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Create and verify JSON Web Tokens (JWT) with Deno or the browser.
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import { toUint8Array as convertBase64ToUint8Array } from ""import { addPaddingToBase64url } from ""import makeJwt, { Claims, Jose } from "./create.ts"
interface CritHandlers { [key: string]: (header?: any) => any}
/* * The "alg" (algorithm) Header Parameter identifies the cryptographic * algorithm used to secure the JWS * The 'alg' header MUST be present (JWS §4.1.1) */function checkAlgHeaderParameter( joseHeader: Jose, algorithms: string[]): string { const algorithm = algorithms.find(el => el === joseHeader.alg) if (!algorithm) throw RangeError("no or no matching algorithm in the header") return algorithm}
/* * A present 'crit' header parameter indicates that the JWS signature validator must * understand and process additional claims (JWS §4.1.11) */function checkCritHeaderParameter( joseHeader: Jose, critHandlers: CritHandlers): Promise<any[]> { // prettier-ignore const reservedNames = new Set([ "alg", "jku", "jwk", "kid", "x5u", "x5c", "x5t", "x5t#S256", "typ", "cty", "crit", "enc", "zip", "epk", "apu", "apv", "iv", "tag", "p2s", "p2c", ])
if ( !Array.isArray(joseHeader.crit) || joseHeader.crit.some(str => typeof str !== "string" || !str) ) throw TypeError( '"crit" header parameter must be an array of non-empty strings' ) if (joseHeader.crit.some(str => reservedNames.has(str))) throw Error(`the 'crit' list contains a non-extension header parameter`) const activatedHandlers = joseHeader.crit .filter(str => typeof critHandlers[str] === "function") .map(str => joseHeader => critHandlers[str](joseHeader[str])) if (activatedHandlers.length !== joseHeader.crit.length) throw Error("critical extension header parameters are not understood") return Promise.all( => handler(joseHeader)))}
function handleJoseHeader( joseHeader: Jose, algorithms: string[], critHandlers: CritHandlers): [string, Promise<any[]>] { if (typeof joseHeader !== "object") throw TypeError("the json header is no object") const algorithm: string = checkAlgHeaderParameter(joseHeader, algorithms) const criticalResults: Promise<any[]> = "crit" in joseHeader ? checkCritHeaderParameter(joseHeader, critHandlers) : Promise.resolve([]) return [algorithm, criticalResults]}
function convertUint8ArrayToHex(uint8Array: Uint8Array): string { return uint8Array.reduce( (acc, el) => acc + ("0" + el.toString(16)).slice(-2), "" )}
function parseAndDecodeJwt(jwt: string): any[] { return ( jwt .split(".") // base64 library doesn't add '=' padding back to base64url decoding .map(str => addPaddingToBase64url(str)) .map((str, index) => index === 2 ? convertUint8ArrayToHex(convertBase64ToUint8Array(str)) : JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(convertBase64ToUint8Array(str))) ) )}
function checkIfExpired(exp: number): void { if (new Date(exp) < new Date()) throw RangeError("the jwt is expired")}
function validateJwt( jwt: string, key: string, throwErrors: boolean = true, criticalHandlers: CritHandlers = {}): Promise<any[]> | void { try { if (typeof jwt !== "string" || !jwt.includes(".")) throw Error("wrong type or format") const algorithms: string[] = ["HS256", "HS512", "none"] const [header, payload, signature] = parseAndDecodeJwt(jwt) as [ Jose, Claims, string ] const [algorithm, critResults] = handleJoseHeader( header, algorithms, criticalHandlers ) if (payload && payload.exp) checkIfExpired(payload.exp) const validationSignature = parseAndDecodeJwt( makeJwt(header, payload, key) )[2] if (signature === validationSignature) return critResults throw Error("signatures don't match") } catch (err) { err.message = `Invalid JWT: ${err.message}` if (throwErrors) throw err }}
export default validateJwt