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Drake is a make-like task runner for Deno.
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import { walkSync } from "";import * as path from "";
class DrakeError extends Error { constructor(message?: string) { super(message); = "DrakeError"; }}
/** Throw `DrakeError` with error message to terminate execution. */export function abort(message: string): void { throw new DrakeError(message);}
/** * Quote string array values with double-quotes then join them with a separator. * Double-quote characters are escaped with a backspace. * The separator defaults to a space character. */export function quote(values: string[], sep: string = " "): string { values = => `"${value.replace(/"/g, '\\"')}"`); return values.join(sep);}
/** Read the entire contents of a file synchronously to a UTF-8 string. */export function readFile(filename: string): string { return new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(Deno.readFileSync(filename));}
/* Write text to a file synchronously. If the file exists it will be overwritten. */export function writeFile(filename: string, text: string): void { Deno.writeFileSync(filename, new TextEncoder().encode(text));}
/** Find and replace in text file synchronously. */export function updateFile( filename: string, find: RegExp, replace: string): void { writeFile(filename, readFile(filename).replace(find, replace));}
/** * Return true if `name` is a normal task name. Normal task names contain one or more alphanumeric, * underscore and hyphen characters and cannot start with a hyphen. * * isNormalTask("hello-world") // true * isNormalTask("io.ts") // false * isNormalTask("./hello-world") // false * */export function isNormalTask(name: string): boolean { return /^\w[\w-]*$/.test(name);}
/** * Return true if `name` is a file task name. File task names are valid file paths. * * isFileTask("io.ts") // true * isFileTask("hello-world") // false * isFileTask("./hello-world") // true * */export function isFileTask(name: string): boolean { return !isNormalTask(name);}
/** * The path name is normalized and the relative path names are guaranteed to start with a `.` * character (to distinguish them from non-file task names). * * normalizePath("hello-world") // "./hello-world" * normalizePath("lib/io.ts") // "./lib/io.ts" */export function normalizePath(name: string): string { name = path.normalize(name); if (!path.isAbsolute(name)) { if (!name.startsWith(".")) { name = "." + path.sep + name; } } return name;}
/** Normalise Drake task name. Throw an error if the name is blank or it contains wildcard * characters. */export function normalizeTaskName(name: string): string { name = name.trim(); if (name === "") { abort("blank task name"); } if (path.isGlob(name)) { abort(`wildcard task name not allowed: ${name}`); } if (isFileTask(name)) { name = normalizePath(name); } return name;}
/** * Return a list prerequisite task names. * Globs are expanded and path names are normalized. */export function normalizePrereqs(prereqs: string[]): string[] { const result: string[] = []; for (let prereq of prereqs) { prereq = prereq.trim(); if (prereq === "") { abort("blank prerequisite name"); } if (!isFileTask(prereq)) { result.push(prereq); } else if (path.isGlob(prereq)) { result.push(...glob(prereq)); } else { result.push(normalizePath(prereq)); } } return result;}
/** * Return array of normalized file names matching the glob patterns. * e.g. `glob("tmp/*.ts", "lib/*.ts", "mod.ts");` */export function glob(...patterns: string[]): string[] { const regexps = => path.globToRegExp(path.normalize(pat))); const iter = walkSync(".", { match: regexps, includeDirs: false }); return Array.from(iter, info => normalizePath(info.filename));}
/** Start shell command and return status promise. */function launch(command: string): Promise<Deno.ProcessStatus> { let args: string[]; const shellVar = === "win" ? "COMSPEC" : "SHELL"; const shellExe = Deno.env(shellVar) as string; if (!shellExe) { abort(`cannot locate shell: missing ${shellVar} environment variable`); } if ( === "win") { args = [shellExe, "/C", command]; } else { args = [shellExe, "-c", command]; } // create subprocess const p ={ args: args, stdout: "inherit" }); return p.status();}
/** * Execute commands in the command shell. * If `commands` is a string execute it. * If `commands` is an array of commands execute them in parallel. * If any command fails throw an error. */export async function sh(commands: string | string[]) { if (typeof commands === "string") { commands = [commands]; } const promises = []; for (const cmd of commands) { promises.push(launch(cmd)); } const results = await Promise.all(promises); for (const i in results) { const cmd = commands[i]; const code = results[i].code; if (code === undefined) { abort(`sh: ${cmd}: undefined exit code`); } if (code !== 0) { abort(`sh: ${cmd}: error code: ${code}`); } }}