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Deno templating engine
'use strict';
import * as path from './deps/path/std/path/mod.ts';import lib from './lib.js';import compiler from './compiler.js';import Environment__export from './environment.js';let Environment = Environment__export.Environment;import precompileGlobal from './precompile-global.js';
function readdirPathsSync(p) { return Deno.readdirSync(p).map(pth =>}
function existsSync(p) { try { Deno.statSync(p); return true; } catch (e) { return false; }}
function match(filename, patterns) { if (!Array.isArray(patterns)) return false; return patterns.some(function (pattern) { return filename.match(pattern) !== null; });}
function precompileString(str, opts) { opts = opts || {}; opts.isString = true; return precompile(str, opts);}
function precompile(input, opts) { // The following options are available: // // * name: name of the template (auto-generated when compiling a directory) // * isString: input is a string, not a file path // * asFunction: generate a callable function // * force: keep compiling on error // * env: the Environment to use (gets extensions and async filters from it) // * include: which file/folders to include (folders are auto-included, files are auto-excluded) // * exclude: which file/folders to exclude (folders are auto-included, files are auto-excluded) // * wrapper: function(templates, opts) {...} // Customize the output format to store the compiled template. // By default, templates are stored in a global variable used by the runtime. // A custom loader will be necessary to load your custom wrapper.
opts = opts || {}; var env = opts.env || new Environment([]); var wrapper = opts.wrapper || precompileGlobal;
var pathStats = existsSync(input) && Deno.statSync(input); var precompiled = []; var templates = [];
function addTemplates(dir) { var files = readdirPathsSync(dir);
for(var i=0; i<files.length; i++) { var filepath = path.join(dir, files[i]); var subpath = filepath.substr(path.join(input, '/').length); var stat = Deno.statSync(filepath);
if(stat && stat.isDirectory()) { subpath += '/'; if (!match(subpath, opts.exclude)) { addTemplates(filepath); } } else if(match(subpath, opts.include)) { templates.push(filepath); } } }
if(opts.isString) { if(! { throw new Error('the "name" option is required when ' + 'compiling a string'); }
precompiled.push( _precompile( input,, env ) ); } else if(pathStats.isFile()) { let decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); precompiled.push( _precompile( decoder.decode(Deno.readFileSync(input)), || input, env ) ); } else if(pathStats.isDirectory()) { addTemplates(input);
for(var i=0; i<templates.length; i++) { var name = templates[i].replace(path.join(input, '/'), '');
try { let decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); precompiled.push( _precompile( decoder.decode(Deno.readFileSync(templates[i])), name, env ) ); } catch(e) { if(opts.force) { // Don't stop generating the output if we're // forcing compilation. console.error(e); } else { throw e; } } } }
return wrapper(precompiled, opts);}
function _precompile(str, name, env) { env = env || new Environment([]);
var asyncFilters = env.asyncFilters; var extensions = env.extensionsList; var template;
name = name.replace(/\\/g, '/');
try { template = compiler.compile(str, asyncFilters, extensions, name, env.opts); } catch(err) { throw lib.prettifyError(name, false, err); }
return { name: name, template: template };}
export default { precompile: precompile, precompileString: precompileString};