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Helper library implementing the contract between the Slack CLI and Slack application SDKs
import { ensureDir, getProtocolInterface, parseCLIArguments, path,} from "./deps.ts";import type { Protocol } from "./deps.ts";import { cleanManifest, getManifest } from "./get_manifest.ts";import { validateManifestFunctions } from "./utilities.ts";import { DenoBundler, EsbuildBundler } from "./bundler/mods.ts";import { BundleError } from "./errors.ts";
export const validateAndCreateFunctions = async ( workingDirectory: string, outputDirectory: string, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any manifest: any, protocol: Protocol,) => { // Ensure functions output directory exists const functionsPath = path.join(outputDirectory, "functions"); await ensureDir(functionsPath);
// Ensure manifest and function userland exists and is valid await validateManifestFunctions( workingDirectory, manifest, );
// Write out functions to disk for (const fnId in manifest.functions) { const fnDef = manifest.functions[fnId]; // For API type functions, there are no function files. if (fnDef.type === "API") { continue; } const fnFilePath = path.join( workingDirectory, fnDef.source_file, ); await createFunctionFile( workingDirectory, outputDirectory, fnId, fnFilePath, protocol, ); }};
async function resolveDenoConfigPath( directory: string = Deno.cwd(),): Promise<string> { for (const name of ["deno.json", "deno.jsonc"]) { const denoConfigPath = path.join(directory, name); try { await Deno.stat(denoConfigPath); return denoConfigPath; } catch (error) { if (!(error instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound)) { throw error; } } } throw new Error( `Could not find a deno.json or deno.jsonc file in the current directory.`, );}
const createFunctionFile = async ( workingDirectory: string, outputDirectory: string, fnId: string, fnFilePath: string, protocol: Protocol,) => { const fnFileRelative = path.join("functions", `${fnId}.js`); const fnBundledPath = path.join(outputDirectory, fnFileRelative);
try { await DenoBundler.bundle({ entrypoint: fnFilePath, outFile: fnBundledPath, }); } catch (denoBundleErr) { if (!(denoBundleErr instanceof BundleError)) { protocol.error(`Error bundling function file "${fnId}" with Deno`); throw denoBundleErr; }
// TODO: once Protocol can handle debug add a debug statement here
try { const bundle = await EsbuildBundler.bundle({ entrypoint: fnFilePath, absWorkingDir: workingDirectory, configPath: await resolveDenoConfigPath(workingDirectory), }); await Deno.writeFile(fnBundledPath, bundle); } catch (esbuildError) { protocol.error(`Error bundling function file "${fnId}" with esbuild`); throw esbuildError; } }};
/** * Recursively deletes the specified directory. * * @param directoryPath the directory to delete * @returns true when the directory is deleted or throws unexpected errors */async function removeDirectory(directoryPath: string): Promise<boolean> { try { await Deno.remove(directoryPath, { recursive: true }); return true; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { return false; }
throw err; }}
if (import.meta.main) { const protocol = getProtocolInterface(Deno.args);
// Massage source and output directories let { source, output } = parseCLIArguments(Deno.args); if (!output) output = "dist"; const outputDirectory = path.isAbsolute(output) ? output : path.join(Deno.cwd(), output);
// Clean output dir prior to build await removeDirectory(outputDirectory);
const workingDirectory = path.isAbsolute(source || "") ? source : path.join(Deno.cwd(), source || "");
const generatedManifest = await getManifest(Deno.cwd()); await validateAndCreateFunctions( workingDirectory, outputDirectory, generatedManifest, protocol, ); const prunedManifest = cleanManifest(generatedManifest); const manifestPath = path.join(outputDirectory, "manifest.json"); await Deno.writeTextFile( manifestPath, JSON.stringify(prunedManifest, null, 2), );}