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Up to date Discord API Typings, versioned by the API version
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enum GuildFeature
import { GuildFeature } from "";


AnimatedBanner = "ANIMATED_BANNER"

Guild has access to set an animated guild banner image

AnimatedIcon = "ANIMATED_ICON"

Guild has access to set an animated guild icon

ApplicationCommandPermissionsV2 = "APPLICATION_COMMAND_PERMISSIONS_V2"

Guild is using the old permissions configuration behavior


AutoModeration = "AUTO_MODERATION"

Guild has set up auto moderation rules

Banner = "BANNER"

Guild has access to set a guild banner image

Community = "COMMUNITY"

Guild can enable welcome screen, Membership Screening and discovery, and receives community updates

CreatorMonetizableProvisional = "CREATOR_MONETIZABLE_PROVISIONAL"

Guild has enabled monetization

CreatorStorePage = "CREATOR_STORE_PAGE"

Guild has enabled the role subscription promo page

DeveloperSupportServer = "DEVELOPER_SUPPORT_SERVER"
Discoverable = "DISCOVERABLE"

Guild is able to be discovered in the directory

Featurable = "FEATURABLE"

Guild is able to be featured in the directory

HasDirectoryEntry = "HAS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY"

Guild is listed in a directory channel

Hub = "HUB"
InvitesDisabled = "INVITES_DISABLED"

Guild has disabled invite usage, preventing users from joining

InviteSplash = "INVITE_SPLASH"

Guild has access to set an invite splash background

LinkedToHub = "LINKED_TO_HUB"
MemberVerificationGateEnabled = "MEMBER_VERIFICATION_GATE_ENABLED"

Guild has enabled Membership Screening

MonetizationEnabled = "MONETIZATION_ENABLED"

Guild has enabled monetization

MoreStickers = "MORE_STICKERS"

Guild has increased custom sticker slots

News = "NEWS"

Guild has access to create news channels

Partnered = "PARTNERED"

Guild is partnered

PreviewEnabled = "PREVIEW_ENABLED"

Guild can be previewed before joining via Membership Screening or the directory

PrivateThreads = "PRIVATE_THREADS"

Guild has access to create private threads

RelayEnabled = "RELAY_ENABLED"
RoleIcons = "ROLE_ICONS"

Guild is able to set role icons


Guild has role subscriptions that can be purchased

RoleSubscriptionsEnabled = "ROLE_SUBSCRIPTIONS_ENABLED"

Guild has enabled role subscriptions

TicketedEventsEnabled = "TICKETED_EVENTS_ENABLED"

Guild has enabled ticketed events


Guild has access to set a vanity URL

Verified = "VERIFIED"

Guild is verified


Guild has access to set 384kbps bitrate in voice (previously VIP voice servers)

WelcomeScreenEnabled = "WELCOME_SCREEN_ENABLED"

Guild has enabled the welcome screen