get current weather by city name, state and country code
Current version released
4 years ago
get current weather by city name, state and country code
use ISO 3166 country codes for city name, state and country code, divided by comma
import { getWeather } from "https://deno.land/x/deno_weather/mod.ts";
import { getWeather } from "https://denopkg.com/yeukfei02/deno-weather/mod.ts";
const weather = await getWeather("london, uk");
console.log("weather = ", weather);
// weather json
coord: { lon: -0.13, lat: 51.51 },
weather: [ { id: 800, main: "Clear", description: "clear sky", icon: "01d" } ],
base: "stations",
main: {
temp: 289.64,
feels_like: 288.73,
temp_min: 287.59,
temp_max: 290.93,
pressure: 1021,
humidity: 67
visibility: 10000,
wind: { speed: 1.5 },
clouds: { all: 9 },
dt: 1589956771,
sys: { type: 1, id: 1414, country: "GB", sunrise: 1589947279, sunset: 1590004386 },
timezone: 3600,
id: 2643743,
name: "London",
cod: 200
const weather = await getWeather("london, uk", "xml");
console.log("weather = ", weather);
// weather xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<city id="2643743" name="London">
<coord lon="-0.13" lat="51.51"></coord>
<sun rise="2020-05-20T04:01:19" set="2020-05-20T19:53:06"></sun>
<temperature value="289.64" min="287.59" max="290.93" unit="kelvin"></temperature>
<feels_like value="288.73" unit="kelvin"></feels_like>
<humidity value="67" unit="%"></humidity>
<pressure value="1021" unit="hPa"></pressure>
<speed value="1.5" unit="m/s" name="Calm"></speed>
<clouds value="9" name="clear sky"></clouds>
<visibility value="10000"></visibility>
<precipitation mode="no"></precipitation>
<weather number="800" value="clear sky" icon="01d"></weather>
<lastupdate value="2020-05-20T06:39:31"></lastupdate>