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Browser DOM & HTML parser in Deno
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import { Node } from "../node.ts";import { Element } from "../element.ts";import { Document } from "../document.ts";import { DocumentFragment } from "../document-fragment.ts";import { getElementAttributesString, getOuterOrInnerHtml } from "../utils.ts";import { fragmentNodesFromString } from "../../deserialize.ts";import { CTOR_KEY } from "../../constructor-lock.ts";
export class HTMLTemplateElement extends Element { /** * This blocks access to the .#contents property when the * super() constructor is running which invokes (our * overridden) _setParent() method. Without it, we get * the following error thrown: * * TypeError: Cannot read private member #content from * an object whose class did not declare it * * FIXME: Maybe find a cleaner way to do this */ private __contentIsSet = false; #content: DocumentFragment | null = null;
constructor( parentNode: Node | null, attributes: [string, string][], key: typeof CTOR_KEY, content: DocumentFragment, ) { super( "TEMPLATE", parentNode, attributes, key, );
this.#content = content; this.__contentIsSet = true; }
get content(): DocumentFragment { return this.#content!; }
override _setOwnerDocument(document: Document | null) { super._setOwnerDocument(document);
if (this.__contentIsSet) { this.content._setOwnerDocument(document); } }
override _shallowClone(): HTMLTemplateElement { const frag = new DocumentFragment(); const attributes = this .getAttributeNames() .map((name) => [name, this.getAttribute(name)!] as [string, string]); return new HTMLTemplateElement(null, attributes, CTOR_KEY, frag); }
override cloneNode(deep = false): HTMLTemplateElement { const newNode = super.cloneNode(deep) as HTMLTemplateElement;
if (deep) { const destContent = newNode.content; for (const child of this.content.childNodes) { destContent.appendChild(child.cloneNode(deep)); } }
return newNode; }
get innerHTML(): string { return getOuterOrInnerHtml(this, false); }
// Replace children in the `.content` set innerHTML(html: string) { const content = this.content;
// Remove all children for (const child of content.childNodes) { child._setParent(null); }
const mutator = content._getChildNodesMutator(); mutator.splice(0, content.childNodes.length);
// Parse HTML into new children if (html.length) { const parsed = fragmentNodesFromString(html, this.localName); mutator.push(...parsed.childNodes[0].childNodes);
for (const child of content.childNodes) { child._setParent(content); child._setOwnerDocument(content.ownerDocument); } } }
get outerHTML(): string { return `<template${ getElementAttributesString(this) }>${this.innerHTML}</template>`; }}