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Fast web framework for Deno (support native HTTP/2 Hyper and std/http).
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import { THandler, THandlers, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, NextFunction, TBody, DeroConfig, PondOptions} from "./types.ts";import { parseurl, parsequery, depError, findFns, modPath, toPathx} from "./utils.ts";import { Server, serveTLS, serve, readerFromStreamReader} from "./deps.ts";import Router from "./router.ts";
const JSON_TYPE_CHARSET = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
async function withPromise(handler: Promise<THandler>, req: HttpRequest, _res: HttpResponse, next: NextFunction, isDepError: boolean = false) { try { let ret = await handler; if (ret === void 0) return; req.pond(ret); } catch (err) { if (isDepError) depError(err, req); else next(err); }}
export function addControllers(controllers: { new(...args: any): {} }[]) { let arr = [] as any[]; if (Array.isArray(controllers)) { let i = 0, len = controllers.length; for (; i < len; i++) { const el = new controllers[i](); arr.push(el); } } return arr;}export class Dero< Req extends HttpRequest = HttpRequest, Res extends HttpResponse = HttpResponse > extends Router<Req, Res> { #parseQuery: (query: string) => any; #parseUrl: (req: Req) => any; #nativeHttp: boolean; constructor() { super(); this.#parseUrl = parseurl; this.#nativeHttp = false; this.#parseQuery = parsequery; } config(opts: DeroConfig) { if (opts.useParseUrl) this.#parseUrl = opts.useParseUrl; if (opts.useNativeHttp) this.#nativeHttp = opts.useNativeHttp; if (opts.useParseQuery) this.#parseQuery = opts.useParseQuery; return this; } #onError = (err: any, req: Req, res: Res, next: NextFunction) => depError(err, req); #onNotFound = (req: Req, res: Res, next: NextFunction) => { req.pond({ statusCode: 404, message: `Route ${req.method}${req.originalUrl} not found` }, { status: 404 }); } #addRoutes = (arg: string, args: any[], routes: any[]) => { let prefix = '', midds = findFns(args), i = 0, len = routes.length; if (typeof arg === 'string' && arg.length > 1 && arg.charAt(0) === '/') prefix = arg; for (; i < len; i++) { let el = routes[i]; if (el.opts) el.handlers = [el.opts].concat(midds, el.handlers); else el.handlers = midds.concat(el.handlers); this.on(el.method, prefix + el.path, ...el.handlers); } } onNotfound(notFoundFunction: THandler<Req, Res>) { this.#onNotFound = notFoundFunction; } onError(errorFunction: (err: any, req: Req, res: Res, next: NextFunction) => any) { this.#onError = (err: any, req: Req, res: Res, next: NextFunction) => { let ret; try { ret = errorFunction(err, req, res, next); } catch (err) { return depError(err, req); } if (ret) { if (typeof ret.then === 'function') { return withPromise(ret, req, res, next, true); } req.pond(ret); }; }; } use(prefix: string, routers: Router[]): this; use(prefix: string, router: Router): this; use(router: Router): this; use(router: Router[]): this; use(middleware: THandler<Req, Res>, routers: Router[]): this; use(middleware: THandler<Req, Res>, router: Router): this; use(...middlewares: THandlers<Req, Res>): this; use(prefix: string, middleware: THandler<Req, Res>, routers: Router[]): this; use(prefix: string, middleware: THandler<Req, Res>, router: Router): this; use(prefix: string, middleware: THandler<Req, Res>): this; use(prefix: string, ...middlewares: THandlers<Req, Res>): this; use(...args: any): this; use(...args: any) { let arg = args[0], larg = args[args.length - 1], len = args.length; if (len === 1 && typeof arg === 'function') this.midds.push(arg); else if (typeof arg === 'string' && typeof larg === 'function') { if (arg === '/' || arg === '') this.midds = this.midds.concat(findFns(args)); else this.pmidds[arg] = [modPath(arg)].concat(findFns(args)); } else if (typeof larg === 'object' && larg.c_routes) this.