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a little bit of a framework
import { types as createTypes } from "./list.ts";import { createFile } from "../../util/createFiles.ts";import { join } from "../../import/path.ts";import { brightBlue, gray, green } from "../theme.ts";import { Confirm } from "";import { Command, EnumType,} from "";import { Preset } from "../../src/preset/preset.ts";
/** * Don't let the user accidently override files by asking to continue if the directory isn't empty. * * The process will exit with code 0 if the user does not want to continue. * * @param directory The directory to check against */async function askForEmpty(directory: string): Promise<void> { try { let found = false;
for await (const file of Deno.readDir(directory)) { if (file.isFile) { found = true; break; } }
if (found) { const shouldContinue = await Confirm.prompt( `Directory is not empty. Continue?`, );
if (shouldContinue) { return; } else { Deno.exit(0); } } } catch { void 0; }}
const createType = new EnumType(createTypes);
export const createCommand = new Command() .name("create") .description("Create a new project with a type.") .type("createType", createType) .arguments("<type:createType> [directory:file]") .example("Simple vanilla project", "dite create vanilla") .example("Create svelte project in a directory", "dite create svelte my-app") .option("-b, --barebones", "makes the template barebones.") .action(async ({ barebones }, type, directory = "./") => { // Get the name of the directory (if it's ./, itll be the name of the last directory in the name) const directoryName = directory == "./" ? Deno.cwd().split("/").pop()! : directory;
await askForEmpty(directory);
// Since the user will (most likely) be using the preset anyway, better to import and download all of the dependencies now. const { default: preset } = await import( "../../src/preset/" + type + ".ts" );
const presetData = (preset as Preset)({ barebones });
presetData.files.forEach((file) => createFile(file, directory));
await Deno.writeTextFile( join(directory, "import_map.json"), JSON.stringify( { files: presetData.importMap, }, null, 2, ), );
console.log( `${ green( `Project ${brightBlue(directoryName)} created! ${ barebones ? gray("(barebones)") : "" }`, ) }`, ); });