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📚 Standard module for denops.vim
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variable winhighlight
import { winhighlight } from "";

Window-local highlights. Comma-delimited list of highlight group-name pairs "{hl-from}:{hl-to},..." where each {hl-from} is a highlight-groups item to be overridden by {hl-to} group in the window.

Note: highlight namespaces take precedence over 'winhighlight'. See nvim_win_set_hl_ns() and nvim_set_hl().

Highlights of vertical separators are determined by the window to the left of the separator. The 'tabline' highlight of a tabpage is decided by the last-focused window of the tabpage. Highlights of the popupmenu are determined by the current window. Highlights in the message area cannot be overridden.

Example: show a different color for non-current windows:

set winhighlight=Normal:MyNormal,NormalNC:MyNormalNC

(default empty)