally setting * a JSON accept header if not set. */ async json<TResult = any>(): Promise<TResult> { let builder: RequestBuilder = this; const acceptHeaderName = "ACCEPT"; if ( builder.#state == null || !Object.hasOwn(builder.#state.headers, acceptHeaderName) ) { builder = builder.header(acceptHeaderName, "application/json"); } const response = await builder.fetch(); return response.json<TResult>(); }
/** Fetches and gets the response as text. */ async text(): Promise<string> { const response = await this.fetch(); return response.text(); }
/** Pipes the response body to the provided writable stream. */ async pipeTo(dest: WritableStream<Uint8Array>, options?: PipeOptions): Promise<void> { const response = await this.fetch(); return await response.pipeTo(dest, options); }
/** * Pipes the response body to a file. * * @remarks The path will be derived from the request's url * and downloaded to the current working directory. * * @returns The path reference of the downloaded file. */ async pipeToPath(options?: Deno.WriteFileOptions): Promise<PathRef>; /** * Pipes the response body to a file. * * @remarks If no path is provided then it will be derived from the * request's url and downloaded to the current working directory. * * @returns The path reference of the downloaded file. */ async pipeToPath( path?: string | URL | PathRef | undefined, options?: Deno.WriteFileOptions, ): Promise<PathRef>; async pipeToPath( filePathOrOptions?: string | URL | PathRef | Deno.WriteFileOptions, maybeOptions?: Deno.WriteFileOptions, ) { // Do not derive from the response url because that could cause the server // to be able to overwrite whatever file it wants locally, which would be // a security issue. // Additionally, resolve the path immediately in case the user changes their cwd // while the response is being fetched. const { filePath, options } = resolvePipeToPathParams(filePathOrOptions, maybeOptions, this.#state?.url); const response = await this.fetch(); return await response.pipeToPath(filePath, options); }
/** Pipes the response body through the provided transform. */ async pipeThrough<T>(transform: { writable: WritableStream<Uint8Array>; readable: ReadableStream<T>; }): Promise<ReadableStream<T>> { const response = await this.fetch(); return response.pipeThrough(transform); }}
/** Result of making a request. */export class RequestResult { #response: Response; #downloadResponse: Response; #originalUrl: string;
constructor(opts: { response: Response; originalUrl: string; progressBar: ProgressBar | undefined; }) { this.#originalUrl = opts.originalUrl; this.#response = opts.response;
if (opts.progressBar != null) { const pb = opts.progressBar; this.#downloadResponse = new Response( new ReadableStream({ async start(controller) { const reader = opts.response.body?.getReader(); if (reader == null) { return; } try { while (true) { const { done, value } = await; if (done || value == null) break; pb.increment(value.byteLength); controller.enqueue(value); } controller.close(); } finally { reader.releaseLock(); pb.finish(); } }, }), ); } else { this.#downloadResponse = opts.response; } }
/** Raw response. */ get response(): Response { return this.#response; }
/** Response headers. */ get headers(): Headers { return this.#response.headers; }
/** If the response had a 2xx code. */ get ok(): boolean { return this.#response.ok; }
/** If the response is the result of a redirect. */ get redirected(): boolean { return this.#response.redirected; }
/** Status code of the response. */ get status(): number { return this.#response.status; }
/** Status text of the response. */ get statusText(): string { return this.#response.statusText; }
/** URL of the response. */ get url(): string { return this.#response.url; }
/** * Throws if the response doesn't have a 2xx code. * * This might be useful if the request was built with `.noThrow()`, but * otherwise this is called automatically for any non-2xx response codes. */ throwIfNotOk(): void { if (!this.ok) { this.#response.body?.cancel().catch(() => { // ignore }); throw new Error(`Error making request to ${this.#originalUrl}: ${this.statusText}`); } }
/** * Respose body as an array buffer. * * Note: Returns `undefined` when `.noThrow(404)` and status code is 404. */ async arrayBuffer(): Promise<ArrayBuffer> { if (this.#response.status === 404) { await this.#response.body?.cancel(); return undefined!; } return this.#downloadResponse.arrayBuffer(); }
/** * Response body as a blog. * * Note: Returns `undefined` when `.noThrow(404)` and status code is 404. */ async blob(): Promise<Blob> { if (this.#response.status === 404) { await this.#response.body?.cancel(); return undefined!; } return this.#downloadResponse.blob(); }
/** * Response body as a form data. * * Note: Returns `undefined` when `.noThrow(404)` and status code is 404. */ async formData(): Promise<FormData> { if (this.#response.status === 404) { await this.#response.body?.cancel(); return undefined!; } return this.#downloadResponse.formData(); }
/** * Respose body as JSON. * * Note: Returns `undefined` when `.noThrow(404)` and status code is 404. */ async json<TResult = any>(): Promise<TResult> { if (this.#response.status === 404) { await this.#response.body?.cancel(); return undefined as any; } return this.#downloadResponse.json(); }
