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deno module

The deno-slack-data-mapper is a Deno library, which provides a greatly handy way to manage data using Slack’s next-generation hosting platform datastores.

The underlying datastore APIs are simple and easy enough to use. However, building a DynamoDB-syntax query can sometimes be bothersome, especially when having many arguments.

This library brings the following benefits to developers:

Expression Builder

No need to learn the DynamoDB syntax anymore! With this library, you can build a complex query with and/or parts intuitively.

Type-safety for Quries and Put Operations

Your put operations and queries will be validated by the TypeScript compiler based on your DefineDatastore’s metadata.

Type-safe Response Data Access

The item / items in datastore operation responses provide type-safe access to their attributes by leveraging your DefineDatastore’s metadata.

Getting Started

Once you define a datastore table and its list of properties, your code is ready to use the data mapper. The complete project is available under ./examples directory.


Here is a simple datastore definition:

import { DefineDatastore, Schema } from "deno-slack-sdk/mod.ts";

// The datastore definition
export const Surveys = DefineDatastore({
  name: "surveys",
  // The primary key's type must be a string
  primary_key: "id",
  attributes: {
    // Highly recommend having `required: true` when the attribute is required for better type resolution by this library
    id: { type: Schema.types.string, required: true },
    title: { type: Schema.types.string, required: true },
    question: { type: Schema.types.string }, // optional
    maxParticipants: { type: Schema.types.number }, // optional


In your custom function, you can instantiate DataMapper with the above datastore table definition this way: new DataMapper<typeof Surveys.definition>(...).

import { DefineFunction, SlackFunction } from "deno-slack-sdk/mod.ts";
import { DataMapper, Operator } from "../../mod.ts";
import { Surveys } from "../datastores/surveys.ts";

export const def = DefineFunction({
  callback_id: "datastore-demo",
  title: "Datastore demo",
  source_file: "functions/survey_demo.ts",
  input_parameters: { properties: {}, required: [] },
  output_parameters: { properties: {}, required: [] },

export default SlackFunction(def, async ({ client }) => {
  // Instantiate a DataMapper:
  const mapper = new DataMapper<typeof Surveys.definition>({
    logLevel: "DEBUG",
  const creation = await{
    attributes: {
      "id": "1",
      "title": "Good things in our company",
        "Can you share the things you love about our corporate culture?",
      "maxParticipants": 10,
  console.log(`creation result 1: ${JSON.stringify(creation, null, 2)}`);
  if (creation.error) {
    return { error: `Failed to create a record - ${creation.error}` };
  const creation2 = await{
    attributes: {
      "id": "2",
      "title": "Project ideas",
        "Can you share interesting ideas for our future growth? Any crazy ideas are welcomed!",
      "maxParticipants": 150,
  console.log(`creation result 2: ${JSON.stringify(creation2, null, 2)}`);

  const results = await mapper.findById({ id: "1" });
  console.log(`query result 1 (findById): ${JSON.stringify(results, null, 2)}`);
  if (results.error) {
    return { error: `Failed to find a record by ID - ${results.error}` };

  // Type-safe access to the item properties
  const id: string =;
  const title: string = results.item.title;
  const maxParticipants: number | undefined = results.item.maxParticipants;
    `id: ${id}, title: ${title}, maxParticipants: ${maxParticipants}`,

  const results2 = await mapper.findAllBy({
    where: { title: "Project ideas" },
  // {
  //   "expression": "#tt0k11 = :tt0k11",
  //   "attributes": {
  //     "#tt0k11": "title"
  //   },
  //   "values": {
  //     ":tt0k11": "Project ideas"
  //   }
  // }
    `query result 2 (findAllBy + simple '=' query): ${
      JSON.stringify(results2, null, 2)
  if (results2.error) {
    return { error: `Failed to find records - ${results2.error}` };

  const results3 = await mapper.findAllBy({
    where: {
      maxParticipants: {
        value: 100,
        operator: Operator.GreaterThan,
  // {
  //   "expression": "#e3oad1 > :e3oad1",
  //   "attributes": {
  //     "#e3oad1": "maxParticipants"
  //   },
  //   "values": {
  //     ":e3oad1": 100
  //   }
  // }
    `query result 3 (findAllBy + '>' query): ${
      JSON.stringify(results3, null, 2)
  if (results3.error) {
    return { error: `Failed to find records - ${results3.error}` };

  const results4 = await mapper.findAllBy({
    where: {
      maxParticipants: {
        value: [100, 300],
        operator: Operator.Between,
  // {
  //   "expression": "#z5i0h1 between :z5i0h10 and :z5i0h11",
  //   "attributes": {
  //     "#z5i0h1": "maxParticipants"
  //   },
  //   "values": {
  //     ":z5i0h10": 100,
  //     ":z5i0h11": 300
  //   }
  // }
    `query result 4 (findAllBy + 'between ? and ?' query): ${
      JSON.stringify(results4, null, 2)
  if (results4.error) {
    return { error: `Failed to find records - ${results4.error}` };

  const results5 = await mapper.findAllBy({
    where: {
      or: [
        { maxParticipants: { value: [100, 300], operator: Operator.Between } },
          and: [
            { id: "1" },
            { title: { value: "Good things", operator: Operator.BeginsWith } },
  // {
  //   "expression": "(#nrdak1 between :nrdak10 and :nrdak11) or ((#v1ec82 = :v1ec82) and (begins_with(#xu2ie3, :xu2ie3)))",
  //   "attributes": {
  //     "#nrdak1": "maxParticipants",
  //     "#v1ec82": "id",
  //     "#xu2ie3": "title"
  //   },
  //   "values": {
  //     ":nrdak10": 100,
  //     ":nrdak11": 300,
  //     ":v1ec82": "1",
  //     ":xu2ie3": "Good things"
  //   }
  // }
    `query result 5 (findAllBy + '(between ? and ?) or (id = ?)' query): ${
      JSON.stringify(results5, null, 2)
  if (results5.error) {
    return { error: `Failed to find records - ${results5.error}` };

  const modification = await{
    attributes: {
      "id": "1",
      "title": "Good things in our company",
      "maxParticipants": 20,
  console.log(`modification result: ${JSON.stringify(modification, null, 2)}`);
  if (modification.error) {
    return { error: `Failed to update a record - ${modification.error}` };

  const deletion = await mapper.deleteById({ id: "1" });
  console.log(`deletion result 1: ${JSON.stringify(deletion, null, 2)}`);
  if (deletion.error) {
    return { error: `Failed to delete a record - ${deletion.error}` };
  const deletion2 = await mapper.deleteById({ id: "2" });
  console.log(`deletion result 2: ${JSON.stringify(deletion, null, 2)}`);
  if (deletion2.error) {
    return { error: `Failed to delete a record - ${deletion2.error}` };

  return { outputs: {} };


import { DefineWorkflow } from "deno-slack-sdk/mod.ts";
import { def as Demo } from "../functions/survey_demo.ts";

export const workflow = DefineWorkflow({
  callback_id: "data-mapper-demo-workflow",
  title: "Data Mapper Demo Workflow",
  input_parameters: { properties: {}, required: [] },

workflow.addStep(Demo, {});


import { Manifest } from "deno-slack-sdk/mod.ts";
import { Surveys } from "./datastores/surveys.ts";
import { workflow as SurveyDemo } from "./workflows/survey_demo.ts";

export default Manifest({
  name: "data-mapper-examples",
  description: "Data Mapper Example App",
  icon: "assets/default_new_app_icon.png",
  datastores: [Surveys],
  workflows: [SurveyDemo],
  outgoingDomains: [],
  botScopes: [


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