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A module version manager for Deno.
import { App } from "./mod.ts";import { version } from "./version.ts";import { StorageRepository } from "./repository.ts";import { Store } from "./store.ts";import { Config } from "./config.ts";
const defaultConfigFilePath = "dem.json";
enum SubCommandType { Version = "version", Init = "init", Add = "add", Link = "link", Update = "update", Remove = "remove", Unlink = "unlink", Ensure = "ensure", Prune = "prune", Alias = "alias", Unalias = "unalias",}
function isSubCommandType(t: string): t is SubCommandType { const commandTypes = Object.values(SubCommandType) as string[]; return commandTypes.includes(t);}
async function main(args: string[]): Promise<void> { const subCmdType = args[0]; if (!subCmdType) { const subCmdTypes = Object.values(SubCommandType).join(", "); console.error(`sub command must be given: ${subCmdTypes}`); return; } if (!isSubCommandType(subCmdType)) { console.error(`sub command ${subCmdType} does not exist.`); return; }
const repo = new StorageRepository(defaultConfigFilePath);
let config: Config; try { config = await repo.loadConfig(); } catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound)) { console.error(`failed to get config, ${e}`); return; } config = { modules: [], aliases: {}, }; } const store: Store = { config };
const dem = new App(store, repo);
const excludes = ["vendor", "node_modules"]; switch (subCmdType) { case SubCommandType.Version: console.log(`dem: ${version}`); break; case SubCommandType.Init: dem.init(); break; case SubCommandType.Add: dem.addModule(args[1]); break; case SubCommandType.Link: dem.addLink(args[1]); break; case SubCommandType.Update: dem.updateModule(args[1]); break; case SubCommandType.Unlink: dem.removeLink(args[1]); break; case SubCommandType.Remove: dem.removeModule(args[1]); break; case SubCommandType.Ensure: dem.ensure(excludes); break; case SubCommandType.Prune: dem.prune(excludes); break; case SubCommandType.Alias: dem.addAlias(args[1], args[2]); break; case SubCommandType.Unalias: dem.removeAlias(args[1]); break; }}
if (import.meta.main) { let { args } = Deno; if (args[0] === "--") { args = args.slice(1); } main(args);}