/** * Respose body as text. * * Note: Returns `undefined` when `.noThrow(404)` and status code is 404. */ async text(): Promise<string> { if (this.#response.status === 404) { // most people don't need to bother with this and if they do, they will // need to opt-in with `noThrow()`. So just assert non-nullable // to make it easier to work with and highlight this behaviour in the jsdocs. await this.#response.body?.cancel(); return undefined!; } return this.#downloadResponse.text(); }
/** Pipes the response body to the provided writable stream. */ pipeTo(dest: WritableStream<Uint8Array>, options?: PipeOptions): Promise<void> { return this.#getDownloadBody().pipeTo(dest, options); }
/** * Pipes the response body to a file. * * @remarks The path will be derived from the request's url * and downloaded to the current working directory. * * @remarks If the path is a directory, then the file name will be derived * from the request's url and the file will be downloaded to the provided directory * * @returns The path reference of the downloaded file */ async pipeToPath(options?: Deno.WriteFileOptions): Promise<PathRef>; /** * Pipes the response body to a file. * * @remarks If no path is provided then it will be derived from the * request's url and downloaded to the current working directory. * * @remarks If the path is a directory, then the file name will be derived * from the request's url and the file will be downloaded to the provided directory * * @returns The path reference of the downloaded file */ async pipeToPath( path?: string | URL | PathRef | undefined, options?: Deno.WriteFileOptions, ): Promise<PathRef>; async pipeToPath( filePathOrOptions?: string | URL | PathRef | Deno.WriteFileOptions, maybeOptions?: Deno.WriteFileOptions, ) { // resolve the file path using the original url because it would be a security issue // to allow the server to select which file path to save the file to if using the // response url const { filePath, options } = resolvePipeToPathParams(filePathOrOptions, maybeOptions, this.#originalUrl); const body = this.#getDownloadBody(); try { const file = await{ write: true, create: true, ...(options ?? {}), }); try { await body.pipeTo(file.writable, { preventClose: true, }); } finally { try { file.close(); } catch { // do nothing } } } catch (err) { await this.#response.body?.cancel(); throw err; }
return filePath; }
/** Pipes the response body through the provided transform. */ pipeThrough<T>(transform: { writable: WritableStream<Uint8Array>; readable: ReadableStream<T>; }): ReadableStream<T> { return this.#getDownloadBody().pipeThrough(transform); }
#getDownloadBody() { const body = this.#downloadResponse.body; if (body == null) { throw new Error("Response had no body."); } return body; }}
export async function makeRequest(state: RequestBuilderState) { if (state.url == null) { throw new Error("You must specify a URL before fetching."); } const timeout = getTimeout(); const response = await fetch(state.url, { body: state.body, cache: state.cache, headers: filterEmptyRecordValues(state.headers), integrity: state.integrity, keepalive: state.keepalive, method: state.method, mode: state.mode, redirect: state.redirect, referrer: state.referrer, referrerPolicy: state.referrerPolicy, signal: timeout?.signal, }); timeout?.clear(); const result = new RequestResult({ response, originalUrl: state.url.toString(), progressBar: getProgressBar(), }); if (!state.noThrow) { result.throwIfNotOk(); } else if (state.noThrow instanceof Array) { if (!state.noThrow.includes(response.status)) { result.throwIfNotOk(); } } return result;
function getProgressBar() { if (state.progressOptions == null || state.progressBarFactory == null) { return undefined; } return state.progressBarFactory(`Download ${state.url}`) .noClear(state.progressOptions.noClear) .kind("bytes") .length(getContentLength());
function getContentLength() { const contentLength = response.headers.get("content-length"); if (contentLength == null) { return undefined; } const length = parseInt(contentLength, 10); return isNaN(length) ? undefined : length; } }
function getTimeout() { if (state.timeout == null) { return undefined; } const controller = new AbortController(); const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => controller.abort(), state.timeout); return { signal: controller.signal, clear() { clearTimeout(timeoutId); }, }; }}
function resolvePipeToPathParams( pathOrOptions: string | URL | PathRef | Deno.WriteFileOptions | undefined, maybeOptions: Deno.WriteFileOptions | undefined, originalUrl: string | URL | undefined,) { let filePath: PathRef | undefined; let options: Deno.WriteFileOptions | undefined; if (typeof pathOrOptions === "string" || pathOrOptions instanceof URL) { filePath = new PathRef(pathOrOptions).resolve(); options = maybeOptions; } else if (pathOrOptions instanceof PathRef) { filePath = pathOrOptions.resolve(); options = maybeOptions; } else if (typeof pathOrOptions === "object") { options = pathOrOptions; } else if (pathOrOptions === undefined) { options = maybeOptions; } if (filePath === undefined) { filePath = new PathRef(getFileNameFromUrlOrThrow(originalUrl)); } else if (filePath.isDir()) { filePath = filePath.join(getFileNameFromUrlOrThrow(originalUrl)); } filePath = filePath.resolve();
return { filePath, options, };
function getFileNameFromUrlOrThrow(url: string | URL | undefined) { const fileName = url == null ? undefined : getFileNameFromUrl(url); if (fileName == null) { throw new Error( "Could not derive the path from the request URL. " + "Please explicitly provide a path.", ); } return fileName; }}