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📚 Standard module for denops.vim
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import * as denopsStd from "";

A module to provide accessors of Neovim native options.

import { Denops } from "../../mod.ts";
import * as nvimOp from "../../option/nvim/mod.ts";

export async function main(denops: Denops): Promise<void> {
  // nvimOp has options only exist in Neovim
  console.log(await nvimOp.shada.get(denops));


channel connected to the buffer, or 0 if no channel is connected. In a :terminal buffer this is the terminal channel. Read-only.

When nonempty, shows the effects of :substitute, :smagic, :snomagic and user commands with the :command-preview flag as you type.

List of words that change the behavior of the jumplist. stack Make the jumplist behave like the tagstack or like a web browser. Relative location of entries in the jumplist is preserved at the cost of discarding subsequent entries when navigating backwards in the jumplist and then jumping to a location. jumplist-stack

This option controls the number of lines / columns to scroll by when scrolling with a mouse. The option is a comma separated list of parts. Each part consists of a direction and a count as follows: direction:count,direction:count Direction is one of either "hor" or "ver". "hor" controls horizontal scrolling and "ver" controls vertical scrolling. Count sets the amount to scroll by for the given direction, it should be a non negative integer. Each direction should be set at most once. If a direction is omitted, a default value is used (6 for horizontal scrolling and 3 for vertical scrolling). You can disable mouse scrolling by using a count of 0.

Enables pseudo-transparency for the popup-menu. Valid values are in the range of 0 for fully opaque popupmenu (disabled) to 100 for fully transparent background. Values between 0-30 are typically most useful.

Flags to change the way redrawing works, for debugging purposes. Most useful with 'writedelay' set to some reasonable value. Supports the following flags: compositor Indicate what redraws come from the compositor by briefly flashing the redrawn regions in colors indicating the redraw type. These are the highlight groups used (and their default colors): RedrawDebugNormal gui=reverse normal redraw passed through RedrawDebugClear guibg=Yellow clear event passed through RedrawDebugComposed guibg=Green redraw event modified by the compositor (due to overlapping grids, etc) RedrawDebugRecompose guibg=Red redraw generated by the compositor itself, due to a grid being moved or deleted. nothrottle Turn off throttling of the message grid. This is an optimization that joins many small scrolls to one larger scroll when drawing the message area (with 'display' msgsep flag active). invalid Enable stricter checking (abort) of inconsistencies of the internal screen state. This is mostly useful when running nvim inside a debugger (and the test suite). nodelta Send all internally redrawn cells to the UI, even if they are unchanged from the already displayed state.

Maximum number of lines kept beyond the visible screen. Lines at the top are deleted if new lines exceed this limit. Minimum is 1, maximum is 100000. Only in terminal buffers.

When non-empty, the shada file is read upon startup and written when exiting Vim (see shada-file). The string should be a comma- separated list of parameters, each consisting of a single character identifying the particular parameter, followed by a number or string which specifies the value of that parameter. If a particular character is left out, then the default value is used for that parameter. The following is a list of the identifying characters and the effect of their value. CHAR VALUE

When non-empty, overrides the file name used for shada (viminfo). When equal to "NONE" no shada file will be read or written. This option can be set with the -i command line flag. The --clean command line flag sets it to "NONE". This option cannot be set from a modeline or in the sandbox, for security reasons.

A comma-separated list of options for specifying control characters to be removed from the text pasted into the terminal window. The supported values are:

When non-empty, this option enables the window bar and determines its contents. The window bar is a bar that's shown at the top of every window with it enabled. The value of 'winbar' is evaluated like with 'statusline'.

Enables pseudo-transparency for a floating window. Valid values are in the range of 0 for fully opaque window (disabled) to 100 for fully transparent background. Values between 0-30 are typically most useful.

Window-local highlights. Comma-delimited list of highlight group-name pairs "{hl-from}:{hl-to},..." where each {hl-from} is a highlight-groups item to be overridden by {hl-to} group in the window.