#addRoutes(arg, args, larg.c_routes); else if (Array.isArray(larg)) { let el: any, i = 0, len = larg.length; for (; i < len; i++) { el = larg[i]; if (typeof el === 'object' && el.c_routes) this.#addRoutes(arg, args, el.c_routes); else if (typeof el === 'function') this.midds.push(el); }; } else this.midds = this.midds.concat(findFns(args)); return this; } on(method: string, path: string, ...handlers: THandlers<Req, Res>): this { let fns = findFns(handlers); let opts = typeof handlers[0] === 'object' ? handlers[0] : {}; let obj = toPathx(path, method === 'ANY'); if (obj !== void 0) { if (obj.key) { this.route[method + obj.key] = { params: obj.params, handlers: fns, opts }; } else { if (this.route[method] === void 0) this.route[method] = []; this.route[method].push({ ...obj, handlers: fns, opts }); } } else this.route[method + path] = { handlers: fns, opts }; return this; } lookup(req: Req, res = {} as Res) { let url = this.#parseUrl(req), obj = this.findRoute(req.method, url.pathname, this.#onNotFound), i = 0, next: NextFunction = (err?: any) => { if (err === void 0) { let ret; try { ret = obj.handlers[i++](req, res, next); } catch (error) { return next(error); } if (ret) { if (typeof ret.then === 'function') { return withPromise(ret, req, res, next); } return req.pond(ret); }; } else this.#onError(err, req, res, next); }; res.locals = {}; req.originalUrl = req.originalUrl || req.url; req.params = obj.params; req.path = url.pathname; req.query = this.#parseQuery(; =; req.options = obj.opts || {}; req.pond = (body?: TBody | { [k: string]: any } | null, opts: PondOptions = req.options) => { if (opts.headers) opts.headers = new Headers(opts.headers); if (typeof body === 'object') { if (body instanceof Uint8Array || typeof (body as Deno.Reader).read === 'function') { return req.respond({ body: body as TBody, ...opts }); } body = JSON.stringify(body); opts.headers = opts.headers || new Headers(); opts.headers.set("Content-Type", JSON_TYPE_CHARSET); } return req.respond({ body, ...opts }); }; next(); } async listen( opts: number | Deno.ListenOptions | Deno.ListenTlsOptions | { [k: string]: any }, callback?: (err?: Error) => void | Promise<void> ) { let isTls = false; if (typeof opts === 'number') opts = { port: opts }; else if (typeof opts === 'object') isTls = (opts as any).certFile !== void 0; let server = undefined; let isNative = this.#nativeHttp === true && (Deno as any).serveHttp; if (isNative) { server = ( isTls ? Deno.listenTls(opts as Deno.ListenTlsOptions) : Deno.listen(opts as Deno.ListenOptions & { transport?: "tcp" | undefined; }) ) as Deno.Listener; } else { server = ( isTls ? serveTLS(opts as Deno.ListenTlsOptions) : serve(opts as Deno.ListenOptions) ) as Server; } try { if (callback) callback(); if (isNative) { for await (const conn of server) { const httpConn = (Deno as any).serveHttp(conn as Deno.Conn); (async () => { try { for await (const { request, respondWith } of httpConn) { let arr: any = /^(?:\w+\:\/\/)?([^\/]+)(.*)$/.exec(request.url); let readerBody: Deno.Reader | null = null; if (request.body) { readerBody = readerFromStreamReader(request.body.getReader()); } let resp: (res: Response) => void; const promise = new Promise<Response>((ok) => { resp = ok; }); const rw = respondWith(promise); let req = { conn, isHttps: isTls, method: request.method, url: arr[2], body: readerBody, headers: request.headers, respond: ({ body, status, headers }: any) => resp!(new Response(body, { status, headers })) }; this.lookup(req as unknown as Req); await rw; } } catch (error) { } })(); } } else { if (this.#nativeHttp === true) console.log('%o', "will force to std/http"); for await (const req of server) { (req as any).isHttps = isTls; this.lookup(req as unknown as Req); } } } catch (error) { if (callback) callback(error); if (server.close) { try { server.close(); } catch (e) { } } } }}
export const dero = new Dero();