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interface DiscordenoMessage
import { type DiscordenoMessage } from "";


id: bigint
isBot: boolean

Whether or not this message was sent by a bot

tag: string

The username#discrimnator for the user who sent this message

bitfield: bigint

Holds all the boolean toggles.

guildId: bigint

Id of the guild which the massage has been send in. "0n" if it a DM

channelId: bigint

id of the channel the message was sent in

webhookId: bigint

If the message is generated by a webhook, this is the webhook's id

authorId: bigint

The id of the user who sent this message

applicationId: bigint

If the message is a response to an Interaction, this is the id of the interaction's application

content: string

The message content for this message. Empty string if no content was sent like an attachment only.

mentionedUserIds: bigint[]

Ids of users specifically mentioned in the message

mentionedRoleIds: bigint[]

Ids of roles specifically mentioned in this message

mentionedChannelIds: bigint[]

Channels specifically mentioned in this message

timestamp: number

When this message was sent

editedTimestamp: number

When this message was edited (or undefined if never)

attachments: DiscordenoAttachment[]

The attachments uploaded with this message

messageReference: { messageId?: bigint; channelId?: bigint; guildId?: bigint; }

Data showing the source of a crossposted channel follow add, pin or reply message

stickerItems: { id: bigint; name: string; formatType: StickerFormatTypes; }[]

Sent if the message contains stickers

member: DiscordenoMember

Member properties for this message's author Note: The member object exists in MESSAGE_CREATE and MESSAGE_UPDATE events from text-based guild channels. This allows bots to obtain real-time member data without requiring bots to store member state in memory.

embeds: DiscordenoEmbed[]

Any embedded content

reactions: { me: boolean; count: number; emoji: { id?: bigint; name?: string; animated?: boolean; }; }[]

Reactions to the message

nonce: number | string

Used for validating a message was sent

Type of message

activity: { type: MessageActivityTypes; partyId?: string; }

Sent with Rich Presence-related chat embeds

application: Partial<SnakeCasedPropertiesDeep<Application>>

Sent with Rich Presence-related chat embeds

flags: number

Message flags combined as a bitfield

referencedMessage: Message | null

The message associated with the message_reference Note: This field is only returned for messages with a type of 19 (REPLY). If the message is a reply but the referenced_message field is not present, the backend did not attempt to fetch the message that was being replied to, so its state is unknown. If the field exists but is null, the referenced message was deleted.

interaction: { id: bigint; type: InteractionTypes; name: string; user: DiscordenoUser; }

Sent if the message is a response to an Interaction

thread: DiscordenoChannel

The thread that was started from this message, includes thread member object

components: DiscordenoComponent[]

The components related to this message