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📚 Standard module for denops.vim
function open
import { open } from "";

Open a bufname buffer with given options on the current window

import type { Entrypoint } from "";
import { open } from "";

export const main: Entrypoint = async (denops) => {
  // Open ``
  // Same as `:edit`
  await open(denops, "");

  // Open `LICENSE` with given options
  // Same as `:keepjumps keepalt edit ++enc=sjis ++ff=dos LICENSE`
  await open(denops, "LICENSE", {
    mods: "keepjumps keepalt",
    cmdarg: "++enc=sjis ++ff=dos",

Use split, vsplit, tabedit, pedit, or whatever in opener attribute of the option like:

import type { Entrypoint } from "";
import { open } from "";

export const main: Entrypoint = async (denops) => {
  await open(denops, "", { opener: "split" });

Use a result value if you need window id, buffer number, window number, or tabpage number like:

import type { Entrypoint } from "";
import { open } from "";

export const main: Entrypoint = async (denops) => {
  const info = await open(denops, "");
  console.log("winid:", info.winid);
  console.log("bufnr:", info.bufnr);
  console.log("winnr:", info.winnr);
  console.log("tabpagenr:", info.tabpagenr);


denops: Denops
bufname: string
options: OpenOptions = [UNSUPPORTED]