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a little bit of a framework
import { build } from "../import/esbuild.ts";import { serve } from "../import/http.ts";import { toDiteConfig, UserDiteConfig } from "./diteConfig.ts";import { brightBlue, green, VERSION } from "../cli/theme.ts";import diteEntry from "./esbuild/dite-entry.ts";import importMap from "./esbuild/import-map.ts";
export async function dev(config: UserDiteConfig, quiet = false) { const importMapContent = JSON.parse( await Deno.readTextFile("./import_map.json"), );
const uuid = crypto.randomUUID();
const { port, plugins, entry, extension } = toDiteConfig(config);
await serve(async (request) => { const url = new URL(request.url);
// HOT stream if (url.pathname == "/_dite/hot") { let timer: number; const body = new ReadableStream({ start(controller) { controller.enqueue(`data: ${uuid}\nretry: 100\n\n`); timer = setInterval(() => { controller.enqueue(`data: ${uuid}\n\n`); }, 1000); }, cancel() { clearInterval(timer); }, });
return new Response(body.pipeThrough(new TextEncoderStream()), { headers: { "content-type": "text/event-stream;", }, }); }
// HOT JavaScript listener if (url.pathname == "/_dite/hot-reload.js") { return new Response( `(async () => { let lastData = "";
new EventSource("/_dite/hot").addEventListener("message", e => { if (lastData !== "" && lastData !== { location.reload() } lastData = })})()`, { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/javascript", }, }, ); }
// Serve the entry file entry: { let name = url.pathname;
name = name.replace(/\.js$/, "").replace(/^\//, "");
const location = `./routes/${name}${extension}`;
try { await Deno.stat(location); } catch { break entry; }
const result = await build({ entryPoints: ["dite-entry"], write: false, bundle: true, platform: "browser", plugins: [ diteEntry(entry(location)), importMap(importMapContent), ...plugins, ], outfile: "bundle.js", });
return new Response( new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(result.outputFiles[0].contents), { headers: { "Content-Type": "text/javascript", }, }, ); }
// Route processing route: { let name = url.pathname;
if (name.endsWith("/")) { name += "index.html"; }
name = name.replace(/\.html$/, "").replace(/^\//, "");
const location = `./routes/${name}${extension}`;
try { await Deno.stat(location); } catch { break route; }
return new Response( (await Deno.readTextFile("index.html")).replace( "%head%", '<script src="/_dite/hot-reload.js"></script>', ).replace("%body%", `<script src="/${name}.js"></script>`), { headers: { "Content-Type": "text/html", }, }, ); }
return new Response("404 Not Found", { status: 404, headers: { "Content-Type": "text/plain", }, }); }, { port, onListen: () => { if (!quiet) { console.log(); console.log(` ${brightBlue("Dite")} ${green(VERSION)}`); console.log( ` Listening at ${brightBlue(`http://localhost:${port}`)}.`, ); } }, });}