get current weather by city name, state and country code
Current version released
4 years ago
get current weather by city name, state and country code
use ISO 3166 country codes for city name, state and country code, divided by comma
import { getWeather } from "https://deno.land/x/deno-weather@v0.1.0/mod.ts";
const weather = await getWeather("hong kong");
console.log("weather = ", weather);
// weather
coord: { lon: 114.16, lat: 22.29 },
weather: [ { id: 500, main: "Rain", description: "light rain", icon: "10n" } ],
base: "stations",
main: {
temp: 300.1,
feels_like: 303.3,
temp_min: 299.26,
temp_max: 300.93,
pressure: 1006,
humidity: 83
wind: { speed: 3.58, deg: 130 },
rain: { 1h: 0.51 },
clouds: { all: 0 },
dt: 1589903401,
sys: { type: 3, id: 47808, country: "HK", sunrise: 1589838130, sunset: 1589885866 },
timezone: 28800,
id: 1819729,
name: "Hong Kong",
cod: 200