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Browser DOM & HTML parser in Deno
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import { CTOR_KEY } from "../constructor-lock.ts";import { HTMLCollection } from "./html-collection.ts";import { NodeList, nodeListMutatorSym } from "./node-list.ts";import { Node, nodesAndTextNodes, NodeType } from "./node.ts";import { Element } from "./element.ts";import { customByClassNameSym, customByTagNameSym,} from "./selectors/custom-api.ts";import { getElementsByClassName } from "./utils.ts";import UtilTypes from "./utils-types.ts";
export class DocumentFragment extends Node { constructor() { super( "#document-fragment", NodeType.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE, null, CTOR_KEY, ); }
get childElementCount(): number { return this._getChildNodesMutator().elementsView().length; }
get children(): HTMLCollection { return this._getChildNodesMutator().elementsView(); }
get firstElementChild(): Element | null { const elements = this._getChildNodesMutator().elementsView(); return elements[0] ?? null; }
get lastElementChild(): Element | null { const elements = this._getChildNodesMutator().elementsView(); return elements[elements.length - 1] ?? null; }
override _shallowClone(): DocumentFragment { return new DocumentFragment(); }
append(...nodes: (Node | string)[]) { const mutator = this._getChildNodesMutator(); mutator.push(...nodesAndTextNodes(nodes, this)); }
prepend(...nodes: (Node | string)[]) { const mutator = this._getChildNodesMutator(); mutator.splice(0, 0, ...nodesAndTextNodes(nodes, this)); }
replaceChildren(...nodes: (Node | string)[]) { const mutator = this._getChildNodesMutator();
// Remove all current child nodes for (const child of this.childNodes) { child._setParent(null); } mutator.splice(0, this.childNodes.length);
// Add new children mutator.splice(0, 0, ...nodesAndTextNodes(nodes, this)); }
// TODO: DRY!!! getElementById(id: string): Element | null { for (const child of this.childNodes) { if (child.nodeType === NodeType.ELEMENT_NODE) { if ((<Element> child).id === id) { return <Element> child; }
const search = (<Element> child).getElementById(id); if (search) { return search; } } }
return null; }
querySelector(selectors: string): Element | null { if (!this.ownerDocument) { throw new Error("DocumentFragment must have an owner document"); }
return this.ownerDocument!._nwapi.first(selectors, this as any as Element); }
querySelectorAll(selectors: string): NodeList { if (!this.ownerDocument) { throw new Error("DocumentFragment must have an owner document"); }
const nodeList = new NodeList(); const mutator = nodeList[nodeListMutatorSym](); mutator.push( ...this.ownerDocument!, this as any as Element), );
return nodeList; }}
UtilTypes.DocumentFragment = DocumentFragment;
// Add required methods just for Sizzle.js selector to work on// DocumentFragment'sfunction documentFragmentGetElementsByTagName( this: DocumentFragment, tagName: string,): Node[] { const search: Node[] = [];
if (tagName === "*") { return documentFragmentGetElementsByTagNameWildcard(this, search); }
for (const child of this.childNodes) { if (child.nodeType === NodeType.ELEMENT_NODE) { if ((<Element> child).tagName === tagName) { search.push(child); }
(<Element> child)._getElementsByTagName(tagName, search); } }
return search;}
function documentFragmentGetElementsByClassName( this: DocumentFragment, className: string,) { return getElementsByClassName(this, className, []);}
function documentFragmentGetElementsByTagNameWildcard( fragment: DocumentFragment, search: Node[],): Node[] { for (const child of fragment.childNodes) { if (child.nodeType === NodeType.ELEMENT_NODE) { search.push(child); (<Element> child)._getElementsByTagNameWildcard(search); } }
return search;}
(DocumentFragment as any).prototype[customByTagNameSym] = documentFragmentGetElementsByTagName;(DocumentFragment as any).prototype[customByClassNameSym] = documentFragmentGetElementsByClassName;